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Blackout Friday

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Everything posted by Blackout Friday

  1. he just made three good to great hitters look foolish on a pitch they probably knew was a good possibility
  2. Love that Yoan didn’t take that even though it may have been off the corner a bit. wrong thread.
  3. It’s like the old key and peele skits with Obama and his interpreter.
  4. Soooo.... Indians/Twins...who we cheering for?
  5. Which rapper. I’ve only ever seen teenage white kids do this. living in Toronto I see Sox gear from time to time and often ask people if they’re fans. Most times no, but there’s a couple people I’ve met that like them.
  6. Some people aren’t worth engaging with. Just saying.
  7. That’s true, I guess I’m making the assumption a lot of the competition is in a similar position. I haven’t been paying close attention lately, though, so maybe not the case.
  8. I don’t know why you guys are even responding to that guy.
  9. No...it’s surprising. Almost all the recent young Latin and high school talent worth getting excited about is on that roster.
  10. https://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-completely-normal-totally-reasonable-unwritten-rules-of-baseball
  11. Kanny on their way to 1-14....pretty remarkable.
  12. Yermin doesn’t play his game. He plays Major League Baseball....who just suspended a pitcher for doing something Tony had no problem with, and who tweeted about Yermin’s HR in celebratory fashion. So turns out ol’ Tony needs to realize he’s managing Major League Baseball and get with the program.
  13. NY Post: flashy headlines, no actual news.
  14. That’s how I take it. Lance is a worker. Tony is a manager. Tony makes the decisions. Dick comment.
  15. Wasn’t that the Astros? I remember the Sox put 20 on the Cardinals and then won 1-0 the next day and the Cardinals accused them of stealing signs.
  16. Hopefully the players can unite in a shared dislike of this bozo.
  17. Yeah, that’s another game he managed poorly late.
  18. Bummer need to stop walking the leadoff batter.
  19. Keeps bringing guys back out to “steal” a couple extra outs. It has...rarely worked.
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