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Everything posted by Tnetennba

  1. Its just fascinating watching someone twist themselves into knots defending ownership for any of their ills, while also being in complete denial at the level to which they hate the players. Obviously my dollar a day example is an intentional exaggeration to prove my point, but anyone put into those shoes would hopefully wake up to the hard realities of trying to make it to a point where they might land a multi-year multi-million dollar deal playing a game.
  2. I am not an accountant but I would imagine its the same sort of tricks large corporations use to pay CEOs massive bonuses while also claiming to have lost millions.
  3. This is a lie and you know it. Damn near any amount? Seriously? Ok, make a living playing baseball for a dollar a day, work tirelessly at your craft at your own expense, and also work all of the side hustles required to keep a roof over your head and food on the table. Would you still sing the owners praises over such an "apprenticeship"? You sir, are full of shit.
  4. Scab may have not been the right word. Shill perhaps is more apt.
  5. I thought the MLBPA suggested someone after MLB called for one, but the suggestion was rejected? Something having to do with the owners wanting an impasse declared so they could circumvent any real bargaining and impose their last offer? Am I remembering this wrong? Feels like those calls from ownership for mediation were just another ploy. They don't want real mediation after all, they want more leverage to crush the players.
  6. Dear MLB, where you go next is putting a legit deal on the table that meets the players in the middle. Enough of this petty bullshit refusal to budge in the slightest. You have had all winter to figure out what compromises needed to be made in order to hammer out an agreement but here you are, pretending like you are all out of ideas before you have even tried. It is insulting as a fan to watch. Get your shit together and work out a deal. We want baseball already.
  7. I'm not ready to go that far, but sadly I don't believe we will see baseball any time soon.
  8. The owners are yet to make a legit offer to this point in my view, so yes, essentially if the players gave in now just to start the season by this deadline they would be essentially giving up on most if not all of their asks. I fully believe the players will meet in the middle, but the owners have to budge off of not giving up a damn thing in order to do so. We aren't even close to that yet.
  9. Honestly, nothing. If this is how it plays out, we will get a 60 game season again, maybe - which deep down is what I feared the owners always wanted. The lockout has yet to accomplish ownership's demands/desires, but they still seem intent on crushing the union, so we'll ultimately end up back at a stalemate. And with little incentive to bargain the owners will pack it up and stall like its December all over again.
  10. Yes, caving as in taking the owner's bad deal just to meet the deadline to start on time.
  11. Cave as in give up on their own asks just to start the season on time. That's the pressure campaign the owners are pushing with the hard deadline and I don't see the players caving just to meet that.
  12. I don't think either side is bluffing at this juncture. The players aren't going to cave, but the owners aren't exactly unified on what they want, so them agreeing to anything seems far way right now.
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