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StrangeSox last won the day on January 10 2021

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About StrangeSox

  • Birthday 01/01/1873

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  1. He was on Conan O'Brien's podcast somewhat recently with Dave Grohl and Krist Noveselic talking about engineering Nirvana's In Utero His earlier stuff is also covered pretty heavily in the book/audiobook "Our Band Could Be Your Life" about the rise of the indie rock underground in the 80's that paved the way for the "alt rock" commercial success in the 90's. I think he toned down the Gen X edgelord contrarianism he was known for in his earlier days, but he was always a prickly asshole (in a good way). Very firm stance on the ethics regarding the music industry and royalties. Famously never took any and only charged his hourly rate to record and engineer an album.
  2. I mean, there's accounts of Jordan crying during the Olympics thanks to famous abusive asshole Bobby Knight, and I'm sure we all remember Dennis Rodman's antics while on the Bulls and leading the league in rebounds in addition to his near-suicide attempt in the early 90's. It's purestrain sports radio meatball takes, imo
  3. Not familiar with the new draft rules, why are they capped at 10th overall?
  4. Statistically, the worst. I'm not a huge fan of "advanced" stats in the NFL, but Gill was dead last in them. So bad that his negative value basically wiped out Kmet's positive value.
  5. JB telling both the Bears and Sox to go pound sand:
  6. This draft was talked about for months as being very weak once you got past the 3rd, maybe 4th rounds. The punter was probably the right combo of BPA and a clear position of need for the Bears.
  7. Punter was a bad pick only because they're not going to be putting very much!!!
  8. Williams throwing to Moore, Allen, Odunze, Kmet, and Swift. Got a real chance to break some lofty Bears QB records this year!
  9. https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootballtalk/rumor-mill/news/bears-will-unveil-plan-for-new-stadium-in-chicago
  10. Mac Jones' rookie season would be the second best bears QB season ever
  11. Very simple solution: the state should eminent domain the White Sox and The 78, making them publicly owned assets. Then it makes perfect sense to publicly finance it! More seriously, I thought there were a number of studies done 10-20 years ago that found pretty conclusively that sports stadiums don't really end up generating new growth, tourism, tax revenue, and employment.
  12. FWIW Related Midwest has been looking for a solution for The 78 ever since they lost out to Bally's to build a Chicago casino. That was supposed to be the cornerstone of the development. U of I still has a research center going in there on south end of the development but I think the rest of the site is currently up in the air
  13. Incredible that the Packers hit on yet another QB and are then 4th in draft value. Night and day the way that org has been run compared to the Bears.
  14. How do they make that promise/commitment to any potential incoming OC, though?
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