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First all Gay Highschool


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In BigHurts neck of the woods...

I don't think it's a bad idea..I bet it's tough for alot of gays (especially guys) to go to high school a homosexual...It's tough for anyone who's not a jock or whatver...but especially for gays..


















anyways, that's it for me tonight... I don't feel so great..going to bed now..good night :puke

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Be good- It's in New York, that's why he said that.


I think it's an odd idea. In theory it's good, but how many open gays high school age do you know? There was 1 at my high school last year (he has since graduated). I doubt they will get many people. I like it for them because gays get made fun of and ridiculed in high school, but the fact remains that there aren't that many open gays at that age.

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I dont like this idea at all. Ive ripped on gays at my school and so has everyone else but I dont think they should be segregated which is all this is. Id say there are about 4 gays and 4 lesbians at my school. They get a lot of crap but I really dont think they should be segregated...

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I dont like this idea at all. Ive ripped on gays at my school and so has everyone else but I dont think they should be segregated which is all this is. Id say there are about 4 gays and 4 lesbians at my school. They get a lot of crap but I really dont think they should be segregated...

I don't think it is a forced thing, but a voluntary thing. Segregation is a forced issue.

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Eh good point. But is it necessary to teach gays any differently then they teach someone like myself? Like the guy in the article said, "Is there gay math?" No theres not...

I personally don't really "like" the idea of divisive education. There are military schools, boys schools, girls schools, catholic school, alternative school, boarding schools, home schools, etc. Is homogenus eduation really beneficial to the kids? I truely believe by being amoungst an isolated group only with people just like you, you miss out on the exposure to different people and thoughts that exsist moreso in public education vs any other type.

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GASHWOUND,  :huh:  why the hell ya sayin in my neck of woods, now thats just wrong son, hopefully ya not talkin about me becuase im lost son



Take a valium son........ ;)

I would if I knew what it was :lol:

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I dont like this idea at all. Ive ripped on gays at my school and so has everyone else

maybe that is why some peopole would voluntarily choose to not be around you all


imagine if you were ripped by everyone constantly for what you are - you all have fragile enough egos as it is we see from posts on here - imagine being for really ripped by everyone all the time and at times afraid, physcially afraid of getting beat up because of who you are - that is reality


this school as one option among many is good for those who need it

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I personally don't really "like" the idea of divisive education.  There are military schools, boys schools, girls schools, catholic school, alternative school, boarding schools, home schools, etc.  Is homogenus eduation really beneficial to the kids?  I truely believe by being amoungst an isolated group only with people just like you, you miss out on the exposure to different people and thoughts that exsist moreso in public education vs any other type.

I went to a Catholic, Spanish boys school once for two years. Im a boy but a Protestant and American one. It was kinda like prison. The windows were covered by bars (to protect from stray soccor balls but bars nonetheless), they place was surrounded by a tall metal fence, we had to wear uniforms and there were no girls. Very much like prison. Except the front doors were always open so it musta been a minimum security prison... :D

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I'm torn. I'm glad that there is a place where gay people afraid for their lives at their school can study... and it does happen... but at the same time, I'm a bit hacked that there is a need for this.


You'd be surprised how many gay people just drop out of school because the school can't handle it. I just hope the school is gay friendly, not gay exclusive. That would actually be kinda cool.

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IMO.. this is bad. There are enough organized hate groups who find gay people to torment and attack without giving them an entire building to terrorize. So much for everyone being "equal".

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I don't think its a good idea. If you ask me they are just segregating them into a particular school (not the government or anything) and I think that could give those students that go there a bad rap.


Then again it isn't any different from all girl schools and all that stuff.


If it means they don't have to deal with crap and can be better off mentally then fine by me.

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maybe that is why some peopole would voluntarily choose to not be around you all


imagine if you were ripped by everyone constantly for what you are - you all have fragile enough egos as it is we see from posts on here - imagine being for really ripped by everyone all the time and at times afraid, physcially afraid of getting beat up because of who you are - that is reality


this school as one option among many is good for those who need it


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maybe that is why some peopole would voluntarily choose to not be around you all


imagine if you were ripped by everyone constantly for what you are - you all have fragile enough egos as it is we see from posts on here - imagine being for really ripped by everyone all the time and at times afraid, physcially afraid of getting beat up because of who you are - that is reality


this school as one option among many is good for those who need it

I'm SHOCKED that you are in favor of this


This, simply, is a stupid idea. When you're 13-16, most people don't know what they are or are not. This will only alienate the "gays" even more, because most of their friends are going to be homosexual, and that is not going to prepare them for the real world outside of their gay utopia school. I don't know what percent of people are gay, but it's most certainly the minority -- I'd guess somewhere around 10%. To go from an environment of 100% gay (and that is assuming that they really are gay, and just not confused KIDS) to an environment of 10% gay has got to be extremely difficult.


This is only going to force gays to take a step back, not a step forward.


And BTW, these kids are still going to get picked on and beat up. What happens when they go to the mall on weekends or to the movies on a school night? Don't you think that other kids from other schools are going to know where they go to and what they are? Or what about when they're walking home after class? Fact is this -- people who are perceived as abnormal or weird are going to be subject to physical and verbal abuse at school. There is no way to prevent that, and IMO, this is just going to make the beatings and tongue lashings even more vicious.

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The thought crossed my mind also, about separating them from the rest of the population and then all of a sudden having to deal with it after school or when they graduate (all gay colleges on the way?). But, who the hell knows. Maybe the stuff during school was just too much for them to handle. I never saw any gay kids get really tormented in school. If someone would have said something, everyone else probably would have said something along the lines of "what's your problem?".


If they are going to make a separate school for people who gets picked on in high school, they oughta make a nerd school, a smelly kid school, etc.


But it's not really worth getting all worked up about something like this.. Times, they are a-changin', whether you think it's for better or worse.

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Id say there are about 4 gays and 4 lesbians at my school. They get a lot of crap but I really dont think they should be segregated...

Unless your school has about 100 people in it I'd say you sorely inderestimate that number.

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Gay and Lesbian schools are kind of viewed the same way "alternative" schools are. Or at least have been. Many of these schools that already exist are there to give a protected environment to those who have had trouble in school and couldn't function in their school. I don't know the details about the school per se, the articles are fairly vague... but it seems like Milk High will be more magnet school and less about being gay. Just gay-friendly... and whats wrong about creating an atmosphere where those 14 and 15 year olds who do know that they like boys can be honest about it without worrying about getting beat up at every corner?


Oh yeah, they do have Nerd Schools in New York. What do you think Bronx Science is?

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Gay and Lesbian schools are kind of viewed the same way "alternative" schools are. Or at least have been. Many of these schools that already exist are there to give a protected environment to those who have had trouble in school and couldn't function in their school. I don't know the details about the school per se, the articles are fairly vague... but it seems like Milk High will be more magnet school and less about being gay. Just gay-friendly... and whats wrong about creating an atmosphere where those 14 and 15 year olds who do know that they like boys can be honest about it without worrying about getting beat up at every corner?


Oh yeah, they do have Nerd Schools in New York. What do you think Bronx Science is?

Kids at 14 or 15 usually dont know what they like. The last thing they need is to be influenced to become or be gay.........let kids go through their teen years and figure out who they are on their own.

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