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ISA agreement with the Sox..


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Guys.. I was able to get my hands on a copy of the agreement. I started to read over it, but it's pretty thick. The bond info is pretty complicated, but there is a section detailing the renovations. I left it at home, but what I remember is a new out of town scoreboard, a new TV media deck, and additional LF seating. I will bring it tomorrow - or do it tonight depending on what time I get home - and post some more of the details. One thing I did find interesting is that the agreement does not name JR or any of the main Sox investors at all. And that the ISA has a committee that operates out of offices at Comiskey park. To me that looks like JR, or anyone else directly involved with the Sox does not have as much to do with this "agreement" as some might have thought. Interesting to say the least...

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It was not easy. The way this this is set up is that a private person MUST hook up with not only a broker, but a firm. There are NO single bond owners. The buy in amounts were pretty confusing as well. I'll try to summarize that in english. But to be honest I was scratching my head while reading it - and I have some knowledge of how those things work.

And greasy.. that's the part that I was completely confused by as well. Not even a mention of JR as chariman or anything. No governing authority at all. Which means - IMO until I read into it more - that the ISA called ALL the shots on this one as far as how the bonds were set up to be paid for - i.e.. the hotel tax. This, from the surface, appears to be an advantage for the state and not JR and the Sox. I honestly don't think he makes anything from that tax. And even if he doesn't have to pay rent - which by the way was the first thing I looked for and there is no mention of "no rent" rather pro-rated compensation (which means the Sox DO pay for using Comiskey EVERY YEAR). I always thought that story was a tad bit over-stated.

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i'd like to know what it says about lease extension -- how long are the Sox lasing the facility

I believe it was rated through 2023. But to be honest that doesn't mean anything with the naming rights. If something happens to US Cellular I believe all bets are off and it's back to the drawing board. This deal was updated September 2003 so it's the current governing rules of the agreement.

I wish I had brought it. I was running late this morning. I'll try to get out of bowling early and do it tonight, otherwise I'll get in here early tomorrow morning and post more details.

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It was always my understanding that the Sox got zero from the hotel tax, that those proceeds went to the state.


Also, it was my understanding the Sox always paid some rent for the ballpark, but that the rent increased substantially for attendance over 1.7 million.


This is only my recollection based on stories I'd read in the past.

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It was always my understanding that the Sox got zero from the hotel tax, that those proceeds went to the state.


Also, it was my understanding the Sox always paid some rent for the ballpark, but that the rent increased substantially for attendance over 1.7 million.


This is only my recollection based on stories I'd read in the past.

I've heard both Jim. I've heard people swear that the Sox get some of the hotel revenues and that unless FULL PRICE TICKET attendance is above 1.7 million the Sox pay nothing. I leaned more towards those two things being a bit far from reality, but never had any proof.


What interests me the most about the tax.. if you think about it.. the state is double dipping. They get the revenues from the tax.. and rent from the Sox. I didn't get as far into it to see the estimated profit from the bonds back to the bond holders, but I did see that the rate of return was a single digit # (I'm not real sure of what I can or can't be specific about - bear with me guys). Obviously the bond holders aren't getting rich off of the bonds.. But someone is.

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If you ever get it converted to PDF or something emailable send it to my home account please...  If not I would like to see it at Soxfest if you can.

It's a hard copy. I don't think this one exists in an electric format.. :ph34r:

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Guys.. I am super busy today so I'll have to do this when time permits.


First.. this agreement is specific to the $42,535,000.00 in bonds and regarding the aggregate principal amount of them. They were issued by the Authority to finance a portion of certian renovations to USCF. It should be noted that these bonds were previously issued to finance lakefront renovations as well. So all that pretty new stuff around Soldier Field... these bonds and the hotel tax paid for that stuff as well.


The project description...


"The project consists of certian renovations to the facility including renovation of the upper deck, construction of a FUNdamentals deck in left field, construction of a lower Terrace Suite balcony, construction of a new TV truck dock, purchase of wayfinding sign/graphics, development of parking lot "L", purchase of an out-of-town matrix board, and upgrades to the upper deck and outfield sound system, and such related or other costs permitted by the act.



That's all about the renovations.. if there's any specific questions post them and I'll look for the answers. It's waayyy to big to type out.

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Any mention of a home run porch?  Or do they mention the specific improvements to be done?

Those were/are the specifics for this series of bonds. I misspoke yesterday.. I confused LF seating with LF FUNdamantals deck. From this information no further additional seating will be present in the '04 season.

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You think you can get me a copy of the US Government's secret Area 51 report or the lost minutes from the Nixon tapes?






You got great connections!

Ya know.. I think I saw my copy of that in the basement just the other day... :lol:

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It was not easy. The way this this is set up is that a private person MUST hook up with not only a broker, but a firm. There are NO single bond owners. The buy in amounts were pretty confusing as well. I'll try to summarize that in english. But to be honest I was scratching my head while reading it - and I have some knowledge of how those things work.

those things are always extraordinarily technical - one can have a headache forever translating that stuff into english


good work, by the way...

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I'm not positive, but I believe that home run porch that has been talked about is supposed to be part of renovations THIS offseason.  I think it will be ready for the 2005 season.

No mention of a porch in this agreement, so I can't tell ya.

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those things are always extraordinarily technical - one can have a headache forever translating that stuff into english


good work, by the way...

I read it over lunch and I still don't completely understand it. I'm going to have to just sit down uninterrupted and read over it to fully understand it.

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I read it over lunch and I still don't completely understand it. I'm going to have to just sit down uninterrupted and read over it to fully understand it.

this is awesome information. thanks for sharing. I think a Copy machine and a lawyer/fan can dissect it. Anyway, terrific info.


Does it say anything about management incompetance?

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this is awesome information. thanks for sharing. I think a Copy machine and a lawyer/fan can dissect it. Anyway, terrific info.


Does it say anything about management incompetance?

I'm not so sure about making copies... This was not an easily obtainable document. I'm not sure who does or does not have access to it. I don't want to get anyone in trouble. Let me check out the ramifications of making copies and passing them out in mass at Sox Fest :ph34r:


And no.. nothing about management incompetance.. but that's pretty common knowledge and nothing to kill a tree over :lol: :D

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Guest Ncorgbl
I'm not so sure about making copies... This was not an easily obtainable document. I'm not sure who does or does not have access to it. I don't want to get anyone in trouble. Let me check out the ramifications of making copies and passing them out in mass at Sox Fest :ph34r:


And no.. nothing about management incompetance.. but that's pretty common knowledge and nothing to kill a tree over :lol:  :D

The document you have is available to any Illinois taxpayer. The Illinois Sports Authority is part of the Illinois government, the State legislature oversees the authority.

The White Sox Organization has no connection with the ISA except as renters. They have no rights other than what is in the renter's contract. The renter's contract allows that they can make requests of the landlord, the ISA, but no demands. Reinsdorf negotiated naming rights with Cell One and presented the deal to the ISA to get the rennovations he wanted. They approved it. The attendance clause has the figure for 'no rent' at just under 1.3 million. That's what the renter's contract entails, upkeep and such, which is a different document than what you have.

Copies of your document are available for a fee from the State of Illinois.

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