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Everything posted by Chisoxfn

  1. I don't think Mondesi's is as good as it used to be. I like Shawn Green's arm. Not quite as strong, but incredibly accurate. Not sure if he was a relative of Clemente. The guy was a pretty highly touted prospect though.
  2. Ya, I got a huge accounting test. But after that, then its just a couple more days and then spring break
  3. Hey Joel, can you fill me in on Castro? I'd like picking him up as a catcher if he's as good as you say he is. What his specialties? Good defensively, offensively?
  4. Cool. I am working on the first innings right now. Its 2-0 Sox as of now.
  5. I'd agree. I wish everyone the best out there and hopefully this can happen with as few fatalities as possible. Either way I still hope this is for the big picture and i truly believe it is. For the first time in a long time, I don't think this is going to be a short term thing where the US and just ditches when the war is over. Its going to take a long time to finish this whole thing and I continue to believe that the war is the rather easy part, minus the deaths, something you never like to see. I just hope that we don't find out that these people died for nothing, but instead died so Iraq can be free and everyone else in the world could be a little safer, knowing that one of the few countries that could possibly attack with weapons of mass destruction no longer has them.
  6. Well, for the many here that will only believe the BBC, I'd say this means something. I think were going to uncover a lot of stuff, including chemica weapons. Like Apu, I hope we don't just blow the places up, but really get rid of them the right way, by dissambling it or however you do it. I also think many of his stuff is probably burried in certain areas. Hopefully we get it all before they can use it.
  7. Well Method, I will try to do a few updates of this one. Studying for a test too, so it won't be great, but I'll try. By the way it started only like 5 minutes ago.
  8. Yep Mark...We appreciate all the stuff you've done for the Sox the past couple years and look forward to seeing you pitch many more years on the Sox side. Keep it up Mark!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Chisoxfn

    The roster

    Yep, the only way Borchard is up here is if he's the everyday starter and thats very unlikely at this point in time.
  10. Another guy who had an absolute cannon was Edgar Clemente. I'm sure no one knows who he is, but I saw him in one angel game, through a peg from deep in right to home on the line and gunned the guy out at the plate. It was an amazing throw, best one I've ever seen in person. The guy couldn't hit, but he was thought of pretty highly by the Rockies who eventually dumped him and the Angels had him for a short time.
  11. Interesting. Hopefully they find all of the stuff before his troops can use them.
  12. Ichiro has a gun, plain and simple.
  13. Chisoxfn


