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Everything posted by chw42

  1. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 06:04 PM) In June, Alexei is hitting about .350 with 16 RBI. That's damn good production from your #8 hitter. Once he develops some patience and plate discipline, I think he would be a premium leadoff man.
  2. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 01:22 PM) Its a gatorade commercial, as noted previously. Like those ridiculous ones where they show Michael Vick throwing a football 200 yards, etc. And LeBron shooting 80 foot jump shots.
  3. QUOTE (tommy @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 05:15 PM) I don't follow the Cubs but I'm sure it's been a while since they lost a series at home? It's payback time this weekend. It sure as hell is.
  4. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 05:16 PM) Cardinals need to fix that bullpen and fast. When Ryan Franklin is your closer, yes, you should.
  5. I personally voted for Buehrle. Danks or Dye would be great choices too.
  6. QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Jun 26, 2008 -> 04:35 PM) f***IN HILARIOUS... He pulled has hammy thowing the balls and strikes clicker when he got ejected from the game. Then he tried walking it off acting like nothing happened. ROFL
  7. After what happened last night, this is a breath of fresh air. I'm really concerned about Crede, he's on a huge cold streak. The back problems he's had recently sure don't help either.
  8. Man, does Cleveland suck or what? With a Royals win (they're up 4-1 in the 6th), the Indians will be tied for dead last.
  9. QUOTE (Felix @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 06:09 PM) Since when does saying someone is awesome defensively sound like a Derek Jeter comparison? According to the ESPN critics, Jeter is an awesome shortstop, on both offense and defense. That was part of the sarcasm. He was talking like Uribe could hit like Jeter and "field like a gold glove shortstop" like writers thought last year when they handed him his gold glove.
  10. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 05:10 PM) Keep Uribe for sure over Ozuna. Ozuna blows in the field, Uribe is awesome in it. Offensively one gives you power and gap hitting, the other gives you speed and bunting ability. Overall I say take Uribe because of his defense and ability to take a ball into the gaps and over the fence. You made Uribe sound like Derek Jeter, you should be ashamed of yourself.
  11. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 24, 2008 -> 11:45 PM) Trevor Hoffman just needs to retire already. Washed up. Rough to see the Twins win the game where Peavy pitched too. How about that Padres offense? 1st and 2nd nobody out in the 8th and they don't even move the runners along. Reminds me of how we played at Wrigley. I wasn't watching the game, but I saw that Jody Gerut struck out. So I was thinking that he had no intention of bunting. Pretty sad considering he's a leadoff hitter.
  12. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 24, 2008 -> 02:38 PM) They could just use the magic on him that worked with Rafael Betancourt...oh wait... MMMMMM...STEROIDS.
  13. I thought he would never reach it yesterday, he was on the verge of striking out a bunch of guys but got nice slow grounders instead. Hey, it works... Shows you he cared more about his actual performance rather than the strikeout.
  14. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 03:48 PM) Why not hold off on the decision and send Anderson down to AAA where he can get significant ab's (knowing that Wise will be the primary backup in the OF with Ramirez being able to fill in). If there are any serious injuries, you just call Anderson back-up and at that point decide between Pablo/Uribe. That wouldn't be a bad idea. Anderson's the one that still has options.
  15. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Jun 24, 2008 -> 11:35 PM) I wouldn't be surprised if they go into a streak of playing relatively mediocre (around .500) ball at home for a few weeks now that the mystique of not losing there for 5 weeks is gone. It was nice to see them lose at that s***hole for once. The law of averages is a total b**** ain't it?
  16. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 03:31 PM) Uribe is a better defender and can hit with some pop. Wise is a good looking player, but might not be the one to stay anyway Don't know about you guys, but Uribe has pissed me off more than any other player in his stay with the Sox. Especially the past couple of years. You're right about Wise. He's not gonna hit .300 for much longer. He's on a nice little streak and will come down to Earth real soon.
