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Pedro's Midget


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Don't waste your time. I already lost all respect for you if you don't believe that. I know a lot of Cubs fa that don't believe in the curse. It's the less knowledgable fans that believe in curses. A message board will have more dedicated fans.


Also, it's funny how you said Boston is the best baseball town in the country. I won't bash it, but how do you know? Have you been to all 28 baseball towns?

Clearly respect is not a big issue on this board. The only one on this board who has shown any towards me in this thread has been ss2k4, cheat, and wsf56789.


A message board will have more dedicated fans? Is there anyway I can prove it to you then over a computer? No. Im all for some ideas if you have any.


Also, the Sporting News came out with a report this summer that ranked Boston as the number one sports town in the country. ESPN has also ranked Boston highly on there reports. I have not been to every baseball town, no, but I have been to Boston, I have been other places, and I base my opinion on what I know and have seen unlike you who bases it solely on the fact that a few unknowledgable Red Sox fans believe in a curse.

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Basing your decision of Red Sox Nation on a sixteen year old kid is absolutely insane by the way.


The question wasn't answered at all by ss2k4.  David Ortiz was signed for a million dollars.  Bill Mueller was signed for 2.  Curt Schilling for 12.


The White Sox can spend 8 million annually on a pitcher of Freddy Garcia's caliber while giving up a ton of talent but can't afford to take on Curt Schilling for 4 more million dollars more and give up half of the talent.  Thats ridiculous.


Magglio for 14?  Thomas for 8?  Everett for 4?


Kenny Williams could have signed David Ortiz, Kenny Williams could have traded for Curt Schilling, Kenny Williams could have signed Bill Mueller, could have traded for Mark Bellhorn, could have traded for Pedro Martinez.


Don't tell me Theo Epstein hasn't done an excellent job as general manager as Zero was indicating.

Now be honest with me. Do you really think Curt Schilling would gave accepted a trade to the White Sox? Do you really think that David Ortiz would have taken that little of an amount from the White Sox? Even if the Sox had traded for Pedro, they would not have been able to sign an expensive long term deal because they couldn't afford to keep guys like Ordonez or Thomas.


It is much easier to look good as a GM, when you can afford $50 million for 3 players. For the White Sox that would be about 80% of their entire payroll.

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A message board will have more dedicated fans?  Is there anyway I can prove it to you then over a computer?  No.  Im all for some ideas if you have any.

My theory of a message board having more dedicated fans is because people who only kind of support their team won't waste time posting on a message board about them. This could be wrong, but I think it's right.

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Kenny Williams could have signed David Ortiz, Kenny Williams could have traded for Curt Schilling, Kenny Williams could have signed Bill Mueller, could have traded for Mark Bellhorn, could have traded for Pedro Martinez.

Now you really don't have a clue as to what you are talking about.


The Sox could not have traded for Curt Schilling considering:

a.)He f***ing hates Reinsdorf

b.) he had a no-trade clause when he was with Arizona and Theo went to his house at Thanksgiving to convince him to waive his no-trade clause.


Kenny Williams also had a trade setup to acquire the great Mark Bellhorn by giving the BloSox Kelly Wunsch. Right before the trade was made, Kelly claimed he was hurt, thus nulling the trade.


How the f*** could Kenny trade for Pedro considering he took over the GM position in late 2000?


Maybe David Ortiz and Bill Mueller would've signed here in 2003 if we offered money, but you don't know that for sure. We had a first baseman, a DH, and a third baseman. But why let logic get in your way? It's not like these players are robots who automatically play for the highest bidder. If you were a FA, wouldn't you rather sign with a team that had as many superstars as the Red Sox (thanks in part to their fatass payroll)?


What a ridiculous post. :headshake

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Now be honest with me.  Do you really think Curt Schilling would gave accepted a trade to the White Sox?  Do you really think that David Ortiz would have taken that little of an amount from the White Sox?  Even if the Sox had traded for Pedro, they would not have been able to sign an expensive long term deal because they couldn't afford to keep guys like Ordonez or Thomas.


It is much easier to look good as a GM, when you can afford $50 million for 3 players.  For the White Sox that would be about 80% of their entire payroll.

Curt Schilling wouldn't have accepted a trade to anywhere but Boston, which was definitly a bad example by me, I apologize although it does sort of "prove" another one of my points that Boston is the premier place to play.


As for David Ortiz, if an offer more than the 1.0 million he was given from the Red Sox was offered to him, I am sure he would have signed with that team. I am sure of it. Pokey Reese, Bill Mueller, Kevin Millar, Mike Timlin, most likely the same.


