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Everything posted by GoSox05

  1. The Council on American–Islamic Relations is a pro-Islamist group? Huge if true. What next the Anti-Defamation League being pro-Jewish.
  2. It's an attitude of you work for the Democratic party, they don't work for you. They do it because they know we have no other option. The other party went over the cliff. So they can guilt people into voting for them and also use it as an excuse when they lose. This is how we get to young people are just entitled brats and not how do we help young people and give them a reason to vote for us. Poor people are just lazy and that's why they don't vote instead of what can we do to make their lives better. A lot of people don't vote because they don't feel like anything will change if either party wins. There are so many votes that the Democrats could turn out with better messaging. Instead they are trying to convert the 30 independent moderate Republicans, who claim independence but vote R 95% of the time.
  3. I love voter shaming. If you don't like our garbage candidates then you are entitled. Not, maybe we should give people something to vote for. I mean it's worked so well over the past 8 years.
  4. This is what I expected, but it's still disgusting. Also, this is why MBS did this, cause he knows we aren't going to do anything to him. History is not going to look kindly on us or the Saudis with regards to Yemen. It's genocide.
  5. So, he says a few things that are not pc, like the time he told a fellow member of congress he wouldn't rape her because she didn't deserve it. Very normal thing to say. Just traditional values. Living under a fascist regime to own the libs.
  6. I'm sure he does after he wins. Other Republicans and U.S business leaders will as well. They have supported every other fascist or military dictatorship in South America.
  7. It is going to be funny when he spends like 300 million of his own money in the primary to finish like 7th. Then he will probably just endorse Trump when some progressive wins the primary.
  8. Saudi Arabia has either killer or kidnapped a U.S resident and journalist in a NATO country. Israel has detained an American citizen for protesting or just past protesting. Something a normal country does. Brazil is on the brink of becoming a fascist country. Is Trump going to say anything about these issues? Has he even brought them up? I know he has talked numerous times about "paid protesters" and the failing New York times, but I haven't really heard him mention anything about these issues.
  9. Scary situation in Brazil. It's going to be pretty disgusting to watch American politicians celebrate his victory and support him.
  10. It's not that they would be worse, it's that they won't win.
  11. Well I consider a degree to be a English teacher to be useful.
  12. Bloomberg re-registers as a Democrat, saying the party must provide 'checks and balances' Bloomberg/Booker ticket! Let's go. We are all going to die.
  13. Legalized marijuana in Michigan would be cool.
  14. I can't believe you turned your back on Martin O'Malley.
  15. Listen, I would make so many deals. The best deals.
  16. This is getting a little off topic, but I worry about a society that only views things in a positive way if they are "economically useful". You should go to school for what you are passionate about and what makes you happy. There will be a use for it somewhere.
  17. America will be over! What did it in? Affordable college and higher wages. America has a hard time evolving because people treat the founding fathers like gods. Nothing they did can ever be changed, even when it is archaic. The founding fathers themselves weren't sure what was going to happen and they knew that things would need to change over time, that is why they made it so things could be added and changed. Also, they were far from perfect people.
  18. While it's good that Nikki Haley is gone, with Trump it's always the next person is worse.
  19. Just mentioned a couple other states with larger populations that's all. How much time on a presidential campaign as it is right now is spent campaigning in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho, North and South Dakota? Did Trump or Clinton go to any of those states in the campaign? Were they even mentioned? The systems we have in place now doesn't give them equal time and representation, it gives them over representation.
  20. I like that people think you could just go to California and New York to campaign and that's it, you win. As if Ohio, Georgia and Pennsylvania don't have massive populations. Also, California - 55 EC votes - 39,536,653 people Wyoming - 3 EC votes - 579,315 people California should have like 200 EC Votes.
  21. He is also seems to lie a lot, so even if he did say that. Would not surprise me if he was lying.
  22. They will over turn it. They will just sit back and wait for their test case to come across. This is the end game for a very small extreme group of people in this country.
  23. Only thing nice about night games is you can get other things done on Sunday. Also, being a Packers fan in Chicago means they are on national TV so I can watch the game.
  24. This FBI investigation is a joke, it's only to give cover for Jeff Flake and Ben Sasse. They were never not going to vote for him.
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