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mqr last won the day on May 18 2021

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  1. Seems like the consensus is everyone thought Grifol Shoulda been the guy in 2019 for the Royals, but the royals did their very best White Sox impression and anointed Matheny God Emperor
  2. You can look at it like that, or view it as a guy that understands what the nerds are telling him.
  3. They maybe win 3 or 4 more games. Wish Tony was THE Problem, but he was only A Problem
  4. I think grading a managerial hire immediately, with the exception of very obvious F's ie TLR or Ozzie, is basically impossible
  5. Seeing people saying it's a bad sign that the royals passed on him, but, uh, why would a new GM want to hire in house when you're taking over a dumpster fire
  6. These are the people telling on themselves. Why are they mad at TA and not, yknow, the guy who actually called it racist in Tony.
  7. I don’t really care about the fans, cuz fans in general are blind. All I’m getting at is Lorenzo Cain backing up Hader after the n-word thing is a stark contrast to all the Yankees throwing JD under the bus.
  8. Remember when Josh Hader got caught using the N word and Lorenzo Cain went out and told everyone he’s not that guy?
  9. People who are saying he shouldn’t have been suspended are absurd. he should be suspended for causing two dust ups against one team in one week as a baseline.
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