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QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 19, 2005 -> 02:32 AM)
Wow....That took me way too long. :bang


I finally figured it out though; it was driving me crazy.

Me too... What really messed me up was that I guessed right the first two rolls without even thinking about it. I was just putting in a number. Then I couldn't figure out why I was right the first two times, but wrong the next 10 or so.

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I must have rolled about 100 times by now and get it right about half the time all guess no clue what the equation is.


Both 6 2 2 6 2 = 0 and 4 2 2 6 2 = 0. There has to be some clue in that but I am damned if I can see it (except that the first numeral is an extra, which I doubt).


Also 1 4 2 1 6 and 2 4 4 2 1 and 1 2 1 6 2 = 0.

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QUOTE(Queen Prawn @ Feb 19, 2005 -> 12:01 PM)
I must have rolled about 100 times by now and get it right about half the time all guess no clue what the equation is. 


Both 6 2 2 6 2 = 0 and 4 2 2 6 2 = 0.  There has to be some clue in that but I am damned if I can see it (except that the first numeral is an extra, which I doubt).


Also 1 4 2 1 6 and 2 4 4 2 1 and 1 2 1 6 2 = 0.

I find simple delight in the engineer having trouble with this.. :P


In all honesty, you're just thinking way too hard. Walk away. Come back later. After you've killed a few brain cells and you'll be able to get it.

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QUOTE(Gene Honda Civic @ Feb 19, 2005 -> 12:08 PM)
I find simple delight in the engineer having trouble with this.. :P


In all honesty, you're just thinking way too hard.  Walk away.  Come back later.  After you've killed a few brain cells and you'll be able to get it.


I've noticed one more thing. Only four answers ever come up (out of all the times I've clicked anyway).


It apparently isn't an equation which takes all the fun out of it for me. Oh, well. I will plug away and see where I get. Thanks though.

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The comments section is hilarious. :lol:


I do not see how this puzzle has anything to do with smarts. According to your instructions it says the smarter you are the longer it will take. I am a little offended by that. I figured it out on the second try in about 2 minutes. I am in no way dumb. I would like to think of myself as smart. I am just curious in how you think being smart makes this puzzle hard to solve.

I found the puzzle @ http://www.angel-owners.com/showthread.php?t=34355, it is a forum. All I did was read everyone's response that tried the puzzle (no one gave the answer). After reading everything I tried it. The one piece of advice that I used to solve was to think out side the box.

Anyway I would appreciate some feedback. I am not trying to berate you in anyway. I just don't think that smarts has anything to do with this.


Scott Cupertino, CA


This guy has waaay too much time on his hands:


so many posts and yet still no discussion of the more

intersting part of the whole thing... the seemingly

unique assertion that a longer solve time equals

higher intelligence (what other problems truly point

this out?). i wish people would elaborate more on

this rather than simply complaining that either they

can't do it, or they did it fast but that doesn't make

them dumb...


this problem is unique in a society that assumes

faster is better... so it would be neat for an actual

discussion on the philosophy of it since that is a lot

of the alure of it... i.e. what is intelligence etc..?

for me it points out a profound insinuation against

"learning" or "intelligence"...


first off, to appease the people who brag of mensa IQ

crap, i believe there is in fact a correlation between

how long it takes you to solve and your



however, there are at least two distinct

implementations of this relationship (i.e. "what is

the question?") and they directly oppose each other

thus baffling the inteligence/time correlation. it is

a linear relationship time vs. intelligence... however

it is BOTH ways at once... a dialectic at the very

least if not more things happening... but at the very

least you have two competing equations which results

in some of the human intrigue... the way i see it...

when one goes to solve this, based on current beliefs

of how the human brain thinks is...


the brain being a neural net that functions on a

macroscopic level by association will first, as with

all problems... attempt to associate this question

with previous question/answer pairs... somewhat

quantum mechanic/probability wise we must consider all

possibilites at once and then collapse down to one (at

a time)... we will attempt to remember what

combinations yielded what (pure memory/progession of

time) by considering recently experienced results

(i.e. what the "answer" was for recent rolls) and/or

simaltaneously attempt to connect it with previous

logic patterns i.e. number sequences, basic equations

(add this, subtract this). we've done such problems

before using "math" so we have to try to match those

patterns on this one...


the result is everyone reads this question with a set

number of feasible possibilites for the algorithm

resulting in the correct answer... the rational being

must then cycle through these posibilites in seemingly

random order... thus, the more potentialities you

store (more "intellectual experience"), the more

possibilities you must consider. i.e. to solve the

problem your brain basically chugs through each known

possibility until randomly drawing the correct one.

thus, those of equal intelligence can arrive at the

answer at different (random) times... despite having

identical "intelligence." it's simply, the probablity

of picking the correct answer after a certain elapsed

time. nevertheless though, the answer is of such a

simple nature that certainly nearly all people doing

htis problem will include the correct answer in one of

the possibilities in their brain. this means anyone

who attempts this problem should be able to solve it

given enough time. this is why this problem is a sort

of "probability" problem...


the probability is that of you picking the right

answer from your brains set of patterns, all the while

having the answer within you (because after all the

answer is easy enough ANYONE can get it)... thus the

more possibilites (the "smarter" you are) the longer

it will take you to pick the right one out of all

possibilites... or basically, you're overanalyzing...

trying to compare too many patterns...


of course, since the brain functions by weighting the

values of each neuron that fires more correctly than

it's neighbors... the brain learns by changing

relative weights... thus a truly "smart" brain has

already assigned all the proper weights to each

possibility. thus a smarter person knows the more

probable answer is one of the easier ones and thus

starts there first... resulting in finding the answer

faster. simplicity is beautiful.


thus a truly genius person finds it almost

immediately... but simaltaneously a "dumb" person

finds it in the same time because he/she has so few

possibilities to consider that the correct one (always

being included in the set) is found quickly. thus,

inteligence and time to solve are directly correlated,

however in both directions simaltaneously... this

phenomenon adds to the alure of the problem.


smart and dumb people can find the same answer in the

same time. sort of a horseshoe thing... on both

ends, the genius and the "dumb" person find it easy...

but thereafter each pairing of either slightly smarter

or slightly dumber equal each other. this perfect

symmetry means no real conclusion as to the correct

correlation can be found. yer either just as smart,

or just as dumb for any answer. there are of course

other relationships too, but i have a suspicion they

too roughly add up to be symmetric.


anyway such thoughts have profound dialectic

extrapolations to our reality and that is the true

beauty of the problem. the smart/dumb duality. kind

of like the same thing being in two places at once.

uniquely too, while perhaps appearing a

"math"problem... this one doesn't really favor the

more scientific/engineer intelligence vs. the "artsy

fartsy" intelligence... inteligence based on pattern

matching applies to either intellectual bent... yet

another symmetry... and of course, symmetry problems

have the most interesting results...




BTW, I'll never get the solution due to my geniusness. :D

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