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Everything posted by Bazox

  1. Roger was a bit shocked to say the least , he did not see that coming . Nadal for the title surely ?
  2. Real feel good factor from this result after being hit for 14 yesterday.
  3. Best team won , far more experience then us and it showed , might have been different if we had got another goal in the first half but we had no more to give for the rest of the game . France probably would have embarrassed us in the final .
  4. Chicago Fire should have bought him , Wayne might have become a Sox fan .
  5. The opinion over here is that Modric has been quiet by his high standard , England play with an open midfield and he will get a lot more room , which is worrying.
  6. I haven't watched this series live but have watched a couple of Astros games and they are the best team I've seen.
  7. Too tight to call , Belgium have more goalscoring options though so maybe
  8. I think it was worse , the ball didn't even move . God knows where his mind was , game over .
  9. He was showboating , not on when you are winning and the Uruguayan gave him a tap , Mbappe will be embarrassed when he watches it back , pathetic .
  10. Yes I agree ,with England if things had gone to plan would have been Germany , Argentina and Spain .
  11. Thanks , tough learning curve for the young lads , not going to win the cup but nice to be still in it .
  12. Before they take them , Jordan Pickford plays for Everton and he is usually good at saving them.
  13. C'mon England , they should be too strong for Colombia but....well you know anything can happen
  14. Bazox

    2018 Music thread

    Going to see Roger Waters tomorrow evening @ Liverpool arena.
  15. I don't they are crap , they'll get a good drubbing by a more direct team .
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