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Jimmy Carter, ex-president, current badass.

Rex Kickass

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I was in D.C. for a protest last weekend. Ironic since I'm pro-war. But I wanted to see what it was all about. About 20,000 people there. Some guy was saying, "Reagan was oh-so-sooooooooo unpopular when he left office" and I said, "According to what polls?"



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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 11:50 AM)
That's a cute number. Where'd you get it?

Dear GP-


You've been asking a lot lately, why people seem to be upset by your posts. Here's a hint - this one I just quoted is the perfect illustration. If you can't see why, PM me and I'll let you know.





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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 11:50 AM)
I was in D.C. for a protest last weekend. Ironic since I'm pro-war. But I wanted to see what it was all about. About 20,000 people there. Some guy was saying, "Reagan was oh-so-sooooooooo unpopular when he left office" and I said, "According to what polls?"



What does this have to do with Carter?


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It's about poll numbers and where they come from. What does "feeling old" and Clinton/Bush/a-crazy-40% number got to do with Carter? I'm just curious where that number comes from. Talk radio? A newspaper? what polling service? 'Cause I really doubt it's accurate.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 11:50 AM)
That's a cute number. Where'd you get it?


Just going off of the 2000 census, which took google all of 5 seconds to find and me another 30 seconds to add up, 35% of the US population is under 24. I'd say 1983 is a good cutoff for remembering who was president in 1988.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 12:02 PM)
Just going off of the 2000 census, which took google all of 5 seconds to find and me another 30 seconds to add up, 35% of the US population is under 24. I'd say 1983 is a good cutoff for remembering who was president in 1988.


Good work.

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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 09:57 AM)
It's about poll numbers and where they come from. What does "feeling old" and Clinton/Bush/a-crazy-40% number got to do with Carter? I'm just curious where that number comes from. Talk radio? A newspaper? what polling service? 'Cause I really doubt it's accurate.

It's not accurate.


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QUOTE(Gregory Pratt @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 11:46 AM)
Ooooh, I got the exact number wrong. Doesn't change any of the rest of the point, or its validity. Carter's rescue missions were idiotic and ill-conceived.


It was what military leaders thought was the best option to get the hostages out alive. Saving the lives of the hostages was the #1 goal. Not proving how big his balls were. Stealth was the plan.


He gave the order to abort the mission when the weather turned bad, against the forecast. With the problems they were having, aborting sure seemed like a good idea. Remember this was 25 years ago and a lot of technology you may take for granted wasn't invented yet.

I remember studying this in current events and now you in a history class. Wait until your kids talk about Mission Accomplished in 30 years. :lol: I am certain you will not recognize the events either.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 10:08 AM)
He said people who remember a president other than a Bush or Clinton, not approval ratings. He was commenting on Tex's comment "I'm realizing that many high school teachers were not born when Carter was in office."

He also commented on some hippy who said that Reagan was unpopular when he left office, and that data I added is the counter-point he didn't have.

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QUOTE(StrangeSox @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 12:11 PM)
In the future, if you doubt something someone says is true and want to accuse them of making something up, you should probably spend at least a minute looking into it.


I didn't accuse him of making it up. I said, "I don't think that's true. Please clarify." Besides, nobody ever gives me the courtesy of googling my accusations and I often have to do my own leg work -- like when we were talking about the CIA/Bush/bin Laden/election tape.

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Here's a poll to help out Pratt, shows Carter as the second worse President of all time. Clinton is up there also.


You have to take the survey, or click on a second link to see voter results. The l,ink is to an article on the Ten Worse of all time.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 01:08 PM)
It was what military leaders thought was the best option to get the hostages out alive. Saving the lives of the hostages was the #1 goal. Not proving how big his balls were. Stealth was the plan.


He gave the order to abort the mission when the weather turned bad, against the forecast. With the problems they were having, aborting sure seemed like a good idea. Remember this was 25 years ago and a lot of technology you may take for granted wasn't invented yet.

