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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 01:29 PM) In most states, there is no waiting period to by a rifle. In Pennsylvania, the transaction takes about 7 minutes. http://www.philly.com/philly/columnists/he..._7_minutes.html 33 states do not require ID to purchase a weapon, and there are ways to legally purchase assault weapons and other guns without showing ID or submitting a background check. Also, I was mistaken - the Orlando shooter didn't have an AR-15, he had a Sig Saurer MCX which looks like an AR-15 but has different innards, which make it more similar to an AK-47 from what I've read. . Wait (if that's really the right word for it) for an instant background check. What part of 'Instant' does she not understand? Also, she seems to have committed a few crimes here. She purchased the gun with a company credit card. technically that means the company purchased the gun, and she filled out the Form saying it was for her. That simple question is what they are supposed to be able to bust straw purchasers with. if you are NOT buying it for yourself, there are more forms to fill out. She didn't, so committed a felony. Then she drove around with it not knowing what to do. in Phili, it is ILLEGAL to drive anywhere with a gun other than to and from your house and a range. Any deviation from that path, like stopping at the grocery store or just driving for block unsure what to do, is ILLEGAL (unless you have a License to Carry permit, which she didn't). otherwise law abiding citizens have been jailed for just what she did, but i am sure nothing will happen to her. Sure sounds like a 'common sense' gun law there. And FYI, I have a friend who blogs about Phili and PA gun laws for a living so i am pretty sure he has those down.
  2. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 01:22 PM) 90% of the coverage was about the gunman and his motivation. Less than 10% was the tool that he chose to use. You can't solve this by ignoring the tool that most of the crazies chose to use when they want to kill a lot of people. You also can't solve the problem by ignoring the person and their motivation. It all works in tangent. Yes there are other ways to kill people. The easiest is to buy a gun. Building bombs is harder. Hijacking a plane is harder. I didn't say to ignore it. But every group seems to have their preferred narrative here and trying to hitch their political bandwagon to whatever that is. Our dear leader didn't waste any time in going after guns, very few words about terrorism, or how this guy came about his anti gay views to such a level to act on them. it was all about the evils of gun ownership. And many liberal politicians, pundits and bloggers followed suit. it sometimes appeared as if they tried to go anywhere that would point away from whatever role his religion might have played in this. You can't ignore any of these. yes, you can't ignore the gun aspect either. But maybe a good question would be HOW did he pass the NICS? Were some agencies not sharing information like they should? Did someone just 'screw up'? That is a good place to start. Oh, and I can build a bomb with no way for anyone to know I had it vs. buying a gun with a paper trail and government background check.
  3. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 12:19 PM) I am focused on what we can change. I don't believe that the federal government can eliminate ideas from existence. I do think that we can some changes to existing firearm regulations to make the most dangerous variants of assault weapons no longer legal for civilian use. I think that's reasonable to ask for. I don't know a lot about guns. I talk about the AR-15 because that's what this guy used. Same thing the dude in Newtown CT used. And the Smith and Wesson variant is what the Aurora Colorado shooter used (with a 100 round drum clip no less). And the San Bernadino used a similar assault weapon as well IIRC. I don't feel like I'm focused on this weapon so much as mass shooters seem to be. Reinstating the Assault Weapons Ban from 1994 which outlawed the most assault-y variants of these guns from sale is not a bad start to addressing something that we can control here at home. I'm not saying we should ban a specific model type of gun per se, I understand that many rifles are sold with many different variations and versions. I'm saying that maybe we should look at more regulations to determine which variants belong in civilian use and which have no place there. Let's be honest, we've outlawed lawn darts for less. The AWB was useless. it banned cosmetics. if the gun had a handle under it to grip it better and a 'bayonette lug', which is used to attach just about anything, it was considered an assault weapon. Remove those two things, A-OK! I am not without compassion, but as you mentioned, there isn't any one thing that caused this here. None of the anti gun dream list short of outlawing gun purchases would have prevented this. And even that probably would not have worked were he determined. Explosives are easier to make than purchasing a gun, and can do more damage quicker.
