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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. Nardi was basically reasiggned and I don't think he really does anything in the organization. Its just the Sox way of paying out his contract or something. I don't think KW wants him close to any of our pitchers.
  2. Chisoxfn


    I know he is, but a package starting with Rauch could potentially get it done. I like Rauch a lot, but if I were to give him up, I'd want to find a way to get a real legit front line guy and Burnett is wicked.
  3. Plus, this win is a bit of a redemption for what looks to be a crapp bracket selection by me. At least my final four teams are still in (Knock on Wood)
  4. I never thought he was great or anything, but i thought he did what we needed him to do and I think he took too much heat, but I don't ever want to have to start these type of debates up again, cause now I am actually glad we have Jose back at shortstop (I never ever thought I'd say that) And in hindsight after hearing somethings I didn't know before, he was definately a bad influence in the clubhouse. I'm glad we know longer have to discuss it, lol.
  5. Chisoxfn


    Would people be interested in putting together a package for someone like Aj Burnett? I'd say Rauch is the kind of guy that could intrigue the Marlins to the point. Of course, Burnett could end up having some sort of arm injury. Still, with a guy like Rauch on the table, we could use it to get us a pretty talented pitcher. Maybe we could go for a lesser pitcher like Penny and Castillo (2nd Baseman) Now that being said, lets remember Rauch is a predominantly breaking ball pitcher and that pitch just doesn't work in Arizona. Its why White is getting hit hard and it was a big reason Rauch was. In Rauch's case it wasn't likely the only reason. Jon still has some things to do down in the minors. I'm hoping he isn't an overhyped prospect. I think he can do it cause he has a great hook and can spot his pitches, but he has to work on developing his other pitches to go with the fastball and curve. The fastball is nothing special so he has to have great location and then develop other stuff so he keeps hitters off balance.
  6. CW, you should of been here when Mario and I used to defend Clayton. ' Of course my defense of him has ended and I am just forgetting those couple dissapointing years looking forward to this year. World Series, OH YA!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Yessssss. Their 3 point shooting dominated in the first half and they hold on playing awesome defense to stop Illinois. Of course if Dee Brown knew how to make a layup, the score could of been different. I got to say that Francis guy is real talented, playing impressive defense on Cook in the second half.
  8. Chisoxfn

    Some Links

    So, cruise missiles and bombs that destroy civilians' homes and kill/injure/maim innocents isn't "terrorism"? Those missiles and bombs aren't aimed at the civilians. The two planes that flew into the Twins Towers were. Will some civilians die from this, YES. Nothing is perfect, BUT, these are people that are going to be free and I think they will enjoy it. Maybe they won't be happy with the US at first, but in time they will be, because they will be able to do so many things that they didn't know they could do and they'll actually understand the word freedom.
  9. Funny that article doesn't reflect the, I believe, 72% of Americans that supported military action last night as reported by CNN on this same poll which Ms. Connelly is citing. The 72% was so high it even surprised myself. I knew someone else would of noticed that. And CNN is a typically more liberal station.
  10. Chisoxfn


    4 of them and that is according to Fox, CNN, ABCNEWS, and many other stations.
  11. Chisoxfn


    they have been lobbing scuds at kuwait since this started Exactly Baggs, but wait, he doesn't have those weapons
  12. I have not said that doublem. All I say is that they need to do it without breaking the law and throwing glass at officers as well as rhubar (The Metal building type piece). They also threw stuff into incoming traffic. Ya, thats real safe, make a drive swerve and cause an accident. Like I say, just stay on the sidewalk and off the street and don't cause damage. Thats all that is needed.
  13. All i need to do is watch Aaron as a starter and he's been just fine in my book. I'm pretty comfortable in Aaron as long as he stays healthy. I think he'll be just fine and will develop into a pretty solid player. He won't be a star, but will be a good complementary guy.
  14. Chisoxfn

    10 days!

    I don't know Cali, tatoo sounds too painful and too permanent to me
  15. My dad remembers that series awful well. He is a die hard Dodger fan and watched them since their days in Brooklyn. He's from Iowa and he'd listen to the games on the radio and he just remembered how much the Sox were favored and how his Dodgers went in and beat the Sox. I can't ever say, well the Sox did this, cause they haven't done jack since, and nothing in my lifetime. I'm thinking this is the year actually I know this is the year
  16. Chisoxfn

    10 days!

    I can't wait till it starts.
  17. Exactly, the UN didn't do jack s***, and finally those that want to get something done have decided to do it themselves.
  18. If it was a pro war rally and it was blocking things and they were throwing glass at cops, I guarantee that people would know about it, a lot more then this.
  19. Chisoxfn


    Does ISU have any young talent?
  20. Chisoxfn

    Some Links

    In LA a cop beat a girl with his baton or something like that. I was listening to the radio as it happened and the head of the department immediately announced an investigation. Cops are human, so sometimes they make mistakes, but I don't think they instigate everything that happens.
  21. Chisoxfn


    Even if they do, next year they are going to be really good. They got some really impressive big men. Too bad the game won't be on TV.
  22. Chisoxfn

    Some Links

    Or look at what they did to Rumsfelds house.
  23. I hope Rios can play it fine, but I've heard many people say he sucks in the corner defensively and that worries me to the point if you can't play corner outfield, then you can't play in center. Of course, Manuel has said good things about him. If Harris isn't needed for centerifeld then he's useless, he's tradebait in my book. I'll give him another shot in the minors, but he's lookinga lot like a AAAAer. I don't care how much speed you have, you need to utilize it. He's not great defensively, and he's not a perfect bunter, nor is he great at drawing walks and he strikes out too much.
  24. Rob, I really enjoyed the article. I really remember that season. It was about the 2nd or 3rd season into falling the White Sox. I was a little kid and was so excited about the Sox chances. Black Jack, Frank, I loved the entire team, those guys were awesome. Then the playoffs game and I remember being glued to the tv with a couple of my buddies (baseball fans, not Sox fans and my dad) and man was I dissapointed every game. Still, that was a fun season. I would watch all the games I could on WGN, and then after or before the games play whiffle ball our catch with my buddies. I'm hoping this year would be just as fun and hell, I'd still love to play whiffle ball and baseball with my buddies after the games, but now I got that damn thing called work and school is more important
  25. 1993: A Decade Later By Rob Knowles March 21, 2003
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