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Kotex Boy Worried About Ozzie


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I'm a little confused. I have been reading negative things about Ozzie calling for the intentional hit.


It was a retaliation to feeling that AJ had been hit by the pitches (atleast one of them) intentionally.


Shouldn't Buck be coming under fire for using a baseball as a weapon then? Why is it O.K. for one manager to call for the intentional hit, but not the other? If anything, Ozzie's call for it was the "safer" one since the batters should all have known it would be coming eventually. Whereas the first batter hit would have no idea they were going to be targeted.


But I guess since Ozzie yelled at somebody it makes his "attack" on the batter all that much worse?

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 12:26 PM)
I'm a little confused. I have been reading negative things about Ozzie calling for the intentional hit.


It was a retaliation to feeling that AJ had been hit by the pitches (atleast one of them) intentionally.


Shouldn't Buck be coming under fire for using a baseball as a weapon then? Why is it O.K. for one manager to call for the intentional hit, but not the other?


But I guess since Ozzie yelled at somebody it makes his "attack" on the batter all that much worse?



Another excellent post. The media worked pretty hard last nite, hopefully someone will come back with this angle tomorrow. Showalter has been known to start stuff like this before, Im still confused why he chose the SOX. Showalter has gotten a free pass so far in all of this. I hope the SOX just forget about this and concentrate on Sweeping the Reds, because I dont feel good about the other team doing anything worthwhile against the Tiggers

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QUOTE(Kid Gleason @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 12:26 PM)
I'm a little confused. I have been reading negative things about Ozzie calling for the intentional hit.


It was a retaliation to feeling that AJ had been hit by the pitches (atleast one of them) intentionally.


Shouldn't Buck be coming under fire for using a baseball as a weapon then? Why is it O.K. for one manager to call for the intentional hit, but not the other? If anything, Ozzie's call for it was the "safer" one since the batters should all have known it would be coming eventually. Whereas the first batter hit would have no idea they were going to be targeted.


But I guess since Ozzie yelled at somebody it makes his "attack" on the batter all that much worse?


THANK YOU!....somebody gets it! Getting drilled or at least some chin music is part of the game...has been forever and will be forever...but Ozzie's taking all the heat for it. As for Moronotti...wasn't he just lauding Ozzie a short time back...as one of the best in the game...or something like that? Now he's questioning whether he should lead this team? What an idiot this guy is.

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QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 11:27 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know a lot of you guys won't like this, but I agree completely with Jay's column. I think this whole retailiation crap is stupid. The object is get the guy out, not to knock him on the seat of his pants. If you want to make a statement, then embarass the other team by beating them on the field where it matters most.


Furthermore regarding what Ozzie did, I think it should have been handled differently. If he was gonna yell at him like that he should have done it away from the cameras. Also, the guy is a rookie, don't put him in a situation like that. If Ozzie really wanted to hit Blaylock, he should have had someone in there who would be more likely to do it. Someone who's been around for a while.


Although a few things Mariotti said seemed redundant as most of you well know, I agree with this post, as much as I really hate to say it. I'm not saying Mariotti wouldn't say something totally different if things had gone just a little differently and showed himself to further be the tool that we all know he is, but to me, that doesn't stop what he said in this column from being correct.

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 08:25 AM)
Word of advice: Don't read his stuff. He wants to make you mad.

You hit it on the head. I enjoy reading Mariotti for the entertainment value of his rants, but I don't view him as a serious sports writer. His whole schtick is about trying to be an irritant. It gets him attention in a competitive media market, and to that end, more power to him. Not to insult one of our players, but Jay Marriotti is the "A.J. Pierzynski" of sports journalism. He gets under your skin. I hate it when he criticizes the Sox, but I enjoy reading his scathing columns when he is ripping on the Cubs. The thing about Jay is that, if he translated into a player, pitchers would be throwing at him with regularity. Truth be told, if Mariotti really has a problem with retaliation in baseball, he's just showing the world how soft he really is.

Edited by infohawk
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QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 12:18 PM)


...do you not know what Kotex is?


Anyway, tigerfan I will respectfully disagree with you. Winning is a great way to make a statement, but you can be a bunch of pussies and still win. It takes a little more to get real respect around the league. Standing up for your teammates is part of that. It must be my Irish up-bringing showing through. If somebody hits me, I hit back. And it won't stop until somebody is in the hospital.

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QUOTE(infohawk @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 01:18 PM)
You hit it on the head. I enjoy reading Mariotti for the entertainment value of his rants, but I don't view him as a serious sports writer.



Some of the best articles hes ever written, were the ones in 1994, when he absolutely lambasted the Owners during the Strike. Those articles were powerful and he came out firing on them. The fact that he doesnt write anything timely like that just tells me hes LAZY and is only in it for the shock value.

Good point Infohawk

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 12:40 PM)
Anyway, tigerfan I will respectfully disagree with you. Winning is a great way to make a statement, but you can be a bunch of pussies and still win. It takes a little more to get real respect around the league. Standing up for your teammates is part of that. It must be my Irish up-bringing showing through. If somebody hits me, I hit back. And it won't stop until somebody is in the hospital.


