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Big July 2 free agent changes on the way


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Eh. I don't think those are all that substantial, other then teams are going to be impacted by how much they can truly scout guys. At the end of the day, money talks and the top teams can still offer it and aren't scared about the current rules in place for those who beyond the spending limits.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 09:47 AM)
Eh. I don't think those are all that substantial, other then teams are going to be impacted by how much they can truly scout guys. At the end of the day, money talks and the top teams can still offer it and aren't scared about the current rules in place for those who beyond the spending limits.



It hurts the Cubs and teams with Academies. At the Cubs Dominican Academy, they used to be able to have 14 and 15 years olds there. They'd get a headstart on the process of signing guys like that.

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QUOTE (Y2JImmy0 @ Aug 21, 2014 -> 02:20 PM)
It hurts the Cubs and teams with Academies. At the Cubs Dominican Academy, they used to be able to have 14 and 15 years olds there. They'd get a headstart on the process of signing guys like that.


It's from Bernstein's "sources", but he tweeted this Wednesday:


Dan Bernstein @dan_bernstein · Aug 20

I'm told #Cubs are steamed about this new #MLB rule limiting proprietary international scouting, feeling targeted. Won't say so publicly.

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QUOTE (LittleHurt05 @ Aug 22, 2014 -> 04:41 AM)
It's from Bernstein's "sources", but he tweeted this Wednesday:


Dan Bernstein @dan_bernstein · Aug 20

I'm told #Cubs are steamed about this new #MLB rule limiting proprietary international scouting, feeling targeted. Won't say so publicly.


As a White Sox fan I have to say it seems like every single change in the CBA and draft has been set up to screw Theo and company. It is uncanny. Every single loophole they exploited in Boston is getting closed one by one. Once the international draft happens, they won't be able to overspend in LA either.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 22, 2014 -> 09:18 AM)
As a White Sox fan I have to say it seems like every single change in the CBA and draft has been set up to screw Theo and company. It is uncanny. Every single loophole they exploited in Boston is getting closed one by one. Once the international draft happens, they won't be able to overspend in LA either.


I think that shows how good of a job Theo did in Boston, legally working the system to get the top talent.

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