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Everything posted by NorthSideSox72

  1. QUOTE(CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 12:03 PM) Except Furcal. And believe it or not he's got an even better arm. Uh oh. Here we go again. (takes cover, waits for Rock's volley)
  2. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 11:48 AM) You an Iowa Stater? Awesome. I really hope Freddy catches on when he gets better. Yes, I am. Started Fall of '91, graduated May of '96. Used to play a lot of basketball, and I was good enough back then to end up in pickup games (Court 1 ) with some of those guys that went on to play pro ball: Hoiberg, Michalik, Meyer, Thigpen, Bayless, etc. Don't want to wander too off-topic here, but suffice to say that Freddy did a lot of really cool things in his years at ISU. He's just a great human being. I think Hoiberg hit his peak a year or two back when he was the 3-point king, playing for Minnesota. I don't think he will ever get much beyond that in the NBA, though I'd happily eat crow if he does. He deserves it.
  3. I only have met a few pro athletes, but I do have a funny story at the end... Current/former Sox: Frank Thomas: Briefly, at a signing, years ago, seemed nice enough. Carlton Fisk: Again very briefly, seemed like a decent guy. Moose Skowron: Met him watching a game at Old Comiskey, seemed like a fun dude, he was joking around a lot. Tom Seaver: One of my idols as a kid. Met him briefly, shook his hand. Got chills. He had an amazing presence about him. Other ball players: Billy Williams (Cubs): Great guy. Spent some time talking with him at a charity softball thing years ago. As nice a guy as you could meet. Other athletes: Fred Hoiberg (NBA): Actually knew Freddy in college. Great guy all around, truly a classy person. Loren Meyer (NBA): Jerk. Great story involving Braves players: So I was at Wrigley once, many years back, with the family (they are all Cubs fans, except me :headshake ). My sister was a huge Jody Davis fan, from back in his Cub days, and he was a backup C on the Braves at that point. Anyway, Dale Murphy (who was the big Braves name back then) was signing autographs before the game, and my sister and I were trying to get one. She gets in there, Dale Murphy takes the ball from her to sign, and she says "NO! I want Jody's autograph! Can you get it for me?!" The look on his face was priceless. Utter shock, followed by thinly veild contempt. But even better, his teammates and even a couple reporters start laughing and poking fun. "She doesn't want YOUR autograph Dale, she wants JODY's!" This future Hall of Fame nominee, and he's being passed over for the backup catcher. He looks flustered, signs the ball anyway and hands it to my sister, and stomps back into the dugout. Later in the game, someone sent a ball up from the Braves dugout with Jody's autograph on it. I don't think Dale's a bad guy, he just got embarrassed by the situation. But a hilarious moment none the less.
  4. QUOTE(EvilJester99 @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 09:21 AM) I would much rather see the Sox go after Helton than Thome. Helton and his $16M a year contract through 2010, then $19M in 2011 and $23M with buyout in 2012? No thanks. If we can't get Paulie at $13M/year for 4 or 5 years, then I wouldn't want that albatross of a contact over our heads. Thome's contract is almost as big money-wise, but only has 3 years on it (instead of 6 to 7), and Philly might be willing to take some of the hit. Colorado has said they won't take part of a contract for a player not on roster.
  5. QUOTE(SSH2005 @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 02:22 AM) I think Gload would be Kenny's ultimate fall-back plan if he can't re-sign Konerko or trade for a guy like Delgado, Thome, or Overbay. I do think Frank will be back and Gload will be in our organization to serve as injury insurance for Frank. If Frank is the DH in 2006, then Gload will almost assuredly be on the bench behind him. He makes a nice lefty bat backup to Frank and PK (or another 1B, whomever that might be).
  6. QUOTE(Colorado Sox Fan @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 09:00 AM) I agree and hope you're right. In my mind the starting pitching is untouchable, including bmac. I don't see Kenny sending away a proven starter who helped the team dominate the playoffs for a guy who is a big risk. Agreed. The only starter (who is really going to end up in the 'pen anyway) I would consider trading (if it were up to me) is El Duque. And I doubt Philly wants him anyway. But if Frank is out for next year, and Thome can be brought in to DH without giving up a starting picther...
  7. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 04:33 PM) I still think that Ozzie's quote means he is considering Jerrry Owens. Maybe he is thinking about moving Dye to DH (replacing FT), Owens into the OF? Leaving a DH who is also the 4th OF, like 2005? Maybe not a bad idea, if Owens is ready. Didn't someone say earlier that he is hitting for some ridicluous average in winter ball right now?
  8. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 03:54 PM) I think we found the way to get Rock angry. That doesn't seem to be difficult to do. That said, I agree with pretty much everything Rock said. Why in the world would you replace Uribe?
  9. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 02:36 PM) We don't create new groups anymore because they have to be redone whenever we change board settings. But i'll change the title right now. I didn't realize that the Groups were actually maintained somewhere - I thought it was just user text. Oh well. Just out of curiousity, what groups are there out there? Is there a way to look?