I respect your opinion but to me fighting really doesn't prove that much, except that you can do it. I mean if you brawl with a team and still get your butt kicked 12-2, then what good was it really? You may have won the battle, but you still lost the war.


I will say this though, as much as I don't agree with the whole retaliation deal, sometimes a fight like that can bring a team together, and get them fired up. The Sox/Tigers brawl in 2000 seemed to have that affect on the Tigers. They were struggling before that, and actually made a playoff push late in the year.


In regards to Showalter not getting any heat for what happened the other night, I think had Ozzie not gone off the deep end publicly with Tracey, maybe he would have taken some criticism also.

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QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:00 PM)
I respect your opinion but to me fighting really doesn't prove that much, except that you can do it. I mean if you brawl with a team and still get your butt kicked 12-2, then what good was it really? You may have won the battle, but you still lost the war.


I will say this though, as much as I don't agree with the whole retaliation deal, sometimes a fight like that can bring a team together, and get them fired up. The Sox/Tigers brawl in 2000 seemed to have that affect on the Tigers. They were struggling before that, and actually made a playoff push late in the year.


In regards to Showalter not getting any heat for what happened the other night, I think had Ozzie not gone off the deep end publicly with Tracey, maybe he would have taken some criticism also.


That also worked for the Sox. They went on a tear after that and did, in fact, make the playoffs.

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 01:40 PM)
...do you not know what Kotex is?


Anyway, tigerfan I will respectfully disagree with you. Winning is a great way to make a statement, but you can be a bunch of pussies and still win. It takes a little more to get real respect around the league. Standing up for your teammates is part of that. It must be my Irish up-bringing showing through. If somebody hits me, I hit back. And it won't stop until somebody is in the hospital.


Why yes I do...Do you know what sexist is? It's certainly not taking the name of a femine product and using it to reference a journalist.


"Summers Eve" Jay

Jay "Wings" Marriotti

"Always" Jay

Edited by Controlled Chaos
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QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:00 PM)
I respect your opinion but to me fighting really doesn't prove that much, except that you can do it. I mean if you brawl with a team and still get your butt kicked 12-2, then what good was it really? You may have won the battle, but you still lost the war.


I will say this though, as much as I don't agree with the whole retaliation deal, sometimes a fight like that can bring a team together, and get them fired up. The Sox/Tigers brawl in 2000 seemed to have that affect on the Tigers. They were struggling before that, and actually made a playoff push late in the year.


In regards to Showalter not getting any heat for what happened the other night, I think had Ozzie not gone off the deep end publicly with Tracey, maybe he would have taken some criticism also.


Hey, it's the two different viewpoints that will always clash. Some people believe in fighting, others believe in keeping the peace. I believe in fighting. Like I said, it's how I was brought up. You earn respect by not taking any crap from anyone. Similar to me calling out all the smart asses on this site who seem to think they can say whatever they want.


On the other hand, this is a professional business. If somebody pissed me off at work I can't go to their desk and start swinging. I'd get fired and have lawsuits being thrown my way. In baseball, you don't get the lawsuits, but they do get fined and suspended. In AJ's case, he did not want to miss any time and risk hurting his team. I can respect that decision. It's not what I would do, but still.


But like you said, a good basebrawl can sometimes be the defining turning point in a season.

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QUOTE(SoxFan76 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 01:40 PM)
Anyway, tigerfan I will respectfully disagree with you. Winning is a great way to make a statement, but you can be a bunch of pussies and still win. It takes a little more to get real respect around the league. Standing up for your teammates is part of that. It must be my Irish up-bringing showing through. If somebody hits me, I hit back. And it won't stop until somebody is in the hospital.


I disagree with this sentiment, almost completely.


I will respectfully disagree with you. Winning is a great way to make a statement, but you can be a bunch of pussies and still win.


I hope you're not seriously trying to say that a bunch of our guys are a bunch of pussies. Is Thome a pussy? Konerko? Dye? Buerhle? I don't think adhering to some ancient "sacred code" BS makes you any tougher. Hell, I think it might even be more indimidating for the guys to not even act like they cared about getting beaned. Just use the free runners to score some runs.


It takes a little more to get real respect around the league. Standing up for your teammates is part of that.


Well, what is the teammate's wishes? Let's open up the paper and see what AJ said:


Pierzynski said he declined to charge the mound because of the consequences. "Do I want to get suspended for five days?" Pierzynski said while displaying a badly bruised right elbow.


I think most of anyone, AJ understands the whole role of retaliation in a pennant race: personal vendetta takes a back seat to the greater good of the team. I'm sure him of all people doesn't want a teammate getting suspended and potentially costing his team a valuable game in such a tight race with the Tigers.



