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Chick Mercedes

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Chick Mercedes last won the day on February 13 2021

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  1. That was definitely the sales job we were given. I don’t fully understand why Jerry put that out there. It was completely unnecessary at a point where 99% of Sox fans knew in great detail why this team was never gonna have a quick turnaround. If Jerry didn’t know that Getz was this unprepared to execute Jerry’s delusional vision from day 1, he does now. And Jerry still won’t fire Getz, because Jerry is completely dysfunctional. What Jerry is is an owner who never demands accountability. Now every observer should be able to see that Jerry does NOT want to win. Jerry does NOT demand accountability to what Jerry says needs to be done. What Jerry wants is money.
  2. I guess. But most baller GMs know exactly what they need to function the way they need in order to do a good job, and they just move everything they need into the building, and everyone else has to GTFO. There’s no universe in my mind that Getz shouldn’t know how the people around him would fit into his vision if he ever got the chance to run the team. And he knows people out there in the league too. If he’s that unsure of what he is doing, it’s not a positive for me.
  3. No, It really was a great day. It was a great day for a couple of weeks. Everyone was sprawled out on the floor like clients in an opium den.
  4. -His trades have looked short -He has a good eye for scrap heap pitching. other than that, I got nothing.
  5. Absolutely. The reason you hire a Chris Getz is because he’s desperate for the position, and is completely malleable. Would Jerry ever in his life hire someone good that is used to being independent?
  6. Oh yeah. Reinsdorf is a proven bad decision-maker. You go from proven bad, to… you’re telling me there’s a chance.
  7. The problem for me, and I will stop saying this, are the implications. We wanted outside hires because the organization itself is so rotten. So, I lament that nothing has changed apparently. And Chris sadly acknowledges the state of the organization. I don’t mind hiring outsiders. You probably have to if you’re being thorough. Chances are the best talent is outside the organization just by the sheer odds. But Getz threw the organization and its people under the bus. Which it probably deserves to be. And this is his bus. That’s the problem. This is his bus. One day, this team will have arrived when it does not say we need outside people.
  8. I would rather he do things holistically, and say he’s hiring the best people anywhere. If he cannot find good talent from within, then what are we doing here? It’s hopeless. Granted, maybe the best talent isn’t from within. But that means Getz doesn’t know how to hire at any level. He’s gonna bring in outsiders, great. Why does he need to? He just told you the people he assembled are garbage.
  9. It’s ironic, not hypocritical. I don’t know if it’s correct at all. It seems rather an indictment of the organization itself. And how much success is bound to happen in that case by having some kind of rigid, at same time arbitrary approach? Getz is flailing here.
  10. If you’re not moaning and groaning, pessimistic and jaded, there is something seriously wrong with you.
  11. I would much rather Getz know how to hire and develop good talent from within. And that goes for prospects too. I don’t even understand the point. If they don’t know talent, none of this matters.
  12. Anyone can say they want to win, but only the ones that bleed for winning truly want to win. That isn’t wanting to win. Not really. That’s just a small step higher than, “Doesn’t care at all”.
  13. But then, they always do tear
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