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  1. All I'm sayin. Ive got two young kids who love baseball. But the Sox have only moderately held their attention. I grew up in the early 90s watching my family live and die with every pitch. Id like to share that with them before they get tired of the shittiness and move on to other teams. This crap is having a much bigger effect on the long term fanbase than Jerry realizes. The hell with down the road. Our last rebuild was interrupted by an f'n pandemic. Who knows what 5 years brings. I want watchable baseball from my favorite team.
  2. Long term consequences....like 3 consecutive 100 loss seasons? Having to constantly look 5 years down the road for a watchable team? I'm fine with the consequences. Sign real major leaguers.
  3. But.......they don't rebuild the right way. They're not gonna build a team that gives 5 consecutive division titles and a ws. They're just not. So rather that a s%*# rebuild and losing 100 a year, how about a s%*# rebuild and they have a .500 team that might luck into a playoff spot? One deep, total rebuild was enough. Spend some money and give a palatable product.
  4. They blew what.....30 saves last year? Maybe an all star closer? Just sayin....it doesn't have to be as hard as this franchise makes it.
  5. I wouldn't necessarily be opposed. Although going from starter, to bp, to starter doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. There is no "need" for this. Id rather they just come up and start a handful of games at the end of the season. The first half may be abysmal again, but the second half could be fun if we see C montgomery, quero, teel, smith and schultz all up.
  6. If you double up with Teel/Quero splitting time catching and DH'ing that's a nice solution. I love both bats. I wanted Montgomery back in July so love that they got him. This is a nice deal.
  7. Does a Teel acquisition make it more likely Quero trends towards DH eventually?
  8. If I'm playing Major League Baseball for a living 100 percent yes I am. If I sell insurance no. Highly false equivalency.
  9. Clearly. He should be here, squabbling with other posters about Austin Slater instead.
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