  4. QUOTE (MEANS @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 12:24 PM) I understand those specifics are important to point out but this is the most important part of what Rex said: and I don't know why buying a gun is easier to do than getting a driver's license or in some states, buying Sudafed, but it seems like this is something we can fix in our government that would at least take a step to limiting the loss of life in mass shootings and I don't know why we wouldn't take some common sense steps to make our gun distribution networks a bit more responsible for what they do. There isn't a gun store around anywhere where you can legally buy a gun without proving who you are with a state issued ID, filling out a Form-4473 and undergoing at least a FBI NICS background check. Some states have varying waiting periods, some states only have them for handguns. Fill out the Form-4473 wrong, even if an honest error, it is technically a felony. Put your wrong weight on your DL and nothing happens. I don't see a 3 day waiting period for Sudafed. The myth of the easy gun purchase is only between individuals (private sales) which the government does not regulate in most states. There are some that try but they go to far in their efforts, criminalizing ANY transfer as a felony. And by any, I mean that if I were at a range and let my brother next to me try out my new gun, that would be an illegal transfer. That doesn't exactly scream 'common sense'. The stores are required to get all sorts of info on you and have the NICS done as well as follow any waiting periods that exist. Occasionally they refuse to sell to people who they think are acting suspicious, but if they are a minority, they risk getting sued for discrimination. Can there be upgrades to the NICS? Sure. But the FBI, like every other government agency, says they need more money. You also need good info to work with, like criminal records, mental health issues, etc., stuff which people are not always up for sharing. You can also enforce laws about straw purchasing. The cases are clear cut most of the time, yet prosecutors don't seem to want to use their resources for it. When people see that there is a real penalty for doing it, maybe it deters some. At the very least, you put those offenders behind bars. There were also accusations that at least one company or agency looked the other way because he was Muslim. if that is true it needs to be stopped.
  5. QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 17, 2016 -> 08:49 AM) That's exactly my point. There are plenty of muslims who are anti-gay. There are plenty of christians who are anti-gay as well. There are plenty of people who are anti-gay, period. I'm not, nor was I ever discounting that. I just think its way more complicated than "ISIS" because he clearly wasn't a member of ISIS. He seems to have had other motivations, and the more I read about this, the more this feels like something more similar to a workplace shooting than a traditional terror attack. This event CAN be more than one thing at one time. I will say this about the AR-15. If he'd walked in with normal handguns, a lot fewer people would have been killed. I don't understand why this weapon is allowed to be purchased for civilian purposes, and I don't know why buying a gun is easier to do than getting a driver's license or in some states, buying Sudafed, but it seems like this is something we can fix in our government that would at least take a step to limiting the loss of life in mass shootings and I don't know why we wouldn't take some common sense steps to make our gun distribution networks a bit more responsible for what they do. OK, just as an FYI, he can shoot a 9mm Glock or a S&W .45 handgun as fast as he can shoot an AR-15. Most AR-15's can hold between 20 and 30 rounds depending on the caliber it was made at. a 9mm Glock can hold 19 rounds. A .45 S&W can hold 12 to 16 depending on the model. A majority of the AR-15s come in .223 Remington, which is the most common rifle cartridge in use today. The AR-15 can also be chambered in just about any caliber. a .22 AR-15 is a very weak gun, what would be called a varmint gun. The AR-15 is not some magic killing machine that shoots automatic fire or allows you to fine off 900 rounds in a minute, like Alan Grayson tried to claim. I understand your personal frustrations given your background and occasional employment, but I do find it odd that you state that this event can be about more than one thing, yet seem to be focused primarily on the tool that this asshole chose to use.
  6. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 16, 2016 -> 12:18 AM) Is it true Australia had no gun control until that massacre in the 90s. I forget what happened now. But they then banned guns of mass destruction and have had no problems since. The problem here is the gun people, the gun owners, many of them, won't give up their guns. They demand the right to buy guns. Many say they will die before giving up their guns. No problems? Go google it Greg. And stay away from partisan sites on both sides. At best it has been just a shift from gun deaths to other violent deaths and crime. Even Snopes which leans left, despite trying to appear otherwise, says it is a mixed bag.
  7. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 14, 2016 -> 06:34 AM) ISIS didn't target anyone here. At most this appears to be a self radicalized individual with no direct contact. I think that needs to be made clear. Some good news this morning, everyone in the hospital is expected to live at this point. Just because he didn't have an ISIS membership card doesn't mean it wasn't terrorism. And you say 'at most' as if that makes it less evil.
