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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 02:36 PM)
Russia lost the most in WW2.


Thats the point, ask a random question, some will know, some wont. Its not a media conspiracy, its just a random fact.


The only reason I used that one is because I was talking about it in that Brokaw thread.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 04:09 PM)
Obama never said anything about withdrawing from Afghanistan when he was campaigning and he said he was going to do more there because that's where the actual threat is. I don't personally agree and he is accomplishing nothing, but that's what he campaigned on, and that's what he's doing. I don't really get why people bring that up now out of any context besides "he needs to withdraw now." Especially conservatives because the vast majority of them didn't want to withdraw from Iraq (well, some of them were relieved that the clusterf*** was over) and were full of phony indignation when Obama said a withdrawal date out loud for Afghanistan (exit strategy is something Bush never did or even attempted to do and they never challenged him on that so I guess you can say they're being consistent).

I'm in on it being a clusterf*** in Afghanistan right now, but I'm not sure what the answers are for the next few years. If I can say Biden is useful for one thing, I'm really hoping he spends the next 4 years asking "What will this do to get us out of Afghanistan" every time anyone in the military asks the President for something. He's kinda been doing that anyway, it'd be really nice if he got really annoying about it until we finally came up with something.


For the alternative, Mitt Romney's Af-Pak plan is about as vague as everything else he's put forwards in terms of policy positions, he insists that somehow we have leverage over the region we're not using which is obviously a joke but one I can ignore...but the one thing he's really firm on is that we shouldn't be withdrawing any forces yet. He's strongly opposed to any sort of firm timeline for departure, which makes one start to wonder what the plan for getting out actually would be.


I'm glad "figuring out what to do with Afghanistan" isn't a problem I have to deal with.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 03:33 PM)
Thats the point, ask a random question, some will know, some wont. Its not a media conspiracy, its just a random fact.


The only reason I used that one is because I was talking about it in that Brokaw thread.



This is why you're a sheep, sheep. Or more like an ostrich.


Damn near every day the main stream dorkasses told us how many died because BUSH was our commander in chief. BO has "that same blood" (sic) on his hands, yet we never hear about it now... gee, I wonder why?


Whatever. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Of course it's "a random fact" to you in your world.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 08:18 PM)
This is why you're a sheep, sheep. Or more like an ostrich.


Damn near every day the main stream dorkasses told us how many died because BUSH was our commander in chief. BO has "that same blood" (sic) on his hands, yet we never hear about it now... gee, I wonder why?


Whatever. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Of course it's "a random fact" to you in your world.

"The media" wasn't really saying jack s*** about Iraq or Afghanistan after about 4 or 5 years. Especially Afghanistan. Once Iraq happened you'd have thought that war was over and nobody was talking about it until Obama made an issue of it (mainly to score points against Republicans while he was campaigning). People got war fatigue especially since the news was all bad all the time and, well, it wasn't their kids getting sent off to die so who gives a f***.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 07:18 PM)
This is why you're a sheep, sheep. Or more like an ostrich.


Damn near every day the main stream dorkasses told us how many died because BUSH was our commander in chief. BO has "that same blood" (sic) on his hands, yet we never hear about it now... gee, I wonder why?


Whatever. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Of course it's "a random fact" to you in your world.


Who listens to what mainstream television has to tell them?


The fact you actually care about what mainstream media has to say is what the term sheep was coined for.


I dont care what NBC, FOX or any other stupid outlet says. They are all out there for themselves, making money for themselves, pushing their own agenda. Liberal, Conservative, whatever, its not my agenda, I dont care what they have to say quite honestly.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 08:18 PM)
This is why you're a sheep, sheep. Or more like an ostrich.


Damn near every day the main stream dorkasses told us how many died because BUSH was our commander in chief. BO has "that same blood" (sic) on his hands, yet we never hear about it now... gee, I wonder why?


Whatever. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Of course it's "a random fact" to you in your world.

If you just want to go by raw casualties...the worst year in Afghanistan produced 1/2 the military deaths of a standard year in Iraq between 2004-2007.


They are, however, regularly covering the fact that the U.S. soldiers are being killed quite regularly by uniformed Afghan army. That's becoming quite a mess.


If you want a straight comparison of how much they were covered, here's from the PEW research group.


(They separate out Bin Laden being killed as a different story from Afghanistan in 2011 as well).


Probably also worth noting that "Economic news" became a much bigger story in 2007 as the housing market began collapsing. By 2008, the Iraq war was a smaller story than Afghanistan has been throughout the Obama administration, despite a similar level of violence in the 2 countries at those times.

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Really? *YAWN* Why the nice, pretty almost daily body counts then? It's okay, selective amnesia for your royal highness is obvously your mode.


