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Everything posted by pcq

  1. Shields may have been an unwise risk but Tatis was not a highly ranked prospect. We got out-scouted you could say.
  2. Ryan LaMarre joins up from MN. Could stay with the Sox depending on Avi's status. Was filling in for Buxton with OPS in the 600s.
  3. Fairly competitive series except for Hector on Friday.
  4. That's a wow stat. Hate to diss the umps but we seem to be having a lot of discrepancies at home plate this weekend.
  5. Morton's White Sox book: Why throw strikes?
  6. I don't think the owner has been the problem or spending is the cure-all solution. Bad judgment or bad luck has been a problem. Throwing a quarter-billion or so at a top free agent could have many long-term consequences. The stadium is old news except that they rarely draw an average number of fans in a major market.
  7. JV with nine ER over his last two starts. That sounds almost human.
  8. What a luxury when the offense shows up. Forget the other sins.
  9. Anderson really getting it done. Reached base his first three times last nite.
  10. I suppose they will not keep Avi as it would result in a significant investment. That means he will be available in the off-season. I think he is closer to a stud than a dud.
  11. Wondering if Donn Roach will get a look in the near future. Would prefer that route over Gonzalez. Roach is 28 and not a prospect.
  12. Jason is a dipstick who says lots of dumb things. Stone is losing his mind. Neither of them has much to say about the hallowed rebuild. They are just filling dead air btw the hot dog promos.
  13. He's a nitwit and he's ours. Enjoy.
  14. Would have liked to see Tyler Danish get 10% of the mentoring and attention that Lucas does.
  15. Leury Garcia. Sox win 15th inning. lol so who gets to make the dumbest mistake of the game. Coming right up.
  16. I don't give a hoot if I ever see the guy pitch again. He should be pitching in the minors and he gets all this silly attention. 😜😛😋
  17. Maybe if he changed his name around to Giolito Lucas.
  18. Watching the pitcher bat is what I have really been missing. What a thrill kill.
  19. Why does Stone always say that humidity is good hitting weather. I don't think Tom Skilling would say that.
  20. Let's hear it for Avi whose bat is once again productive. Hope he can keep it going.
  21. We need Yolmay to teach Moancada and Anderson how to play ball.
  22. Kenny wanted me to play GM but I am too busy being beautiful. Davidson one night our shutdown closer and next nite he's a wallbanger.
  23. The deadline would be an excellent time to bring back Diane Viciedo perhaps for Moancada and just go for that trophy right now.
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