    Rauch is not a breaking ball pitcher. He relies on the location of his fastball and has decent offspeed stuff to go with it, but his fastball is his key. I am not convinced Rauch will ever be what everyone expects him to be. He was great while in Birmingham, but there was always something in the back of my head that held me back from really jumping on the bandwagon at the time. His success in the Olympics further stifled those doubts. Unfortunately after the past few years, they are beginning to come back. It just semmed like there was something he didn't have that I could never put a finger on. The focus has always been on his height. My guess is that if everything to this point remained the same, but he was 6'2 or 6'3 he would almost be forgotten. Maybe that is going a bit overboard, but it is the feeling I get. All of that said, I think there is still a possiblity for him to be a solid if not great big league pitcher. I am just not 100% sold on him. You know what Rex, I'm really starting to be on your side. I think about all the pitchers that get overhyped, etc, and this guy has to be one of them. Now from what I saw out of him when he was with the Sox in the majors, he had a fantastic curve ball, but this guy is going to have to make use of a couple secondary pitches and have good control of all of them to succeed. It isn't like has an amazing fastball. Maybe it really was a bit better before his surgery, but the movement doesn't really seem to be there and thats what scares me. I don't care how hard a guy throws, you need movement, it makes it so much easier on a pitcher. I hate it when I get hunches like this, especially because last year I was pretty high on him, but I think I may of been seeing what I wanted to think. For that reason, this could be the one guy where if we could get a really good proven pitcher thats still young, where it would be worth dealing him.
  14. I don't like the idea of dealing Glover. Glover is a guy I really think will be successful in the majors for a long time. This guy has very good stuff and seems to know how to pitch. The other reason I wouldn't move him is we are depending on Flash (Very injury prone) and White has struggled. Plus, Glover has almost always struggled in spring, except for the year he earned the job. I'm not too worried about him or White and the spring training numbers. I watched White pitch and despite getting hit a bit, his stuff looked good and its tough when you don't have the curve. I like having Stewart as our depth if a starter goes down. If the Sox made that trade, then if Wright couldn't play or someone else went down, then we'd really be counting on youngsters in the rotation/pen. I'll take a strong rotation and strong pen and depth in that area and worry a bit about catcher knowing we got one guy with an absolute gun in AAA, Alomar whose solid when healthy, and two guys that are ok-semi bad in Paul/Burke - even though we don't know what he can do, he isn't anything defensively.
  15. Well Russia does want all the money Iraq owes for selling all the equipment they did.
  16. I'm sorry, but anyone that is fighting for Iraq has problems. They are fighting for a dictator that murders his people, doesn't allow them to make money, and doesn't allow them to be free or have any what of a free opinion. I thank my lucky stars that I live in this great country and I hope one day everyone can experience the great freedoms we have here. As a matter of fact, I'd think this would be one of those things that people against war would be for, because we are getting rid of something that is the exact opposite of peaceful. Even if they weren't ever going to attack the US, the atrocities that regime pulled on its own people was worth the US and other countries getting involved. To be honest, the next step in my opinion should be Africa, as that is a really sad situation. Those people were basically raped for 300 years during the colonization and then the slave trade and everything else. It put them back so many years as they never were able to industrialize, etc. Its really amazing how far back that part of the world is than anyone else. All I know, is this war to liberate people that have only dealt with atrocities and the lack of freedom their entire lives is well worth it. This is a war that will allow others the freedoms that all of us enjoy, even those couple people from Canada (Matt and Kipster) cause they got it real good too up there. I'm proud America is standing up, even if France doesn't think this is a worthy cause or if the protesters don't. I hope one day those that are against this simply because they think Bush is finishing something his dad started or just hate Bush will realize this was the right thing. In hindsight I could be wrong, but I honestly believe in what this country stands for and I think other people should have that right. God forbid I was born and had to live in a country like that where I could say what I want, do what I want or think what I'd want. I'd rather be completely poor and free, then have to suffer every day of my life being poor and handcuffed.
  17. Who me? Nah i know its not a good trade. I said from day one that Ritchie was horses***. Look it up. i thought it was you and i that got into it over there once on that trade???...must be my mistake then..sorry..maybe it was randar then?? i argue with him alot All I know Baggs was that when that deal was made it was you and me sticking up saying how stupid that deal was. I remember how pissed I was that my boy Kip was gone. All I knew is the deal would of been fine as long as we kept one of Kip or Fogg.
  18. This is weird. I guess we got to wait till we know. He may of dressed up in a soldiers uniform. Still, very weird story.
  19. Maybe ESPN Radio 1000 would work if you went to there website, that is if you can listen to the station or you could figure out the exact site of the Brewers thing and that could work. I'll see if I can come up with any ideas to help ya bypass it. Maybe you should open Real Player and then click on the link and then see what it says
  20. One quick thing, we did give them weapons but that was because of fear of something else and sometimes you have to get in bed with the bad guy to get rid of an even worse evil. Thats exactly what my most liberal history teacher said last semester and he's from the middle east. He's way against the war, but in terms of selling the weapons, he even thought it was something the US had to do.
  21. I guess were going to have to compare Clujer to the Big Hurt and we are JR and were threatening to use the Diminished Skills Clause, lol
  22. Bo knows Baseball, Bo Knows Football, Bo Kicked ass. I wish he never had that injury cause the guy was an absolutely amazing athlete and he wasn't just an athlete, he knew what he was doing too.
  23. I hope Colon is alright. I'm not worried cause I know he says he's working on other stuff, but the only thing I do want to make sure of is that he is alright. His velocity was way down when he pitched a little while ago. Hopefully its just because he's taking it easy and not another reason. Man, I just want the season to start.
  24. Nardi was basically reasiggned and I don't think he really does anything in the organization. Its just the Sox way of paying out his contract or something. I don't think KW wants him close to any of our pitchers.
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