All I am saying regarding Pedro, Schilling, etc. is that unlike the Yankees, the Red Sox acquired this talent. It is much easier to look good as a GM, when you can afford $50 million for 3 players but thats not fair when you consider what Theo Epstein has done with lets say no more than 50 million dollars.

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You know, RedandWhite, Boston may very be the #1 sports town right now, but that has as much to do with the Patriots, if not moreso, as the RedSox. I'll tell you this much though, the best BASEBALL town in this country is St. Louis. Of course, you'll see that when the Cardinals roll over the Red Sox in the World Series. :D


Ok, just kidding there with that last sentence. However, the only sports fans more arrogant than New Engalnd sports fans are New York sports fans. That's why you guys hate them so much. They out-arrogant you. And the Yanks supply them with the s*** to walk the walk too.


I hope the Red Sox stomp the hell out of the Yankees, for a change. But if they do, then any Nor'easter coming across the US will be a warm front.

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Curt Schilling wouldn't have accepted a trade to anywhere but Boston, which was definitly a bad example by me, I apologize although it does sort of "prove" another one of my points that Boston is the premier place to play.


As for David Ortiz, if an offer more than the 1.0 million he was given from the Red Sox was offered to him, I am sure he would have signed with that team.  I am sure of it.  Pokey Reese, Bill Mueller, Kevin Millar, Mike Timlin, most likely the same.


All I am saying regarding Pedro, Schilling, etc. is that unlike the Yankees, the Red Sox acquired this talent.  It is much easier to look good as a GM, when you can afford $50 million for 3 players but thats not fair when you consider what Theo Epstein has done with lets say no more than 50 million dollars.

Really if you want to use a Yankee comparision, that pales also. They have a big core of their team that is home grown. Jeter, Rivera, Posada, Jeter, Bernie all came from within. The Red Sox don't have anywhere near that record. The Yanks traded for Brown, Vazquez, Loiaza, ARod.


And then your arguement was that anyone could have picked up certian guys on FA. Anyone could have jumped on Lofton, Sierra, Clark, Cairo, El Duque, Wilson, Lieber etc for not too much money.


Then the Yankees had their few big signings just like the Red Sox did. The Red Sox went out and gave big money contracts to guys like Foulke and Ramirez. The Yankees went and gave big money to guys like Mussina and Sheffield.


I still don't see what the Red Sox do as any different than what the Yankees do. They should never have been able to get most of the guys on their team, just like the Red Sox.

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Wow, redandwhite, you preach to me about being unclassy, yet in later posts where I don't even have anything to do with it, you take cheap shots at me? "Take notes Zero". :lol: :lol:


Silly BloSox fan makes me laugh. I hate his favorite team and he hates me for it. Guess what bud, my reason for hating them is merited. You're telling me to take notes because I completely f***ing owned you. Why don't you grow a pair and learn that we don't like the Red Sox for the same reasons that we don't like the Yankees.


I seriously can't believe you can't see our comparison.

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Wow, redandwhite, you preach to me about being unclassy, yet in later posts where I don't even have anything to do with it, you take cheap shots at me? "Take notes Zero".  :lol:  :lol:


Silly BloSox fan makes me laugh. I hate his favorite team and he hates me for it. Guess what bud, my reason for hating them is merited. You're telling me to take notes because I completely f***ing owned you. Why don't you grow a pair and learn that we don't like the Red Sox for the same reasons that we don't like the Yankees.


I seriously can't believe you can't see our comparison.

You "owned" me? just like Cerbaho, huh?




Now I know why at most boards there is an age limit to who can and cannot be considered for the moderator position.

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Now I know why at most boards there is an age limit to who can and cannot be considered for the moderator position.

Now you're just being plain rude. State your case. Some will agree, some wont. You are on the "White" Sox board ya know..




edited to change "ignorant" to "rude" since ingorant as in uninformed doesn't really apply here.

Edited by Steff
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Perhaps you are on the wrong Sox board..

Perhaps. It's a shame that it has to be that way. Like ss2k4 said, it would be awesome to have a mix of fans including some Twins fans, but let it be known you wanderers and any possible Twins fans out there...


There are some great people on this board, some that I go to chatrooms with daily and talk everyday life among other things, but besides the select few your not welcome on Soxtalk.

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Perhaps.  It's a shame that it has to be that way.  Like ss2k4 said, it would be awesome to have a mix of fans including some Twins fans, but let it be known you wanderers and any possible Twins fans out there...


There are some great people on this board, some that I go to chatrooms with daily and talk everyday life among other things, but besides the select few your not welcome on Soxtalk.

