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  1. Pedro doesn't need a closer unless it's Dennis Eckersley.
  2. Nice to Flexen being the garbage we all know him to be.
  3. I have always felt the idea of quantifying an exact number of wins to make up based on a current record, player WAR, X number of acquisitions is very flawed. For instance, let's say this is a 50 win team. In my opinion, Grifol has probably lost this team around 10 or 12 games. That could be low but I absolutely believe that based on what I've watched. With a better manager maybe this team right here wins 60 or 62 games instead. Now let's say they have a closer. Not a great closer mind you, but just an actual closer and maybe setup man. I think they win an extra 8 or 10 games just right there. So now you're sitting at 70 wins. (Is this an exact science? No that's my point). But you add a bat that can hit you 30 hr via free agency, promote some talent that is ready (quero, schultz, maybe montgomery) and yes I think they can approach 80 wins at that point. It's not a billion dollars. This team is just absent basic necessities right now (closer, competent manager, a starting catcher not hitting .060). So sure. You can rationalize how I have here to "make up the appropriate win numbers" but I don't think a record is ever truly indicative of how good or bad a team can be next season because of all of the x factors I mentioned. And sorry, but I'd rather they field a team that can win 80 + games right away then bank on them fielding a consistent 90+ win team in 5 years. They will fail again to do the latter.
  4. All of this right here. Stop moving the goalposts with rebuilding bullshit. That being said if you moved Fedde for an mlb ready prospect to fill a hole and had a rotation of say Crochet, Thorpe, Cannon....and maybe Eder, Iriarte, or Schultz next season thatd be fun to watch. Use money on some bats and a closer they'd compete. Their draft pick will also be very indicative of the route they choose.
  5. Can this turn into Fedde for Kjerstad with some additional pieces please? That kid belongs in the majors he's wasting away in the minors.
  6. Fine. If they kept their ace and made an effort, an honest effort to extend him, fine. I'd rather that. If the fan base continues to make it okay to rebuild, spend nothing, fail and do it again they will never stop.
  7. No you don't. Build around him even if it's for 2 and a half years. Stop allowing it to be okay for this organization to push perpetual rebuilding. It's not. We'll be right back here in 4 years hoping they trade the prospects they received in 2024 for Garrett Crochet.
  8. Can't say this loudly enough....Don't Trade Crochet!
  9. I honestly feel better about them trading Robert than Crochet.
  10. I was gonna say let's get him a lead but we all know that doesn't really matter.
  11. Leasure is the perfect example of a young, talented ballplayer being mishandled by a manager and having it negatively effect his career.
  12. Ozzie is right this dude has no idea how to get the last 6 to 9 outs of a game. Two seasons with no defined roles out of the pen, two seasons of disastrous results. Not saying Kopech would improve or anything but what was the plan tonight? Another 2 inning save? What a horrible waste of a wonderful performance out of Fedde.
  13. Kopech didn't have it from pitch 1. How he was left in for that whole disaster is mind boggling.
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