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The one and only solution to a White Sox winner


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We need a new owner that will spend money. How can we compete when teams are doubling us in salary, we are at about $60 million, while the Red Sox are at $120 million and other teams around there or at $100 million. We can't keep our good players because we have no money to sign them with. We need a new owner. Reinsdorf I hope you read this cause you suck. You are the Worst owner in the history of Chicago sports (yeah Wirtz is above you)

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Wirtz sells off our favorite players- Roenick, Amonte, etc. AT least JR doesn't sell the Big Hurt, or even Maggs for that matter.


To say that Reinsdorf is worse than Bill Wirtz is complete and utter f***ing blasphemy. Reinsdorf fields a competitive team every year- whether you like to believe it or not. The team has just failed miserably. Would you rather JR not be competitive and field a team like the Brewers?


I cannot fathom how some people think Wirtz is better than JR. WIrtz destroyed one of the best franchises in NHL history, he completely annihilated it.


Spending over 100 million dollars a year does not automatically mean you're a competitor. Look at the f***ing Mets. They spend so much yet they suck every year.


The supposed 58 million dollar payroll is untrue, there was no offficial press releease stating that the payroll would be 58 million dollars.


I suppose you'd like to see Wirtz take over the Sox and sell off Frank, Lee, Buerhle, Loaiza, and other greats on our team for overrated players and minor leaguers. Yup, I'd love a team full of Bartolo Colons and ALbert Belles.

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We need a new owner that will spend money.  How can we compete when teams are doubling us in salary, we are at about $60 million, while the Red Sox are at $120 million and other teams around there or at $100 million.  We can't keep our good players because we have no money to sign them with.  We need a new owner.  Reinsdorf I hope you read this cause you suck.  You are the Worst owner in the history of Chicago sports (yeah Wirtz is above you)



You've finally figured it out.The ownership of this team through its history has resembled the birds (cheap,cheap,cheap).It happened with the Comiskeys,with the Bill Veeck regime,the Arthur Allyn group,the Veeck regime a second time and with the current ownership.

I would not put the assclown known as Reinsdork above the Wirtz family.If anything,call it a dead tie.A 58 million dollar payroll is not going to get it done.

Yes,baseball needs a salary cap,but it needs ownerships that aren't going to use lack of attendance as a lame ass excuse for not spending money.I agree that the Sox need to spend at least 70-80 mill on the payroll.And as far as the attendance issue goes,people show up when the team is "in the hunt" and competitive.It also helps when ownership doesn't tell the fanbase to "go f*** yourself".

That's what Reinsdork and the owners did when the '94 strike hit.And the '97 "white flag" trade didn't help matters any.



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The Sox don't have the revenues those other teams do.  It's plain and simple.

marlins won two world series with the past 10 years...there is no way they bring in more than the sox..


also the sox have one of the top ten cable/tv deals in baseball...plus reinsdorf got a great deal on the stadium from the city/state..im not sure how merchandising money is split up but the sox are also in top 3rd in that dept too..for a long time they were number one..this franchise is not as bad off as management makes it sound..


i remember sports illustraded did an article in '02 about the bottom ten franchise in baseball that were all losing money...im guessing the sox are somewhere between 10-13 any given year..not great..but no where near the bottom and definately not an excuse for cost cutting measures..


no one ever said reinsdorf was a dumbass..just a cheap ass

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I have my disagreements with JR (especially 1994-95) but I think he has been a good owener over all


I have met him once (in 02) in a unique situation where we had extended conversation and I am convinced that he wants a winner as much as we all do -


be careful of what you ask for - you may get it - you have no guarentee that any other owner would not try to move the team or would not pull what the Brewers announced - there are no guarentees and the odds are what we will get would be worse than what we have -

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I think that honestly... the best thing this team could do this year is.... play their asses off the first half of the season, and the add some pieces on after the all-star break and take the central from there on.


Mark Buehrle, Esteban Loazia, and Jon Garland... where they go... so goes this team. just my 2 cents.

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marlins won two world series with the past 10 years...there is no way they bring in more than the sox..


The Marlins haven't spent any more than the Sox either. In fact, their payroll of $49 million was less than the Sox last year. The Sox even had a higher payroll than the Marlins in 1997.


The complaint was the Sox don't have a payroll level like the teams that spend $100 million. My reply was that they don't have the revenue those teams do either.


The very fact that the Marlins and Angels have won the last two World Series with payrolls in the $50 million range means that "payroll" is not necessarily the answer. In fact, when the Sox more than doubled their payroll from 2000 to 2001 and it didn't do squat for them.


The Orioles have outspent the Sox by $133.2 million over the last 5 years. That's $26 million a season and they have been much worse than the Sox.


I get sick of people just expecting payroll to be increased by millions of dollars because that will make us win. History has shown us that is not necessarily true. It is how you spend your money, combined with luck, timing and circumstance that will give you a winner - unless you are the Yankees. In their case, their ridiculous payroll guarantees they will have a chance to compete at the highest level, it doesn't guarantee them wins, as we have see the past few years.

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in 1997 thge Marlins had a huge payroll because they paid evrybody for one year and then traded them.  Their payroll that year was top 10, however in 2003 they had a normal payroll, it was at $68 million with all thier acquisitions.

The Marlins payroll was lower than the Sox in BOTH 1997 and 2003. In fact, from 1997 through 2003, the White Sox have spent $77.8 million more in payroll than the Marlins, yet the Marlins have two WS Championships. Not one year have the Marlins outspent the Sox in that time.


Doesn't sound like a higher payroll is the only answer to me.


Florida Marlins Payroll History

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The Marlins payroll was lower than the Sox in BOTH 1997 and 2003.  In fact, from 1997 through 2003, the White Sox have spent $77.8 million more in payroll than the Marlins, yet the Marlins have two WS Championships.  Not one year have the Marlins outspent the Sox in that time.


Doesn't sound like a higher payroll is the only answer to me.


Florida Marlins Payroll History



It's not how much money you spend, it's how you spend it. Teams like the A's, Twins, Marlins, etc, all spend their money very wisely which is why they have won.


Meanwhile, we go out and spend $8 mill for Paul Konerko, or $6 mill for Billy Koch, only to see them disappoint incredibly. We could get quite a bit for $14 mill.


Now we are talking about getting Nomar and locking him up long term....that would take $15 mill a year ATLEAST.


Why? :huh:


Personally, I'm not sure

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Just am finishing up "MoneyBall" and really you find out how important it is to have good personal at every level of your franchise. It all starts with good scouts, and good managment.

Very much so. And if you then insert in a winning philosophy into it as well, you have yourself a hell of an organization.


Moneyball is a great book BTW. I enjoyed reading it a lot, though it seemed to favor the A's quite a bit. Many have brought up the point that the White Sox got Miguel Olivo in return for Chad Bradford, and Miguel Olivo, if he ever does anything offensively, will be a hell of a good player. His arm alone is enough.

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Very much so.  And if you then insert in a winning philosophy into it as well, you have yourself a hell of an organization. 


Moneyball is a great book BTW.  I enjoyed reading it a lot, though it seemed to favor the A's quite a bit.  Many have brought up the point that the White Sox got Miguel Olivo in return for Chad Bradford, and Miguel Olivo, if he ever does anything offensively, will be a hell of a good player.  His arm alone is enough.

Nobody seems to realize that Bradford has been THE man out of the A's bullpen since that deal was made. Over, Koch, Foulke or whever else was there. When the A's needed that one big out that was key to the game, Chad Bradford has been on the mound.

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