  8. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Jun 14, 2016 -> 01:52 PM) What the f*** greg. been to a few strip clubs where a bachelor gets called out, he speaks truth.
  9. EvilMonkey

    Yeti Coolers

    QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jun 13, 2016 -> 01:32 PM) Exactly. Unless you NEED something Grizzly proof its a waste of money. I could use kid-proof, or something that automatically closes the lid all the way to KEEP that cold inside, since the kids always leave it partially open...
  10. I didn't really get one, as half my wedding party was out of town until the night before. My brother and I went out with a few friends the weekend before, but didn't want strippers. Now I have BEEN to some with strippers, and I certainly had fun, but not sure I would have wanted to be the groom-to-be at those.
  11. QUOTE (Brian @ Jun 13, 2016 -> 08:14 AM) Even if you don't like Michael Moore, I'd recommend watching "Bowling For Columbine". It's an unbiased movie that asks questions. Not to go on a tangent, but nothing that gasbag does is unbiased.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 12, 2016 -> 12:12 PM) Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don't want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart! Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump 28m Here's the problem, this isn't about radical Islamic terrorism, it's a hate crime. But the two will certainly be confused. Why not? All the gun control groups are already confusing it with the need for 'common sense gun laws', as if a 10 round magazine limit would stop some radical, gay hating terrorist asshole from shooting up a gay nightclub.
  13. EvilMonkey

    Yeti Coolers

    QUOTE (Tex @ May 25, 2016 -> 08:32 AM) The Extreme 5 or 6 is what I am looking at. Got an Extreme 5 and it keeps ice in it for 4-5 days just sitting on my back porch. And less than $100.
  14. QUOTE (greg775 @ Jun 9, 2016 -> 04:57 PM) One of my friends has a 25 year old daughter living at home with no prospects of moving out cause she can't find a good job. I do feel the pain of Millenials in a lot of ways. They are inheriting a work force that a.) does not want to pay them medical benefits. b.) that does not want to ever give them performance bonuses or heaven forbid, raises in pay according to merit. c.) that requires overtime with no overtime pay, basically threatening them with termination if they don't play along and do the work for no extra pay and finally d.) they are the generation that in college was expected to do unpaid internships which should be illegal. If somebody does work, they deserve pay. So I ask ... can we blame Millenials for moving back in with mom and dad? Are there any hope for millenials that don't become doctors in terms of them ever making a fair, decent buck? Best wishes to all new grads BTW and best of luck in finding suitable employment! Also I would like to ask those Soxtalkers who have a say in management of their companies ... do you have unpaid internships and what is your justification for having kids come in and work for NO PAY? Unpaid internships anger me beyond no end. Pay The Worker, don't hide behind the fact it's an internship. The only people in my store who have worked for no pay are my sons (usually working off a debt to me) and myself. And FYI, unpaid internships were all the rage back in the 80's as well. I turned down a few of them because I needed to get paid to cover school costs.
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jun 6, 2016 -> 02:19 PM) Love how LaRaza's name is being thrown out there like a terrorist organization or ACORN. They're much more like the NAACP or Cesar Chavez's/Dolores Huerta's migrant farm workers' association in reality. Richard Garcia quotes Chavez as stating, "La Raza? Why be racist? Our belief is to help everyone, not just one race. Humanity is our belief." and noted Stan Steiner[17] as observing that when Chavez told Chicanos this, "their faces fell" in disbelief. They had thought he was a nationalist, not a humanist."[18][19][20] Cesar didn't think to highly of them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Council_of_La_Raza
  16. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Jun 6, 2016 -> 12:57 PM) The judge belongs to the San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association, which is affiliated with the California La Raza Lawyers Association, which happens to link to the National Council of La Raza (the objectionable group) at the bottom of their Links page that has a whole bunch of Latino-advocacy groups listed. So he's guilty by association of association of association. The council was appointed to the plaintiffs, not the defense. They're a famous San Diego class action lawsuit group, and one of two he appointed. Moreover, he picked them in 2014, BEFORE Trump was even a candidate and made all those anti-Mexican comments. That doesn't mean he doesn't have a bias.
  17. Seems that the police chief of San Jose, who had his officers just stand around during all the violence by the anti-Trump protestors, because he feared that arresting them would lead to more violence, is also a member of LaRaza, who was one of the major groups protesting there. yeah. He should be fired for not doing his damn job.