I haven't weighed in on this whole thing yet, but in the end, here's how I view it. AJ gets beaned the first time. Ozzie doesn't want his starter getting tossed in the 2nd inning as that helps no one out and he definitely doesn't want to lose a starter for a game or two for retaliation; thus, he tells Javier not to retaliate. Then the second beaning occurs, causing a warning on both sides. This is really where it was blown, the umpire should have thrown Padilla out of the game for that. Then Tracey gets called in, s*** goes down, he gets sent to AAA and we get a real major league reliever in a trade. In the end, I'm not happy with Ozzie's tirade, but it's just one of those things you have to live with when you have a great manager. I am happy that there are some cooler heads on this team, of all people AJ, who seem to realize the exact role of retaliation when your team is chasing a pennant.

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QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:36 PM)
I disagree with this sentiment, almost completely.

I hope you're not seriously trying to say that a bunch of our guys are a bunch of pussies. Is Thome a pussy? Konerko? Dye? Buerhle? I don't think adhering to some ancient "sacred code" BS makes you any tougher. Hell, I think it might even be more indimidating for the guys to not even act like they cared about getting beaned. Just use the free runners to score some runs.

Well, what is the teammate's wishes? Let's open up the paper and see what AJ said:

I think most of anyone, AJ understands the whole role of retaliation in a pennant race: personal vendetta takes a back seat to the greater good of the team. I'm sure him of all people doesn't want a teammate getting suspended and potentially costing his team a valuable game in such a tight race with the Tigers.

I haven't weighed in on this whole thing yet, but in the end, here's how I view it. AJ gets beaned the first time. Ozzie doesn't want his starter getting tossed in the 2nd inning as that helps no one out and he definitely doesn't want to lose a starter for a game or two for retaliation; thus, he tells Javier not to retaliate. Then the second beaning occurs, causing a warning on both sides. This is really where it was blown, the umpire should have thrown Padilla out of the game for that. Then Tracey gets called in, s*** goes down, he gets sent to AAA and we get a real major league reliever in a trade. In the end, I'm not happy with Ozzie's tirade, but it's just one of those things you have to live with when you have a great manager. I am happy that there are some cooler heads on this team, of all people AJ, who seem to realize the exact role of retaliation when your team is chasing a pennant.


:o oh man, you are soo gonna get called out.

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QUOTE(Wedge @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 02:44 PM)



Alright man, take a breather. I never called anyone on the Sox a pussy. Nor do I think any one of them is. From what I saw of the Cubs incident, the Sox players were the ones laying some serious blows.


In fact, if you saw Ozzie's interview, he was pissed off. He was ready to throw down right there with the reporters.


As for AJ not fighting, well you didn't read all of my post apparently.


On the other hand, this is a professional business. If somebody pissed me off at work I can't go to their desk and start swinging. I'd get fired and have lawsuits being thrown my way. In baseball, you don't get the lawsuits, but they do get fined and suspended. In AJ's case, he did not want to miss any time and risk hurting his team. I can respect that decision. It's not what I would do, but still.
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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 03:01 PM)
The crux of his column was that he was speculating that the team is getting tired of Ozzie...But as long as there are no legitimate signs of this and the team keeps winning cohesively, I say Ozzie can keep being Ozzie...

Finally, I've been waiting for someone, somewhere to use that line. He's now officially Manny Ramirez, as long as he hits .300 and pops 40 dongs a season he can climb into the Green Monster all he wants, afterall it's just Manny being Manny.

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QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 07:02 AM)
I'm worried about the man. You should be, too.



Yeah, I'm worried about him. Not because of his ripping Tracey and the team, but because he is going to have a hard time this weekend seeing Thome on the bench for 2 games! :D

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 03:04 PM)
Finally, I've been waiting for someone, somewhere to use that line. He's now officially Manny Ramirez, as long as he hits .300 and pops 40 dongs a season he can climb into the Green Monster all he wants, afterall it's just Manny being Manny.


One is a leader, wants to win, preaches team unity and togetherness, and luvs and wants to stay with his team...yep, good comparison...

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QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 03:15 PM)
One is a leader, wants to win, preaches team unity and togetherness, and luvs and wants to stay with his team...yep, good comparison...

I'm not talking about overall situations because right now those are completely different but Ozzie seems to have the right now to act as childish and outlandish as he wants because 1.) They won the World Series 2.) The team is winning 3.) People seem to love this sort of behavior for whatever reason. He and Manny get a free pass for thier own brand of immaturity because they get the job done. Manny being Manny, Ozzie being Ozzie.

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QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 03:24 PM)
I'm not talking about overall situations because right now those are completely different but Ozzie seems to have the right now to act as childish and outlandish as he wants because 1.) They won the World Series 2.) The team is winning 3.) People seem to love this sort of behavior for whatever reason. He and Manny get a free pass for thier own brand of immaturity because they get the job done. Manny being Manny, Ozzie being Ozzie.


I'm just so much more accepting to the team-first attitude over a selfish one, which is why I like Ozzie and didn't agree with that comparison...And I've yet to see or hear anything from Ozzie that I absolutely hated, including the incident the other night which I saw more as tough luv...

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