I remember studying this in current events and now you in a history class. Wait until your kids talk about Mission Accomplished in 30 years. :lol: I am certain you will not recognize the events either.



Tex, what was it like being the only survivor of the Alamo? Do you and FlasoxxJim reminisce about the "good ol' days.....The Andrew Jackson presidency?




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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 12:23 PM)
Tex, what was it like being the only survivor of the Alamo? Do you and FlasoxxJim reminisce about the "good ol' days.....The Andrew Jackson presidency?





It is interesting in this case because I have some recollection of Nixon, watched the impeachment trial, watched the events unfold, then Ford, and was in High School during Carter's term. So much of Carter's and later Reagan's Presidency would be linked to the nation's mood.


Much like historians would credit the nation's ending of the mourning of Kennedy's death to the rise of the Beatles, Reagan allowed us to swagger. Nixon, Vietnam, inflation, Ford all led to Carter's term. Then the hostage taking and the failed rescue. Tough times. And they can't be fully understood in a 50 minute class. Sports fans understand momentum, and we didn't have it.


When we elected Carter we wanted some honesty, integrity, and perhaps a bit of divine intervention back into the White House. Reagan was helped immensely by the terrorists waiting until he took office to release the hostages. This was clearly a final insult to Carter but arguably a great thing for America. Minutes after Reagan takes office, our nation was released. We got that swagger back. We had a handsome cowboy in office and we were back to kick some ass.


Images of the hostages being beheaded would have been far worse than 444 days of captivity. We may look at negotiations now as being wimpy, but what have we accomplished with our current methods? It is not fair to compare 1979 with 2007, but these were middle east terrorists who released all the hostages alive. Not a bad outcome. I am certain Carter doesn't care that Pratt and Alpha question his manhood. Of course Alpha now calls him a senile fool for walking into a dangerous situation. Proving it just doesn't matter to some people. I think he displated great courage in 2007 and perhaps even greater courage in 1979 and 1980. He new his political career was shot without a daring rescue attemp and did not try a November surprise. That takes personal convictions that I wish more leaders possessed.

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QUOTE(Texsox @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 01:37 PM)
It is interesting in this case because I have some recollection of Nixon, watched the impeachment trial, watched the events unfold, then Ford, and was in High School during Carter's term. So much of Carter's and later Reagan's Presidency would be linked to the nation's mood.


Much like historians would credit the nation's ending of the mourning of Kennedy's death to the rise of the Beatles, Reagan allowed us to swagger. Nixon, Vietnam, inflation, Ford all led to Carter's term. Then the hostage taking and the failed rescue. Tough times. And they can't be fully understood in a 50 minute class. Sports fans understand momentum, and we didn't have it.


When we elected Carter we wanted some honesty, integrity, and perhaps a bit of divine intervention back into the White House. Reagan was helped immensely by the terrorists waiting until he took office to release the hostages. This was clearly a final insult to Carter but arguably a great thing for America. Minutes after Reagan takes office, our nation was released. We got that swagger back. We had a handsome cowboy in office and we were back to kick some ass.


Images of the hostages being beheaded would have been far worse than 444 days of captivity. We may look at negotiations now as being wimpy, but what have we accomplished with our current methods? It is not fair to compare 1979 with 2007, but these were middle east terrorists who released all the hostages alive. Not a bad outcome. I am certain Carter doesn't care that Pratt and Alpha question his manhood. Of course Alpha now calls him a senile fool for walking into a dangerous situation. Proving it just doesn't matter to some people. I think he displated great courage in 2007 and perhaps even greater courage in 1979 and 1980. He new his political career was shot without a daring rescue attemp and did not try a November surprise. That takes personal convictions that I wish more leaders possessed.



that wasn't funny at all...

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QUOTE(sox4lifeinPA @ Oct 5, 2007 -> 01:23 PM)
Tex, what was it like being the only survivor of the Alamo? Do you and FlasoxxJim reminisce about the "good ol' days.....The Andrew Jackson presidency?



Shut up that's why!


And stay the hell off my lawn!


Stupid punk kids •grumble* •grumble*. . .



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