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Everything posted by cgaudin

  1. The White Sox WILL lose this game. I guarangoddamnphawkin'tee it!
  2. Jim Leyland replaces pitcher in the middle of an at bat. Risky, but I like it. This guy KNOWS how to manage. It may not work out in this instance, but I like the message he's sending.
  3. QUOTE(Drew @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 07:25 PM) If we put Thor in two batters earlier, we may be done and batting by now. Apparently Ozzie wasn't taking notes when Leyland gave Miner the hook in the second. He hopes against any. He will NEVER learn. He reminds me of Mike Ditka leaving over-the-hill players on the team simply because they helped him win the Super Bowl. These hispanic people have this "thing" with loyalty, regardless of how f***ed up it may be.
  4. QUOTE(Wanne @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 07:21 PM) Just thinkin' about Thome...the bright side is...we may FINALLY get to see JD in the 3 spot! This may be the silver lining. Lot of folks drinkin' the Thome kool-aid. I like Thome....just not in the 3 spot.
  5. You look a little winded there, Freddy. Why don't you go shower, freshen up, do a bong or two. Just relax......you schmuck.
  6. How, 9 runners LOB in the last 4 innings. This doesn't look good, even with a 3 run lead. If the Sox are going to lose, I'd rather it be decided early rather than a heartbreak in the late innings. This game is still too slippery, and I don't have a good feeling, somehow.
  7. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 06:21 PM) steve stone thinks freddys toast He's insightful, and I hope he's right. I don't want that pompous, conceited scumbag soiling my favorite team. The sooner the better.
  8. No runs scored in their second. Way to go, Freddy. But I still think you're horse manure.
  9. Leyland pulled Miner in 1 and 1/3. I'd like to see Ozzie pull that sometime. Leyland's not gonna wait for the game to get away from him
  10. Big Game Freddy at it again. I wonder who The f*** he's gonna blame today. I want that ass**** the f*** out of this team at the double-time. He sucks the big, fat one.
  11. great job freddy, you're my f***ing hero, you doushebag!
  12. If you guys win tonight, I guaran-Goddamn-f***ing-tee you that they sweep even with Garland on tomorrow. Then the race is over.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 04:34 PM) Jesus F***ing Christ. No, He ain't playing, but he's sure watching. Hopefully He's a Sox fan.
  14. QUOTE(greg775 @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 09:40 PM) Tony 72 you are assuming the starters need some message sent. It could be as simple as they want to win, but just have s*** stuff this year. For whatever reason. I don't think they need any messages sent. If they suck they suck. I think they are trying to get hitters out. It just ain't happening this year. Every starter, every single one is underperforming. That CAN'T be coincidence. Cooper had to f*** with these guys somehow. Garland has been winning but he's getting huge run support. There's something the coaches have to answer for. QUOTE(witesoxfan @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 02:41 PM) Hail no it doesn't take confidence away from him. You pull a young kid who's trying to figure out how to pitch in the big leagues after 5 after he gives up a leadoff single in the 6th when he has 85 pitches, then you are taking confidence away from him. Every pitcher in the White Sox rotation has been around the block, they know what it takes, and if they need their egos massaged, they can get the flying fish out of town. I would love something like this to happen. Your bullpen is completely burnt for the next 4 days, yes, but you are embarrassing the holy piss out of whoever is pulled. You think anyone likes being embarrassed, especially these 8 digit figure pitchers? Tell them to STFU and do their job, or they won't pitch. Period. That can backfire on the manager by players quitting on Ozzie, the last thing anyone wants right now. I think he needs to skip Buerhle a start and give it to BMac or some other guy they call up from AAA. That might help Buerhle to collect himself mentally, without embarrassing him.
  15. Ride the wave and savor every moment. If we don't win it, I do hope your Kitties win it all. The attitude of your team reminds me so much of the "deer-in-the-headlights" look many of our players had last year. It was so very special. I'd rather your cats take it than them smug, ass-smellin' Skankees. I f***ing can't stand that Club, and am savoring the day when they see the AL East cellar. F*** 'em all!
  16. QUOTE(Colorado Sox Fan @ Aug 23, 2006 -> 08:36 AM) Yup. Mr. Big Game going for us. The slide stops here!!! Big Game Freddy, my ass. He's just as likely to stink up the place. If he doesn't get up for this game then he doesn't have a heartbeat. I hope the Sox win convincingly, but I'm not expecting victory. This team is in a HUGE funk right now. I do trust that Garland will stop the bleeding tomorrow.
  17. QUOTE(RockRaines @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 08:24 PM) We need to break up the Kong-Thome 1-2 punch. Or just put Dye in the 3 hole. It will make the offense better. been saying that all year. But nobody's gonna f***ing listen.
  18. Clearly the players want to win as much as anyone else. The results just aren't there. The fact that most in this 2006 team experienced 2005 enables them to take the losses a little more in stride and not get so worked up. Kinda like taking my kid to Disney World for the first time, he's jubilant and so exited that he's about to jump out of his pants. By the fifth time we go, he's like "Yeah, sure whatever!" He still likes to go, but he already knows what to expect.....We're not going to win every single year, but I thought that with the efforts made to assemble a team like this one, we would have been an automatic playoff team. It's not as if the 2005 White Sox were disassembled a la 2003 Florida Marlins. This team remained largely intact, and at least on paper, all the off-season moves looked solid and relatively low-risk. Who'dda thunk it!
  19. QUOTE(SoxHawk1980 @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 07:39 PM) The OP is 100% right. Ozzie has proven himself to be a poor manager in basically every aspect of the game. Can't motivate the team, makes horrible in-game decisions. It is hard to defend how bad he's been this year. But he was "brilliant" last year? C'mon. Bottom line is starting pitching has not done the job. Subsequently, the pen has been overexposed, which leads to a snowball effect of pisspoor pitching performance. Thome has been a great hitter this year. But I've said all year that he's not the right 3 hitter for this team. He is the primary reason why the offense is predicated solely on the long ball. He's also the strike out extraordinaire of this team. That is Guillen's fault for abandoning a key ingredient from last year's offense. It wasn't a power offense, but it was a PRESSURE offense. Team speed is atrocious, and the offense is nothing like what it was last year. Last year's team didn't score a lot of runs, but the offense was CONSISTENT in scoring a few runs. Like the top thread indicated, if not for the long ball, this team does not score runs. That alone has cost this team about 7 or 8 wins this season. Ozzie's only flaw is that he puts too much stock on a player's history, as opposed to his current game rhythm. In other words, he thinks "He came through for us last year, he'll do it again" while ignoring that player's slumping tendencies. I hate the Yankees, but I love Joe Torre. He doesn't put up with garbage for too long. If a player ain't producing, they dig deep to find a replacement quickly, and he rides out players on a hot streak better than anyone in baseball.
  20. Reluctantly, cautiously, I guess I'm still........in?
  21. If they don't win tomorrow, we may not recover from this.........
  22. QUOTE(lukeman89 @ Aug 22, 2006 -> 07:44 PM) Paul "rally killer" /konerko Juan "I f***ing suck" Uribe Man! It's like telekinesis or somethin'.
  23. Ozzie can't go blaming umpires for losses. It sends a bad message to the team and makes the players feel unaccountable for their shortcomings. I don't know why the f*** he hasn't benched a starter yet. It is crystal f***ing clear. Someone needs his head chopped off, right f***ing NOW!
  24. What a fitting end to a superbly played baseball game. I love the White Sox. Go get 'em tomorrow boys (if you're up to the task). The best offense in baseball...my f***ing ass. Go F*** yourselves!
  25. Team chemistry! What team Chemistry, you f***ing idiot?
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