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Everything posted by pcq

  1. Let's just sweep over ignorant white culture. It's not just common but seems prevalent.
  2. Tired of people rooting for losses. Not very witty.
  3. Rodon Kopech Giolito and Lopez would not be a bad starting four next season.
  4. Mauer is strictly a contact guy now.
  5. I thought Ricky was still in hospital with a brain cramp. Who let him out??
  6. I always smh when people say Leery should play every day. How would he do that?
  7. Looking forward to over-analyzing every pitch. Fire McCatty!!
  8. Note to announcers: No Gonzalez is not the pitcher's name.
  9. Rodon has been one of our few bright spots this season. Narvaez hitting, Palka HRs, Engel's glove and a couple of departed relievers. Also: bunting, team spirit and hustle.
  10. Coaches are paid to intervene when they see a guy getting off track and prevent bad habits from setting in. They are supposed to have the expertise to correct these situations and turn them around. Not every team has such coaches.
  11. Jason is a boring top-sheeter. He feigns interest in the game while feeding lame cues to his sidekick. You don't have to be a player to have insights inspired by your interest in the game. Raising your voice for ball four hardly qualifies. At least Hawk shares a genuine interest in the game and it's people.
  12. Metrics can't sugarcoat the regressive mediocrity of our first wave of MLB saviors. Never mind the people developing this talent. My further suspicion is that lack of rest for position players is a factor.
  13. I hope the Sox keep running on Sally as much as possible said all the Royal fans.
  14. Covey should have a future as an extra starter and long man in the pen. He certainly has made some impressive starts.
  15. 4 IP no runs from any Sox pitcher is grounds for a polka party.
  16. Chris does not need more IP. He needs to decide whether he wants to battle eight innings season-long or would prefer to win some playoff games.
  17. Shoulder inflammation. They might try to ease him through to the playoffs and then a reality check. Not sure if a long-term deal is in his future.
  18. Still don't believe two guys came to Chicago and became good hitters.
  19. What a great signing. So many reasons.
  20. Elroy needs to take fly balls from Ricky. Kopech could be ready. Moncada still needs seasoning.
  21. Sox could throw a parade with all the outfielders who have passed thru.
  22. Adam Engel Bobblehead Day is Saturday. No wait it's for Tim Anderson!!
  23. G-Rate CF wall becoming quite familiar to baseball fans this week.
  24. Tired of hearing about Moncada. Danish looks done-ish.
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