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Harold's Leg Lift

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Harold's Leg Lift last won the day on December 10 2023

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  1. We need crusty baseball guys to develop a WAR formula. Call it C-WAR. Luis Robert would be a negative CWAR player.
  2. A ball hit between a guys legs and they call it a god damn hit. They're turning the game into a fucking joke.
  3. There is going to be so much addition by subtraction on this team. I can't wait until they get these worthless bums outta here.
  4. Gonzalez is having a rough go. Yikes
  5. Was that in 2010 when the DBacks took Barrett Loux 6th and the Sox took Chris Sale 13th?
  6. I've never heard of a single time Reinsdorf has ever told them to take a certain player. He lets them do their job.
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