  18. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Jun 5, 2016 -> 04:37 PM) Buehrle what do you think about trump attacking a judge for having Mexican parents? The judge also belongs to the LaRaza lawyers Group or something like that, loosly affiliated with LaRaza who is anti Trump, and the counsel he appointented to the defense has donated almost 1 mil to Hillary. I don't see how ther could even BE a possibility of him being biased here. Not one bit.
  19. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Jun 3, 2016 -> 07:03 PM) Ha. The San Diego riots were a disgrace. These rioters are being paid by Trump right? I mean hitting a pretty blonde woman in the face while waving the Mexican flag is not good for the other sides cause. How stupid can they be not to realize that? As I read somewhere, have to think that will get a lot of play and middle America will collectively gasp in disgust and outrage. The misogyny wont get any play because feminists turn the other way when it suits them. They conveniently ignored all of Bill Clinton's dalliances because he was 'on their side'. There was even one prominent member that said she would get down on her knees and give him a blow job so he could leave interns alone as thanks for helping to keep abortion legal. But if the woman that got egged was a minority and/or a Hillary supporter, wow, 24/7 coverage about how Trump hates the ladies, war on women, yada yada yada. All this virtue signaling by the Trump protesters is going to lead to the secret service shooting someone, and I will laugh at them. They keep trying to outdo the previous protest to show what good little liberals they are. And half of them are outside agitators. Telemundo got caught staging rioters for 'maximum effect'. crickets. Keep protesting him the way you are. Every time you do, you push a few more Republicans who were on the fence about voting for him into the plus column.
  20. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Jun 2, 2016 -> 07:23 AM) To suck at one's job in the political spectrum is so subjective though. Regardless, people shouldn't vote for Hillary because she would be the 'first woman', just like people should not have voted for Obama because he would have been the 'first black'. if you think they can do they job, fine. But to vote simply because they would be the 'first' is idiotic.
  21. The only 'first' we need to worry about is electing the first president to do the damn job right. First women/black/hispanic/trans/etc don't mean s*** if they suck at the job.
  22. QUOTE (Tex @ Jun 1, 2016 -> 08:22 AM) Obviously almost anyone here could manage as well as every Sox manager we've had. Same goes for every other sport. What happens when someone is named head coach or manager? Do they try to hard to be unique and forget basic fundamentals, stats, and sound strategy? That or they go so by the book that they can't see straight. "I got a lefty coming up, I need to bring in that other pitcher, even though it will be my 3rd pitcher of the inning, because that's what i am supposed to do!"
  23. QUOTE (harkness @ May 28, 2016 -> 04:24 PM) didn't blame robin for putting him in... but how long he left him in... Robin has to go.... he has to. You should also blame him for bringing in his closer with a 6 run lead. Closer are notorious for being bad in non save situations. No reason Duke couldn't have stayed in for the 9th, except that Robin can't manage pitching worth s***.
  24. QUOTE (bmags @ May 26, 2016 -> 04:09 PM) The people that tend to scream at how hard they work tend to be those incredibly out of touch with the efforts of those around them. Not surprised you are drawn to that. I'm with Steve. I hire people all the time, and find it very hard to find people under 30 who can do that job and I would want to hire. I have had countless people show up to interviews completely blank as to what we do and most of the time what the job typically calls for. When I find good people, I find some really good people, but it is tough. And I would say it is tougher than back in the 90's and early 2000's. I get too many people with a super inflated set of job expectations in regards to pay and vacation relative to the amount of work required. And I do realize that my situation was unique. I paid off my college loans within 2 years, mostly because I worked my ass off every summer, every break and 2 nights a week in a factory to cover school costs NOT covered by my small scholarship. I was able to live at home, albeit paying rent, for about 9 months before I got a real job, and mover out a month after that. i realize not everyone could find and work a job like I did to pay for school. Doesn't mean they can't work at McDonalds or Kohls.
  25. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ May 26, 2016 -> 09:11 AM) IIRC it's more of a cultural norm in a lot of European countries for adult children to live at home until they're ready to marry and move out. That article is from 2009, fwiw. Yeah, I know it was 2009, but I couldn't find the one about Greece that I recently read. They have a term of derision they call adults there that won't move out, but it is also in the article that i can't find.
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