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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by SoxHawk1980

  1. As long as we have the best rotation and bullpen in the majors, we can still win without guys like Lee, Ordonez and Thome. However, when everything doesn't fall together just perfectly for the pitching staff, you actually need a good offense. You actually need good offensive production. It amazes me when people use the 2005 Sox winning formula as a prescription for success in other years. The composition of the 2005 team only works when the starting pitching and bullpen are tremendous. We can't expect that to happen in any year. 99% of the time, not all of your starting pitchers have great season. 99% of the time not all of your relievers have great years. We have to maintain a productive, run scoring offense. More guys like Podsednik, Uribe, Figgins and Pierre and less guys like Thome and Konerko isn't going to do the trick. OPS actually means something. Speed, scrappiness and "grinders" don't mean s h i t.
  2. Realistically, our only target is Minnesota. Right now (Saturday, Sept. 16), we are 4 games behind Detroit with 15 left to play. In order to just tie Detroit, a scenario like this would have to occur: Detroit goes: 6-9 Sox go: 10-5 So, in order to force a one-game playoff, Detroit would have to fold and the Sox would have to go on a surge better than any they've had since before the ASB. Is it possible? Of course. All kinds of things are possible. But this possibility looks extremely unlikely. From time to time, the Sox play really well, but they just can't string wins or a good hot streak together. I'd be surprised if they suddenly put it all together, given the many things that have been wrong with this team. But we are only 2 games behind the Twins. Without Liriano, they are vulnerable, within reach and we will have the opportunity to take care of them head to head. I don't know if we'll overtake the Twins, but they are our best shot.
  3. Thome is one of KW's biggest deals. He won't trade Thome and he won't allow Ozzie to platoon Thome (Ozzie wouldn't think of doing it anyway) unless he is hurt. Thome might be an albatross around this team's neck next year. He might not be. But if he's injured next year and/or his skills are diminishing, he won't be helping this team a whole lot.
  4. That's a bit of an exaggeration, don't you think?
  5. A little ball tickle before the abrupt zip up.
  6. I'd better not in the thread. If you want an explanation, PM me.
  7. Did anyone see any intensity in the Sox tonight? Or are the A's twice as good as the Sox?
  8. Please don't tell me that you're buying Hawk and DJ's line of BS. He hasn't just decided to pitch in the 80's all season. Maybe he would try that for a little while and get hammered, but after a while, he'd go back to his good fastball. But he hasn't seen that fastball all year. He hasn't chosen to be a soft tosser. This season, that is all he has had in his arsenal.
  9. Aaaaaah, I see. Well, if some injections are all it takes, then perhaps so.
  10. You are right on each and every point. I can't believe many (most) Sox fans don't understand this.
  11. Pitchers can't just always will their velocity back. He isn't pitching in the 80's on purpose. Something has caused him to lose that velocity. I don't expect it to magically return.
  12. This just isn't the year for the Sox. You don't exactly have to be Kreskin to read the tea leaves here.
  13. The A's are making us look BAD. [/obvious]
  14. I love seeing Cotts come in with runners on base in a close game.
  15. Why? He's had the same bad year two years in a row. Why is he going to suddenly get better? Are you writing him an HGH prescription? What is Uribe's value? Don't you think you could easily find a very good defensive SS who can't hit worth a damn? They are a dime a dozen.
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