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Everything posted by Metz

  1. 10-2 Minnesota ... woooooo ... no change
  2. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 12:04 AM) Twins will win the division, I'm throwing it back at you 1987-1991, haha. It says this person signed up on July 30th, odd to have the first post 3 weeks later, but whatever. he was waiting for the Sox to finally get a 1 game lead in the division to post this thread ... hahah
  3. Bengals could be bring back Chris Henry, with the situation of WR Chad Johnson. Meaningless move, I think Henry would have to sit out a few games too, not sure though.
  4. http://sports.espn.go.com/mlb/news/story?id=3541723 L.A. Could be adding the Hall of Famer .... again
  5. QUOTE (TCQ @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 08:28 PM) HANIE! HANIE! HANIE! ^^^ yeah that
  6. QUOTE (tommy @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 10:58 PM) Was it right shoulder for Toby last year? Because he was holding his right arm and didn't say a word after Dye's rejection. yeah it was, but he told Sayers that it was nothing, and he was told that stuff like this would happen to the shoulder, but that he was fine in the end.
  7. QUOTE (letsgoarow @ Aug 18, 2008 -> 07:11 PM) 1-0 A's!! Ellis lead off bomb 3-0 M's!!
  8. Broadway is running away with this one, and its for the right reason. He should have it
  9. QUOTE (WilliamTell @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 05:57 PM) Jeremy Reed has a sucky arm. Seattle has a sucky team
  10. QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 12:41 PM) I actually felt it as soon as Dotel came in. I honestly have predicted when and to who he gives up the HR to and what pitch everytime he comes in this year when I have a chance to watch them. Last night was no different. I was watching the game with my gf and was trying to teach her the basics of baseball and Sox players. I said, "This guy Dotel, he was good, messed up his arm, still thinks he has lightning in it and he gets hit at the most inopportune moments." She said, "Wow, way to be positive about him." Then I explained to her one of my roommates and a bunch of Sox fans in the LF bleachers said the same right before I predicted he would choke when he was coming in against the Yankees. So she's like, "Yeah right, you're stubborn and think you're right. You probably never liked him." I replied as to how I loved him ever since he helped in that no hitter against the Mets I believe when he was with Houston. She wanted me to predict him giving up a HR tonight and by who. I shocked her when I said 2 because it would be enough to tie the game since we were up. I said, "This guy" when the first HR was popped. Then when the second was popped, I called it again and said, "HR, this pitch, watch". So now she's kind of scared of me because she thinks I'm psychotic and there's no way I could have known that. When it comes to Dotel, I know. you got to love the well timed guess! congrats! hah
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 12:04 PM) I'd like to see this lineup: Beckham Ramirez CQ Dye Konerko Griffey Jr. Anderson Swisher Hall Wheres Danks?
  12. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 11:51 AM) I'm going to do something I haven't done for a long time and not watch the game today, too damn stressful to do right now. Hopefully we get a win as I watch the olympics. GO SOX!!! will there even be good olympics on at that time
  13. QUOTE (BearSox @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 01:26 AM) I remember reading something where Moustakas will likely have to be moved from SS. yeah 2B is calling his name
  14. Metz

    Films Thread

    Yeah they used Black horribly in that movie, I would have to say Jay Baruchel(played Kevin) was funnier then Black and Stiller. The middle was just so boring, and RDJ, JB, and the Cameos made the movie anything it is.
  15. Unbelievable finish. Good interview with Spitz too
  16. QUOTE (maggsmaggs @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 07:36 PM) Stud. It is pretty clear in his fourth at-bat, he is going to get the triple, then in the fourth the HR. yeah i would not expect anything else, if he doesn't do it hes good as dead to this organization.
  17. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 07:20 PM) It took one batter for the Twins to put their game away tonight. Sox need to win tonight to keep the division lead. 2-0 and the game is over already in the top of the 2nd? haha
  18. Beckham is batting 1.000 right now! get him up to MLB!
  19. still a sweet story, I'd like to see that press conference ha
  20. QUOTE (2nd_city_saint787 @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 04:52 PM) are we gonna see Gio this series or was he sent back down??? Javy vs. Gio on sunday
  21. QUOTE (The Critic @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 02:37 AM) Went online yesterday and was happy to find that there were still some 2-for-1 15-dollar seats for 10/22 vs. Edmonton. 2 tickets for 27 bucks after TicketBastard fees = not bad! where you sittin
  22. QUOTE (LosMediasBlancas @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 12:40 AM) I'm glad you got over it, because it's a sad story. Why exactly were your own team mates laughing at you getting punched in the face?? Yeah I wanted to know the same thing, that was sad.
  23. QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 12:04 AM) They finished in descending age order: 18...16...14 Boom... low blow!! well done Athomeboy 2000: 1 China: 0(but the judges will find some way to beat you)
  24. QUOTE (chimpy2121 @ Aug 14, 2008 -> 11:50 PM) Nice, another great routine. Congrats to Shawn and Nastia, Gold and Silver! ^^^ Well done.
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