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  1. I just think Getz is so over his head, he just doesn’t know what to do. i’m sure he’s shooting for the stars with his trade request and when they say no, he just doesn’t know what to do. Absolutely embarrassing.
  2. This whole situation is an absolute disaster!!!!! Getz is so far over his head, that it’s beyond embarrassing. Having been a sports fan for over 55 years, this is the absolute worse run franchise I’ve ever seen!
  3. I was really hoping the Sox traded both Crochet and Feede before they pitched after the AllStar game. The way this season has gone,don’t take any chances something bad could happen, like one of them getting hurt.
  4. What have I missed, why is Kasper and Beckham doing the Sox TV games??
  5. i have no problem with him, he’s been thrown into a total disaster and he’s doing a good job. Keep up the good work!!!
  6. I’m not sure i wouldn’t want the White Sox to make as many trades possible before the MLB draft, if they are able to load up on positional players, then maybe they pick the Arkansas pitcher with their first pick. Between him and Schultz, that would be one hell of a one two punch.
  7. is it just me or does it look like Roberts has completed thrown in the towel? looks like he’s just going through the motions.
  8. i’m predicting that Pedro will be fired tomorrow. Today’s disaster will be the final straw.
  9. I couldn’t disagree with this more, Crochet has another 2 years under contract. Get a massive hall on this guy if you trade him!!!
  10. i almost wonder if the White Sox try making all their trades before the MLB draft. Based on the talent they get back from the trades could this influence who they pick in the draft?
  11. i honestly think because he’s in White Sox farm system his solid season will not propel him into the top 100 players. if he was in the Dodgers/Yankees system he’d definitely would be top 100. This White Sox entire organization is a laughing stock amongst the people who cover baseball.
  12. So is Brooks Baldwin a true prospect for the White Sox? I ask because his name is seldom mentioned when top White Sox prospects are discussed. His stats in Double A are very impressive!!!
  13. If he thinks the Mets are bad, he hasn’t seen nothing yet……….that’s if the White Sox sign him.
  14. If the Sox were to trade Fedde or Kopeck in the next few days, can they ask for more talent being these players would be on their new team longer?
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