What's the shame..? The folks here support and are fans of the White Sox. Most of them don't give a rats behind that Boston is in the playoffs. I don't see how the reaction you got surprises you.


And since you brought this up again I'm going to address it.. I don't ever recall speaking to you in any manner (positive or negative) and I take great offense at you lumping people in who don't give a crap about your alliance as being "against" you or not welcoming you. That's how crappy attitudes towards others get formed. You've created a problem that, IMO, 2 days ago didn't exist.

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Now you're just being plain rude. State your case. Some will agree, some wont. You are on the "White" Sox board ya know..




edited to change "ignorant" to "rude" since ingorant as in uninformed doesn't really apply here.

...and telling me to grow a pair and saying that he quote on quote owned me when he did nothing like that is nice or shows respect to me?


Last time I checked, respect was earned, something Zero has yet to do.

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...and telling me to grow a pair and saying that he quote on quote owned me when he did nothing like that is nice or shows respect to me?


Last time I checked, respect was earned, something Zero has yet to do.

Then take it up with Zero and stop generalizing. It's rude.

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...and telling me to grow a pair and saying that he quote on quote owned me when he did nothing like that is nice or shows respect to me?


Last time I checked, respect was earned, something Zero has yet to do.



Silly, silly BloSox fan.


I post something along the lines of SS2k4 and just because I don't say that "its nice to have people from different teams here" I get labeled unclassy, I get labeled that I have no respect on this board.


I've had my fair share of arguments on this board, but talk to some of the people here and they'll say that they like me. Is it possible to post something about the Red Sox here without you prancing in and acting like we're all horrible people because we don't like both Sox?


And if the respect you're talking about is respect from you, so be it. I could care less. I'll continue my Red Sox bashing and if you have such a problem with it then maybe you should ignore my posts.


I can't even count the times you've called me out on this thread and said something about me. My first post in this thread was about how I think both teams in the ALCS are lame, and what do you say, offhand, in a later post? You say I am what's wrong with baseball. Whoop-de-f***ing-doo, I have an opinion! If, in the world of baseball, it's wrong to have an opinion, then somethings wrong with the world of baseball.


So, me being me, I reply back to you. You say that my post was unclassy, when, in fact, calling me out in a post UNRELATED to me is the unclassy thing to do. I'd even go as far as saying that I hasn't insulted you once till you crossed the damn line. ANd don't tell me that me insulting the Red Sox and Yankees was actually insulting you, because I wasn't even thinking about you when I posted that.


You told me to get a f***ing clue, and that I'm unclassy, and that I'm what's wrong with baseball, and the only possible thing I said to you which could have been taken as an insult was that I told you to take your "red f***ing glasses off".


THEN, later in the thread, after 20 posts not including me goes by, you tell ME to take notes on how to post. f***ing hell, are you a hypocrite or what? Maybe you should leave your snide remarks about me out of your posts before telling me how posting is done.

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Silly, silly BloSox fan.


I post something along the lines of SS2k4 and just because I don't say that "its nice to have people from different teams here" I get labeled unclassy, I get labeled that I have no respect on this board.


I've had my fair share of arguments on this board, but talk to some of the people here and they'll say that they like me. Is it possible to post something about the Red Sox here without you prancing in and acting like we're all horrible people because we don't like both Sox?


And if the respect you're talking about is respect from you, so be it. I could care less. I'll continue my Red Sox bashing and if you have such a problem with it then maybe you should ignore my posts.


I can't even count the times you've called me out on this thread and said something about me. My first post in this thread was about how I think both teams in the ALCS are lame, and what do you say, offhand, in a later post? You say I am what's wrong with baseball. Whoop-de-f***ing-doo, I have an opinion! If, in the world of baseball, it's wrong to have an opinion, then somethings wrong with the world of baseball.


So, me being me, I reply back to you. You say that my post was unclassy, when, in fact, calling me out in a post UNRELATED to me is the unclassy thing to do. I'd even go as far as saying that I hasn't insulted you once till you crossed the damn line. ANd don't tell me that me insulting the Red Sox and Yankees was actually insulting you, because I wasn't even thinking about you when I posted that.


You told me to get a f***ing clue, and that I'm unclassy, and that I'm what's wrong with baseball, and the only possible thing I said to you which could have been taken as an insult was that I told you to take your "red f***ing glasses off".


THEN, later in the thread, after 20 posts not including me goes by, you tell ME to take notes on how to post. f***ing hell, are you a hypocrite or what? Maybe you should leave your snide remarks about me out of your posts before telling me how posting is done.

Lets ask JimH what he thinks about you :lol:

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