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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxHawk1980

  1. This isn't Spring Training. The Sox can't afford to have Ozzie keep trotting not-the-best-pitcher-for-the-situation out there so Ozzie can evaluate them. He has had all season for that. The Sox couldn't afford this since the ASB. They couldn't afford it in August. They certainly couldn't afford it in September. And yet Ozzie continues to put Hermanson, Cotts, McCarthy in crucial game on the line situations when better relievers are available. If Ozzie is "seeing what they are made of" he doesn't understand that the #1 priority is winning, not talent evaluation.
  2. Uribe has the best arm of any shortstop in baseball Uribe has the best arm of any SS in baseball? He might have the strongest arm, but not the most accurage (see his errors). For a few weeks, he's Pujols, but for the rest of the way, he's an excellent number eight or nine to have I think it is more accurate to say that he has some brief good strikes (not Pujols-like) and the rest of the time, he's one of the worst hitters in baseball. Overall, his numbers are near the worst of all MLB regulars. His OPS (that's on-base plus slugging) is 151st out of 162 major leaguers who have enough AB's to qualify for the batting title. That puts him in the bottom 7% of all major league regulars. That's awful. His "some pop" is pretty worthless when it adds up to a bad slugging pct. and a horrible on-base pct. One could easily get this kind of offensive and defensive performance from a decent AAA SS. Probably a little worse defense and better hitting, but basically the same overall package, and for league minimum. Again, why even consider keeping this guy?
  3. Uribe has had one good hitting season at the plate. That's it. And that was in the last season without steroid testing. Since then, he has hit horribly. .252 with a .712 OPS is bad, even for a SS. And that was 2005. This year it is .234 with a .691 OPS. Even worse. His defense has obviously fallen off this year as well. In the very least, he's not a "great" defensive SS. So basically Uribe is a very good defensive SS who can't hit worth a damn. That is basically a replacement level player. The minor leagues are full of good defensive SS's who can't hit. If the Sox are content with that level of play, they can get one for league minimum.
  4. True, but Ozzie has been and will continue to put in guys like Hermanson, Cotts, Logan, Haeger and McCarthy in close game situations in the 7th, 8th and 9th as well. He's been doing that consistently. There are key situations with the game on the line where we should only see MacDougal, Thornton or Jenks (unless they are completely unavailable) and Ozzie will continue to use lesser pitchers in many of those situations because Ozzie simply doesn't know how to handle the bullpen. He's shown that all season long.
  5. Actually, the topic of this thread is "Will the Sox make the playoffs?" The subquestion is only for those who think the Sox won't make the playoffs. So a good fan doesn't question whether or not the Sox will make the playoffs? A good fan just closes his eyes and assumes everything will be fine? A guess a good fan just doesn't analyze anything.
  6. Genuine critiques of my team are good baseball talk. Must everything be positive? More childish personal attacks. Why don't you talk baseball and discuss the topic of the thread instead of ad hominem attacks (which are supposed to be prohibited on this site).
  7. Let's focus on the topic of discussion, not attacking posters. Thank you. Some moderator once told me that we were supposed to talk baseball here and not attack each other. Oh well. You too? I thought this board wasn't allowing personal attacks anymore. So much for that.
  8. You just have a feeling that everything will turn out ok for the Sox? I can't believe you feel this way.
  9. That might be true if Ozzie both recognized that these three were his go to guys and relied on them exclusively in close/late game situations. However, what Ozzie will do, regardless of health status, is continue to give too many key innings to guys like Hermanson, Cotts, Logan, McCarthy, etc.
  10. I've asked a couple mods and they told me they didn't close it so they don't know why it might have been closed. Frankly there is no rational reason to close it. Can anyone tell me why the topic of whether or not the Sox will make the playoffs isn't an appropriate topic of discussion? On the contrary, it is the most salient Sox baseball issue right now.
  11. There was one other that was somewhat like it, but it was closed. This seems like an appropriate topic for discussion on a Sox board, don't you think?
  12. Personally, I think the inconsistent play means they won't make the playoffs. For every great game like Freddy's gem today, there is a lackluster performance and a loss. That isn't going to cut it. I don't see the Sox overtaking the Twins or Tigers. I'm going to guess that the Sox get eliminated in the second game of the Twins series, September 30.
  13. I don't want to be there to see the Sox get eliminated.
  14. Not bashing them. Just taking the long view. One win is great. It would be great if they could put a few together, which they haven't done much since the ASB. Reality is reality. Deal with it. I've made a total of 3 comments about it since it was put up. 3 posts, that is all. No big deal. Why so cranky?
  15. Are you kidding? Have you watched this team this year? Have you watched how Ozzie has managed this team? I know we're all on a high from a great win, but let's not pretend this team has played with intensity since the ASB. Let us also not pretend that Ozzie is a decent manager. I love this place. I've never said otherwise. What are you talking about?
  16. So are we going to get a new "The Fuse Is Lit" banner now? And will it also be a joke after we lose 3 of the next 5?
  17. Don't forget guys the "fuse was lit" last Friday. The Sox are on a roll now! When is that banner going to come down? It mocks us all.
  18. Yes, he isn't hot like he was. And if the Sox don't make the playoffs, it is all moot. There is no way Dye gets the MVP if the Sox aren't in the postseason.
  19. No one should every be surprised when Ozzie puts the wrong pitcher in. Ozzie makes odd in-game decisions with no apparent rationale behind it ALL THE TIME. It is one of his defining characterisitcs. Ozzie might as well pull names out of a hat when it is time for a pitching change.
  20. When did I say it was a bad thing to have faith in your team? Never. However, I think blind faith is just stupidity and isn't any good for anyone.
  21. I always hope for the best, but expect the worse. And this team is still managing to disappoint me.
  22. I certainly agree with that. But I bet Ozzie loves him.
  23. It ain't good. And it really doesn't look good enough to overcome the Twins or Tigers.
  24. Blame Owens??? That has to be a joke. There is some blame to go around in this game...but none of it goes to Owens.
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