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A-Train to 35th

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A-Train to 35th last won the day on November 26 2023

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    Crede's walk-off against the Angel's in 2005 ALCS

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  1. What I don't understand about all the hate on the announcer that repeats itself over and over is, YOU HAVE A CHOICE! If the announcers bother you that much turn the sound off and listen to the Sox play by play on the radio or listen to the other teams announcer via MLB app or the internet.
  2. Great analogy I agree. I quit listening to sports radio many years ago mainly because of Bernstein.
  3. Lip Man is just disgruntled because he thinks in his mind that he should have gotten the job because he claims to announce games. For who, or what it doesn't matter he's gonna hate because the baseball on the south side has been so bad that he has to pick apart an announcer in his first year with a new team. Who the f cares, if the Sox were winning we wouldn't be talking about the announcing booth.
  4. I remember he asked for Devers and the Red Sox said no, but believe what you want. https://blogs.fangraphs.com/sunday-notes-the-white-sox-wanted-rafael-devers-and-the-elbow-gods-got-their-revenge/
  5. What a great discussion about the game. It's really unbelievable your fascination with the broadcast booth. We get it, you could do a better job so there no need to keep bringing it up over and over and over and over.
  6. Spot on.....I watched my two grandsons playing a game Tuesday night and they both made the same play that Sheets made trying to catch the ball going to the second baseman when they were suppose to be covering first. Only difference is they are only 5 and 6 years old.
  7. Nothing worse then someone pointing out typos's on a message board. I'm sure you have had a few, but really who cares. Get a life.
  8. I respect your opinion and I'm sure he was hired on the cheap, but he's just a sideshow. The game on the field is what matters, not what's said in the booth. Target JR, Pedro, and the players but do we really need to argue over what an announcer says. Same thing happened with Benetti, and everyone who now says Hawk "told it like it is" I'd like to go back through the years and see how many people complained about Hawk. It's not like Harry Carry and Jimmy Piersall didn't say or do anything stupid. If our current announcer made a habit of pronouncing players names backwards game after game this board would show no mercy. I've said this before, if the team was good the announcers wouldn't even be given a second thought. JR, not the announcers should be the target for hiring an incompetent GM, Manager, scouts, Player Development coaches, training staff, and announcers and stringing us along for 43 miserable years of mostly unwatchable baseball.
  9. I hope you have a good day, being angry and disgruntled constantly is no way to get through life.
  10. You really are clueless. Yes, the rain delay took him out of his groove. Happens all the time in baseball if you were paying attention instead of focusing on the announcers.
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