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This is lame...


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In a way, this kind of pisses me off. Kerry is seen in this picture with a BANNER of gas prices hanging behind him, making it look like he's such the hero on gas prices...


Now, don't get me wrong, gas prices are high because of the political pressure mounted by the oil companies on the Bush administration. They have record profits right now, so I don't want to hear these oil companies piss and moan about all these new blended fuels breaking them up. That's BS. We all know it. For this reason alone I almost wouldn't vote for Bush.


But I think it's rather shameful to make a banner, hang it up, and pretend to be really concerned about gas prices. I am having a hard time articulating why this picture bugs me but it does.

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He made it. It's called a prop and its something used by both sides. Don't you remember the stink when Bush did his speech in front of all those boxes painted "Made in the USA" and it turned down they were all made in Taiwan?

I know props are a part of the imagry that these guys present themselves under. But for some reason, this one really bugs me.


You have to be more of an actor then anyone who stands for something to be a good politician now (witness Ahnold).

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I know props are a part of the imagry that these guys present themselves under.  But for some reason, this one really bugs me.


You have to be more of an actor then anyone who stands for something to be a good politician now (witness Ahnold).

Kinda makes you yearn for Reagan doesn't it :lol: ;)

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It probably bugs you because you may have heard how Kerry has in the past voted to raise gas taxes several times. He also was against the release of oil from the strategic reserve a while back, saying it wouldn't help. Now he says he would be all for delaying the oil going into the reserve 'to help'. I am all for free enterprise and stuff, but I think the record profits the oil companies are making should raise a few eyebrows. Not sure entirely how it works, but a Washington friend of mine tried to tell me that a large part of the price increase was people buying futures at a higher price, and not selling at a lower price? It was late, and I didn't get it all. If anyone else has heard anything of the sort, maybe they can explain it better.

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That actually may be a homemade sign. Not entirely sure but when I've been to the SOA protests in Georgia, there were different groups with signs a lot more elaborate than that with PVC poles instead of metal.


I'm not saying that I'm 100% positive that it's a homemade sign or not, just my personal experience of being at a lot of rallies/protests and seeing a lot of signs and stuff.

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That actually may be a homemade sign.  Not entirely sure but when I've been to the SOA protests in Georgia, there were different groups with signs a lot more elaborate than that with PVC poles instead of metal.


I'm not saying that I'm 100% positive that it's a homemade sign or not, just my personal experience of being at a lot of rallies/protests and seeing a lot of signs and stuff.

They DO come up with some pretty elaborate signs.



Anyone think these fuel prices have anything to do with the whole anti-SUV / electric car debate? Just a thought.

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They DO come up with some pretty elaborate signs.



Anyone think these fuel prices have anything to do with the whole anti-SUV / electric car debate? Just a thought.

I personally think this is payback for GWB's buddies down here in Texas.

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We need to remember that most of the price of gas we pay is taxes. In many states more than half the price at the pump is taxes for roads, etc.


I heard that 10 years ago Kerry is quoted as saying he would agree to a .50 per gallon tax for road and infrastructure. The bill never came to a vote. I thought it was a little unfair to take 2004 gas prices, add .50 and say that Kerry was in favor of those prices.


I am also trying to figure out what the public opinion statute of limitations should be on views. 10 years ago I was much more conservative than I am now. If someone trotted out some of my comments then, I would not agree with them. I am thinking of Pickering in that statement. We are pulling quotes from apers he did in college 40+ years ago. That seems a little excessive. ALso things I have done in one position, I might not do in another.

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