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We all know the obvious targets, Billy Wagner for instance. But a big name reliever is going to cost us talent, talent which could ultimately do more harm to our team than good by bringing in a top notch reliever. I've got a few ideas as far as veteran, relatively cheap, and effective relief pitchers.


The Righties:

While it seems as though the right handed side of the Sox pen is set, if someone goes down, everyone has to step up a notch. Having an extra effective right handed reliever is a good idea, especially when Hermanson has been having back problems, Vizcaino has been ineffective, and Jenks is unproven.


Todd Jones - At 37 he's got plenty of experience, and doesn't have much of a future with the Marlins. He's put together a solid season, and the Fish wouldn't part with him unless they get a solid reliever in return, i.e. Baj or Shinjo. They have Mota to close, so I view him as expendable. However, if the Marlins see themselves as in the race for the NL east or the wildcard, they'll likely hold onto him unless they feel like they've bettered their situation. They're only 5.5 games out of first in a very winnable division, but they've been struggling as of late. In 41 1/3 innings, he's carrying a 1.52 ERA, with 15 saves in 17 chances. I see him as another excellent right handed reliever to go along with Politte, and if Hermanson goes down, he's a viable option to close.


James Baldwin - We all know and love JB. He put up good numbers out of the bullpen with Baltimore before being cut. He's an innings eater, and IMO is a much better option than Viz. He wouldn't take any talent in a trade because he's a free agent.


Roberto Hernandez - Another familiar face. Quietly putting up an excellent year with the Mets, after no teams seemed to want him in the offseason. He's still throwing mid-90's at 40 years old. The Mets are still in the race, and carry a weak bullpen so it's unlikely they'll give him up. However, such as with Todd Jones, Baj or Shingo could be excellent trade bait. In 44 2/3 innings he's carrying a 1.61 ERA. He throws a heavy sinker and hard slider, so expect a lot of ground balls, and with the AL's number one defense behind him, I think he's an excellent choice as an extra righthander in the pen.


Dan Wheeler - Big right hander from the Astros. Younger and lesser known than the names above, and definately more valuable to his club. However, the Astros are falling out of contention, and it's doubtful they'll pull another miracle out like they did last year. He has more strikeouts than innings this year, and his ERA stands at 1.73. He's probably not on the block, but it's worth a try to give the Stros a call.


The Lefties:

With Marte as possible trade bait, another lefty might be necessary. In the case that someone would get hurt, another lefty is definately a necessity, since I'm sure none of us want to see Kevin Walker in a Sox uniform again.


Billy Wagner - A no brainer. The phils are reeling and would be easily willing to part with his gigantic contract. It's going to take a lot of talent, but it gives the Sox a legitimate closer. Not that Hermanson hasn't been doing his job, but Wagner strikes fear into the hearts of opposing batters in the ninth inning.


Ron Villone - A ten year ML veteran who has experience starting as well as relieving. Seattle is out of the race in the West, and I can't see them being overly picky about receiving prospects for a 35 year old reliever. Can eat up innings, and be a viable option to spot start in case of injury. This year, he's carrying a 2.35 ERA, albeit in a limited amount of innings. He's a better option than Walker.


Gledon Rusch - Versatile, can spot start effectively, as well as shut down opposing batters out of the bullpen. If the Cubs stay in the race, it's unlikely they'll trade him because he's extremely valuable to their club. However, if they fall behind, they might be willing to trade the rugged veteran for prospects. Not putting up as good of numbers as Villone, but he's had more pressure as well as a lot more innings put on him this season.

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Todd Jones : Not going anywhere unless the Marlins fall out of it (he closes b/c Mota can't handle it, aka he is not expendable)


Hernandez: Wouldnt be a "good enough" upgrade to bother


Wheeler: Doubt the Astors would part with him


Baldwin: Um, no


Wagner: No need to comment. He will cost an arm and a leg but we all know how good he is


Villone: Possibility, I wouldnt mind him but a LR isnt a priority right now


Rusch: As with JB...please no

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QUOTE(beck72 @ Jul 24, 2005 -> 08:58 PM)
A few guys who might be available with good stats to help the sox migth be Ron Villone, Scott Erye or Matt Wise.

Villone or Eyre are perfect as lefty LOOGY's, and can be used in the 6th or 7th. Makes perfect sense if we aren't going to go after a closer, and decide to "improve" our bullpen.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jul 24, 2005 -> 10:59 AM)
Villone or Eyre are perfect as lefty LOOGY's, and can be used in the 6th or 7th. Makes perfect sense if we aren't going to go after a closer, and decide to "improve" our bullpen.

Villone and Eyre have very similar stats--good k/ 9, ok BB/9, low OBP, SLG and BAA, low HR's against [both have given up 1]


And both could probably be had for prospects

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