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Everything posted by BigSqwert

  1. The festering boil, known as Scott Pruitt, has resigned. Quite telling that Trump never fired the guy he appointed who turned out to be stealing, grifting, and screwing over the taxpayers since day one.
  2. My hospital is Valley Medical Center in Renton, Washington. I do not have identity theft concerns by posting that here,
  3. Where is the accountability for this vile man's words? Look at the dates of those two tweets.
  4. Can't believe more people aren't talking about this: Does everything Trump touch have to reek of corruption?
  5. Finally watched the Westworld finale last night. The season ended quite strongly IMO.
  6. I find it hard to believe you didn't even accidentally skim at least one line. It's not like I pasted a wall of text. Whatever you think of the source, what was posted is indisputable fact.
  7. Is there something not factual within the tweet I posted? I didn't think so.
  8. Greatest healthcare system in the world! https://www.vox.com/2018/6/28/17506232/emergency-room-bill-fees-health-insurance-baby
  9. I'm sure spinless, centrist Schumer will bend over backward and be civil throughout this process. Wouldn't want him to employ any of McConnell's tactics to steal a seat.
  10. This is not a big deal to Greg but being asked to leave a restaurant is....
  11. You were silent when the exact same thing happened to Joe Biden. Or maybe I just don't remember you posting about your outrage in here.
  12. People's lives aren't a game to me. That where we have fundamentally different perspectives. If someone took my daughter away for 10 minutes I'd start cracking skulls.
  13. How is publically shaming this administration not within the confines of the system? They should be mocked and ridiculed every time they go out in public and it's completely legal.
  14. I'm sure her boss has called her that to her face at least a few times. He's a standup guy,
  15. It's tough for many of us to sit back and be quiet/polite (read: do nothing) and wait a few years while we are witnessing an escalating number of families, people of color, Muslims, and the LGBTQ community being severely harmed in the last year and a half. It's easy for a bunch of white people not being directly impacted to say "just wait until election time".
  16. And can we alter the title of this thread? I feel guilty thinking of fat jokes every time I see it.
  17. I personally don't even think this line of thinking and action is about votes. GoSox05 posted this article in another thread that gets to the heart of the matter IMO. It's a good read even if you may not agree with the content. One snippet:
  18. I don't think anyone has made that argument but please correct me if I am wrong.
  19. This isn't about ideas that people disagree with. One side is quite literally implementing inhumane practices towards thousands of families. The UN even stated that this is borderline torture.
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