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This Loss is on Ozzie


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QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 6, 2006 -> 03:12 AM)
It's one game.  Get over it and win the next 2.


There will always be rough games during the season. We'll probabaly lose another 50 before we go back to the playoffs.


Remember to take the long view. Put these guys (BA, MT, Mack), out there and give them the chance to perform. If they can't perform on a consistent basis, KW will make the moves to find us someone who will.


Sure there have been issues, but we ARE succeeding so far.

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Last night's loss was certainly the most agonizing of the season, and our frustration is really apparent in this thread. That 9th inning was a nightmare.


Jenks certainly didn't pitch well, but I think that may explained by his overuse so far this season. He's already appeared in 16 of the 29 games, which would put him on pace for 89 appearances for the season. That's waaaaay too many for a closer, especially a young one who has less than a year of big league experience.


The other Sox relievers have got to step up so that Ozzie doesn't feel like he has to use Bobby every night. Some may say that Ozzie needs to establish roles for the bullpen, but I think it's difficult to establish roles for these guys when all of them have struggled to get guys out consistently.

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QUOTE(LoFiStew @ May 7, 2006 -> 12:02 AM)
Some may say that Ozzie needs to establish roles for the bullpen, but I think it's difficult to establish roles for these guys when all of them have struggled to get guys out consistently.

Establishing roles is easier to do when you know you may be out there for more than one batter. The lefty-righty matchups he sometimes pulls 'by the book' come back to bite us. Since Jenks is the closer, his 'role' should have been to come in for the 9th inning. If he was tired, he should have left Thorton in there. I know it is a long season, and Oz will make moves that make even the diehard fan go 'huh?' But I have never liked the way he handles the relief pitchers.

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Establishing roles is a process. In this case, it's still an ongoing process. Things will sort themselves out soon. Consider how our bullpen evolved over the course of last year. Just the closer role went from Shingo to Hermanson to Jenks. Cotts and Politte had to be groomed into their roles. It takes time, guys. Have some patience. Ozzie and Coop will sort it out.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 7, 2006 -> 08:19 AM)
But Ozzie has always been great at handling the bullpen


When you are talking about his handling of the pen over the cousre of a full season, the yes he is. If you are talking about "today's game" then he doesn't do what the fans thinks he should do, as misguided as the fans opinion may be.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 7, 2006 -> 08:26 AM)
When you are talking about his handling of the pen over the cousre of a full season, the yes he is.  If you are talking about "today's game" then he doesn't do what the fans thinks he should do, as misguided as the fans opinion may be.


It's his weakest area as a manager.


Oops, I should say discretion in public remarks is #1, on-field, managing the bullpen is his weakest area.

Edited by Texsox
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QUOTE(Texsox @ May 7, 2006 -> 08:35 AM)
It's his weakest area as a manager.


Oops, I should say discretion in public remarks is #1, on-field, managing the bullpen is his weakest area.


That's like saying a pitcher has a great fastball, slider and curveball but only a decent change up.

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QUOTE(YASNY @ May 7, 2006 -> 08:59 AM)
That's like saying a pitcher has a great fastball, slider and curveball but only a decent change up.


Yes it is. And notice you went great, great, great, decent. Decent not very good, excellent, or anything else. I agree with the decent. I wouldn't have gone much higher.


I also believe that managers get too much blame and too much credit.

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 7, 2006 -> 09:43 AM)
Just curious but why is this topic still alive?  I was steaming mad about Oz doing what he did but that was 2 days ago.  Let it go!

Because you just posted

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QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 7, 2006 -> 11:43 AM)
Just curious but why is this topic still alive?  I was steaming mad about Oz doing what he did but that was 2 days ago.  Let it go!

I don't really know what is so special about this thread.. I mean, people blame Ozzie for just about every loss on the year. What makes this one unique?

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QUOTE(Felix @ May 8, 2006 -> 02:21 AM)
I don't really know what is so special about this thread.. I mean, people blame Ozzie for just about every loss on the year.  What makes this one unique?

Bullpen usage of course. And then some people are always going to want replacements, even if they're not ready to contribute yet.

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QUOTE(Dan @ May 6, 2006 -> 12:34 PM)
how is it amazing?  in case you havent noticed, this is Chicago.  Chi-town has always been notorius for having the most opinionated and demanding fans.  myself included. this is no surprise and has been going on for years.


Philadelphia has the most opinionated and demanding fans. Maybe New York after that. Chicago's not quite there.

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