  10. I'd like to request two Avatar overrides: Change my title bar to: I drank what? Change my Group to: Bucktown Sox Fans Unless either of those is too long to fit - in which case, let me know. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 10:22 AM) To appease the Rally Crede crowd. How about moving Jolting Joe to 1st base(He has the glove and I am sure can learn the position), DH Kong, and then do the Uribe switch to 3rd base and the mystery SS can take his place. Good thought, but I'd be afraid we'd be seriously downgrading on defense. Uribe is foreign to 3B so he'd struggle at least a little, so 3B loses some D. Crede is a great defender but is also foreign to 1B, so while he'll increase the range there, I'd be he'll make quite a few more errors. And then you get a mystery guy at SS, where Uribe is one of the better defenders in the league. Downgrades defensively all around.
  12. Could Furcal play 2B? Then have Gooch move to DH (especially if Frank isn't going to be healthy)?
  13. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 04:28 PM) An Admin has to do it for you. You can request such things in this thread. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 05:05 PM) Yup, just ask us. We don't have open for members to change, that way we can moderate the content, but we'll let you put just about anything there. Thanks to you both! If or when I actually come up with something witty, I'll add a post to that thread.
  14. There are a number of different members here who seem to be part of different "groups". It appears in their avatar. The default seems to put a certain title in there, like "Bristol ®" for me (since I'm relatively new). But some people seem to be able to manipulate that, and I don't see how. Can someone help me with this? Point me to some documentation, maybe? Thanks. For example, Steff has: "The Doable One" Group: The Doables! Posts: 18,748 Joined: December 2, 2002 From: Plainfield Member No.: 28 How does she change the quote, and the group?
  15. QUOTE(Fingish @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 03:31 PM) Come on, he isn't accused of murder, he's accused of attempted murder.
  16. I think we are looking at this Urbina situation backwards. If anything, I think we need to consider that Phily has a guy who might make a decent DH alternative for us (Thome) if Konerko and/or Frank don't return. And they will likely have even more need for relief help, and from where I am sitting, we have at least one too many people in the bullpen (assuming Duque moves in). I think we should be considering dangling Marte, Hermy, Viz and/or some prospects (not all those, but some combination) Phily's way.
  17. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 01:42 PM) Per the Score...670 AM Sweet. Thanks. Go Oz!!!!
  18. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 01:34 PM) Who would of thought it. We actually got a post-season award. Congrats Ozzie! I see nothing about it on any of the usual sites. And the other awards were announced later in the day. What is your source? Can you link it in, please?
  19. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 11:28 AM) One tool? What about his speed? All teams fear the speed of Konerko!!! Seriously though, he's not one-tool. He is a strong defender at 1B. This is something people seem to overlook. And he has had some .300 (or close) seasons in addition to his power numbers.
  20. I like the idea of Matsui more and more as time goes on. He seems to like our team and/or players, he's very reasonably priced for his performance, he is a left-handed bat (which we lack), he can fill in at DH and also be the 4th outfielder like Carl was (leaving room for Frank, potentially), he'd have a Japanese compatriot on the team... the list goes on. Just one thing bothers me. Does anyone else have players who always look terrible when you see them play? Even if you know they are good, have the stats, etc.? Matsui is that guy for me. Every time I've seen him hit (mostly against the Sox), he looks lost at the plate. I have no logical reason to believe this, but he just looks terrible up there. Or does he just always look like that, and he hits well anyway?
  21. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 11:10 AM) does anyone else feel that 4/52 is shockingly (almost insultingly) low in terms of years/total money I think it's pretty fair, but I also think it's a starting point (as others have said). I think 5/60 is fair too. But anything past 5 years or more than 65 mill or so, and I think you are probably overpaying.
  22. QUOTE(TLAK @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 10:24 PM) Remember something about the White Sox, we have watched it all year. They did NOT have the best starter in the league. They did NOT have the best closer. They did NOT have the best fielder at any position. They did NOT have the best hitter at any position. The DID have the best team. It should not be cause for resentment, or even a surprise that they have not garnered individual awards. If you broke this team up and distributed the guys around the league, how many of them would your hear about again, except when they come to town to face the Sox? Apart they are run of the mill, together they are awesome. E Pluribus Unum
  23. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 07:07 PM) Just cause it wasnt it green doesnt mean I wasnt being sarcastic.... I was wondering. Some people have said things almost that ridiculous and meant them.
  24. QUOTE(SoxFan101 @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 06:52 PM) and why would you leave out Konerko's lousy 2003.... Thats like saying it didnt happen... well guess what it did...... Thats like people who say lets look at Orton's stats not counting the Cincy game. And Maggz is definitely a better hitter by a ton... the only thing Konerko does better is hit HR's.... I also left out Maggs' injury years. I was trying to make the stats more meaningful by removing years from BOTH players that were aberrant. Basic stats stuff. But I can see the argument not to do that. However you want to look at it, if an unknown-health Maggs is worth 5/70, then a healthy PK is sure as heck worth 5/60-65.
  25. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 8, 2005 -> 06:45 PM) How is PK a better defender than Maggs? 1B is arguably the easiest position to play and Konerko is an above average defender at that position. Magglio on the other hand plays a much more important position and plays it above average as well. Magglio had and has a plus arm which is damn important for an outfielder. Considering their respective positions and the way they play them, defensively Maggs>>>>Konerko. Read my posts again: RELATIVELY. Of course RF is a more athletically challenging position to play. If you read my posts, you'll see that I specifically said that Maggs is clearly a better athlete. But none of that matters to a team. What Maggs or PK do defensively only matters relative to other players AT THEOR POSITION. In that battle, PK is better among 1B's defensively than Maggs is among RF's.
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