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  1. I think the teams that line up the best are: SEA for Robert. Emerson, Montes, and maybe Peete and Morales. BAL for Crochet. Basallo, Norby, and Fabian. MIL for Fedde. Pratt and Letson. I think Kopech to PHI makes a lot of sense too. Maybe Rincones. Of course I doubt all that happens though.
  2. I'd probably start with Saggese and Hjerpe, but maybe something like Saggese, Honeyman, and Showalter? It's still tough to gauge Fedde's value. I think he could bring in maybe a low top 100 guy and a flier, or a package like the above, a 50-45-40 package with guys who have put up good numbers thus far.
  3. They just don't have a very attractive farm system for the Sox needs.
  4. I agree, I think he's the best prospect in this draft.
  5. Also they aren't going to give up three OFs (I know Norby is also 2B). Elias is going to maintain positional balance in the upper minors.
  6. The Orioles trade is a pipe dream, and the others are both light imo, especially the Philly one.
  7. Someone like Rincones or Bergolla would be about all I'd expect, and I'd be happy with that.
  8. Cannon has to be able to have great control with the sweeper. Yesterday he was outside corner to a foot off the plate with it, and it had great movement. If he gets wild with that he will have some trouble. If he continues to spot the sweeper well and can learn to hit the inside corner with the sinker consistently, that is a tough combo with a solid change and cuter mixed in.
  9. I doubt they'll push it that hard. Flexen, Clevinger, and probably a AAAA throw in or two in addition to some starts from Cannon and Thorpe, maybe NAstrini again and maybe Bush.
  10. Seven guys combined for a no hitter for Charlotte.
  11. No one wants Flexen. As was obvious last night, he has to be fully on to be effective and that isn't going to happen most of th time. Crochet is worth more than Kjerstad for sure (as I said Kjersted could be the centerpiece), but I'd also say his value isn't going to be easy to define because of his lack of track record and innings in the past.
  12. He's worth way more than Fedde. He could easily be the centerpiece for Crochet. I think Fedde for Beavers is probably fair value for both teams.
  13. I know that Tampa doesn't operate that way, but their system might be the most enticing for what the Sox need, Carson Williams and Xavier Issac, and maybe someone like Chandler Simpson. Pipe dream, but I am a huge fan of their system.
  14. They should absolutely and 100% tank in 25 to get a top 3 pick; get whatever they can for everyone not named Crochet and Robert this year; attempt to maximize their return on Robert and Crochet, which Getz will struggle to do; not trade Benintendi; and then actually try to win in 26 with lots of assets ready.
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