Here, let me link up some bulls***. Oh, that helps me support my bias. Here's some more. Yea, that's the ticket. Uh huh, Iraq, Bush sucks, economy, Bush's fault, some more smoke up some more ass, more bias, more bulls***, yea, more $$$$, yea, uh huh. Bush sucks, sucks, more links, suck, suck, more links on how Bush sucks... more "logic", more "fact", Bush sucks...



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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 08:40 PM)
Really? *YAWN* Why the nice, pretty almost daily body counts then? It's okay, selective amnesia for your royal highness is obvously your mode.


Here, let me link up some bulls***. Oh, that helps me support my bias. Here's some more. Yea, that's the ticket. Uh huh, Iraq, Bush sucks, economy, Bush's fault, some more smoke up some more ass, more bias, more bulls***, yea, more $$$$, yea, uh huh. Bush sucks, sucks, more links, suck, suck, more links on how Bush sucks... more "logic", more "fact", Bush sucks...




what the f*** did you just type? can you follow that? if so... jeez... that's a brain i wouldn't want to be in.

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If you consider the scale of the f***up that Bush was directly responsible for, Bush gets off pretty easy on the offensive invasion of another country that never attacked the United States and wasn't plotting any. I mean, that could go many, many other places, so he should be happy that all that happened is the media was tracking the soldiers that died while he preferred nobody talk about it. If he could have done that I'm sure he would've, but instead he had to settle for ordering no pictures be taken of coffins at Dover.


At least SOMEONE was trying to remind people there was a tradeoff and more than one type of cost and it wasn't just a movie or a video game.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 08:40 PM)
Really? *YAWN* Why the nice, pretty almost daily body counts then? It's okay, selective amnesia for your royal highness is obvously your mode.


Here, let me link up some bulls***. Oh, that helps me support my bias. Here's some more. Yea, that's the ticket. Uh huh, Iraq, Bush sucks, economy, Bush's fault, some more smoke up some more ass, more bias, more bulls***, yea, more $$$$, yea, uh huh. Bush sucks, sucks, more links, suck, suck, more links on how Bush sucks... more "logic", more "fact", Bush sucks...



Here's what I don't get -- you routinely throw things like this into your posts towards a Balta or StrangeSox, when they've repeatedly said (and taken consistent positions with that) they disagree about a lot of stuff Obama does, and that he's pretty much the lesser of two evils to them. Why you continue to perpetuate the myth that everyone who doesn't agree with you bows down to Obama, I have no idea.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 08:55 PM)
If you consider the scale of the f***up that Bush was directly responsible for, Bush gets off pretty easy on the offensive invasion of another country that never attacked the United States and wasn't plotting any. I mean, that could go many, many other places, so he should be happy that all that happened is the media was tracking the soldiers that died while he preferred nobody talk about it. If he could have done that I'm sure he would've, but instead he had to settle for ordering no pictures be taken of coffins at Dover.


At least SOMEONE was trying to remind people there was a tradeoff and more than one type of cost and it wasn't just a movie or a video game.

This is a very good point.

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one of the first ads (or maybe the first) being aired concerning the gay marriage amendment in Minnesota. The amendment is to say marriage is only between a man and a woman; living in the city, I've seen a ton of "VOTE NO" stickers everywhere, but I think it's pretty dead-even statewide. The pro-amendment side has promised they have a ton of their own ad buys coming. Edited by farmteam
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QUOTE (farmteam @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 09:22 PM)
Here's what I don't get -- you routinely throw things like this into your posts towards a Balta or StrangeSox, when they've repeatedly said (and taken consistent positions with that) they disagree about a lot of stuff Obama does, and that he's pretty much the lesser of two evils to them. Why you continue to perpetuate the myth that everyone who doesn't agree with you bows down to Obama, I have no idea.

The nexT time kap sports his argument will be the first.

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Now they're just being explicit about why they're trying to restrict voting access:


“I guess I really actually feel we shouldn’t contort the voting process to accommodate the urban — read African-American — voter-turnout machine,” said Doug Preisse, chairman of the county Republican Party and elections board member who voted against weekend hours, in an email to The Dispatch.
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 08:14 AM)


He should have withdrawn already. Word is he will by tomorrow, no doubt because I thought I read that tomorrow is the last day to replace a candidate and still be eligible to be on ballot. Horrible statement to make. Maybe we should throw him in general pop and ask him a week later his opinions about rape.

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Aug 20, 2012 -> 04:37 PM)
He should have withdrawn already. Word is he will by tomorrow, no doubt because I thought I read that tomorrow is the last day to replace a candidate and still be eligible to be on ballot. Horrible statement to make. Maybe we should throw him in general pop and ask him a week later his opinions about rape.


I know Democrats were happy with his win in the primary, counting it as another Christine O'Donnell-type pick.


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