  17. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 03:17 PM) Pablo hit .300 ONCE, in 2006. His last two seasons (last and this), he's hit .244 and .275, with OBP's well below .300. He also has near-zero power. His OPS last year was .562, this year its .582. Uribe, even in crappy seasons, puts up high-600 OPS numbers. Bad as Uribe is at the plate, he's better than Pablo. I'm talking about this current season, right now. Ozuna is hitting .293. If all you really need is a fill-in defender, a pinch runner, or you need to give Crede a day off or something, Pablo is your man. Not to mention he can play 2B and if really needed, he can play LF. Uribe has some nice power and he's been a great pinch hitter lately, but I'm tired of his careless play at times and his terribly inconsistent bat. I mean, if you're going to be a .220 hitter, at least hit .220 all the time. He freaking streaks! He'll hit .290 one week and .150 another. Pablo is a lot more consistent and fits the role they're fighting for a lot more, which is a utility man who can pinch hit and pinch run once in a while. Do you really want Uribe's fat ass running in a tight ball game?
  18. Pablo: hits .300 (yes, I know, it's in limited at bats). Uribe: hits .200. I'd keep Pablo. Plus, Pablo has better speed.
  19. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 25, 2008 -> 02:34 PM) No reason to bash him after he gets 3 hits versus the Dodgers helping us halt our nine game road losing streak. Nothing let appreciating a guy for a positive effort. Enjoy the moment. It was a nice win after the tank job versus the Cubs. You said: Anybody who would take crap from Cubs fans deserves every word of it they hear. Cub fans have no reason to talk s*** ever, and any self respecting Sox fan knows what to say to shut them up, even the dumb ones. Wow somebody is in a bad mood today. Ouch. I think he was sarcastic about Dewayne Wise there.
  20. Hurray. I really never liked the guy before. Look at his Myspace page. http://www.myspace.com/mikenorthmorningshow He says he's done at the Score. Hopefully, Lawrence Holmes will get more airtime .
  21. When they didn't score in the 4th with men on second and third with nobody out, I thought we were doomed. Turns out JD finally broke out of his slump vs. Lowe and launched his 17th homer. I think he might have another 2006 type of year, he is really heating up. Tied for the lead in homers on the team now. BTW, is Javier Vazquez still the best pitcher on the White Sox now? After what Buehrle's done in the past couple of starts, I think he's back to the old Mark Buehrle.
  22. QUOTE (the People's Champ @ Jun 23, 2008 -> 06:44 PM) No, just true I know I won't be asking to trade them...
  23. QUOTE (the People's Champ @ Jun 23, 2008 -> 06:39 PM) God forbid Gavin or Danks get in a funk, this board would light up with TRADE FLOYD/DANKS threads. Javier Vazquez is 32, Danks and Floyd are in their mid-20s and have shown us their potential. That's a horrible analogy.
  24. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ Jun 23, 2008 -> 06:30 PM) In my mind, Vazquez is the best starter the Sox have. He's durable, has fantastic stuff, and he's put up results. He's struggled with his command the past few outings, but he'd start game 1 of a playoff series if I were the manager. That, to me, makes him the best pitcher. That's what's hilarious about this site. People are suggesting that pitchers are or aren't the best starter based on 3 starts. Going based on the last year and a half or so, you won't find a better, more durable pitcher than Vazquez on the White Sox staff. He's thrown the most innings and I'd quickly guess has the second best ERA to Buehrle, but it'd be something like a 3.85 ERA for Buehrle and a 3.95 ERA for Vazquez, which is maybe one or two runs. Javy has shown that when his team is good, he sucks. When his team sucks, he's great. He's not a big-time pitcher. He's got the best stuff on the staff, no doubt, but as for the "best pitcher", that goes to Mark Buehrle. As for the pitcher with the highest ceiling, that's Javier Vazquez.
  25. QUOTE (Wanne @ Jun 23, 2008 -> 05:16 PM) I guess that leaves me to ask...what happens if Silverio is absolutely tearing it up in a few. It's not a given that Beckham will be annointed because he was the #1. I just want to ask whatever happened to Richar? They had so much expectation for that guy, now he's almost non-existent because of that rib injury, Alexei Ramirez, and Gordon Beckham.
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