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Nardiwashere last won the day on May 15

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  1. "Recently, Garrett expressed concern about his innings, workload, and desire to not move to the bullpen. To accommodate him, we want to send him to the minors so he can continue to pitch according to the plan that Garrett and his agents have said they want to stick to. Unfortunately, winning games is the number one priority at the major league level and we want to make sure Garrett feels comfortable with his role." Then send his ass down to pitch to blocked Orioles prospects in Norfolk.
  2. The guy has made one trade similar to the ones he's trying to make right now and it looks pretty decent at the moment. No idea how you can say "he just doesn't know what to do." If he traded Crochet and Robert (who are under team control) for less than they are worth, that would be embarrassing.
  3. lol... "We need all 10 prospects because in 5 years, some of our players will leave in free agency"
  4. They just traded for a guy making 18 milllion dollars next year who has been in MLB for 9 years and is essentially a 4.00 era pitcher every year. I'd argue if you aren't going to spend, you need to trade guys for a cost controlled front of the rotation guy. Otherwise, its just hoping you get lucky.
  5. Orioles are going to waste their window and I love it.
  6. Doesn't think Crochet is traded now. Said he confirmed with someone familiar with Crochet that yesterday's report was accurate. Implied Orioles would want more of a swing and miss type than Fedde. Dodgers want reliability and is more of a fit with Fedde. Robert's likelihood to be traded decreased substantially after Mariners/Phillies deals. Robert track record is "variable"
  7. Jon Morosi is going on the Score now. Maybe he'll give us some insight into Getz's thoughts on the Crochet thing. That's his guy, right?
  8. How long would he need to stay down? They were good to him this year and he fucked them at the end.
  9. If I owned the Orioles, I'd let Elias run things for 50 weeks out of the year and then I'd bring in Kenny Williams to be his boss for a week in December and a week in July.
  10. I am shocked that Crochet and his camp dropped this extension thing so late. That's ridiculous.
  11. The more I think about this, the more I don't even understand how it would work. He tells them "give me $X and I'll pitch in the postseason." They give him $X. Then postseason comes around... what if he's sore? They just extended him because he intended to pitch in October as of July 31? I feel like this story doesn't make a ton of sense.
  12. This is all new information to us but I highly doubt it is new information for the other teams. I'm sure they have had conversations about his availability, innings limits, and what he is comfortable with. If we all knew he wanted to stay on a starter's schedule, Cashman and Friedman did too. He has been in trade rumors for months. It's unlikely Crochet and his agent all of a sudden decided to tell everyone they want an extension on July 25. To me, it sounds like the type of news report you get right before he is dealt. If he isn't traded this week, that's fine. Be careful with him the rest of the season and trade him in the offseason if you don't want to extend him. Not a huge difference if he gets traded July 30 or December 15.
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