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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (bmags @ Mar 31, 2017 -> 09:32 AM) Good riddance to the filibuster. Would be at least interesting if they actually still had to stand and talk.
  2. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 23, 2017 -> 09:45 AM) Schumer: Democrats will filibuster Gorsuch nomination (that always just happen to favor the powerful over the powerless). That's what DICKhead Durbin tried to pin him on and got his lunch handed to him. I don't have the link but he had a list of over 40 recent cases where what you claim just didn't happen.
  3. The store owner says the video is heavily edited and doesn't show that they refused the baggies, plus the like to imply that that video was moments before what happened when it was 10 hours earlier in the day.
  4. Has anyone watched the Amazon show The patriot? I saw the pilot episode and thought it kinda interesting, but since I don't have prime, I can't watch the rest.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 6, 2017 -> 03:59 PM) Obama did not wiretap reporters. Do you understand the scale of the 100% evidence-free claim that Trump has leveled here? You take things too literally, when it suits you. Yes, Obama did not go down there and demand records of all these reporters, but someone in his administration did. he gets the good, he also gets the bad.
  6. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Mar 6, 2017 -> 03:20 PM) 1. What spying did he do on reporters? 2. Getting a wire tap on Trump would have taken extraordinary action from an FBI that already had a tense relationship with him AND to get through a court. So yeah, that is a gigantic stretch. AP says they did it to their reporters. So no, it isn't that much of a stretch. And you all are taking 'wire tap' too literally. You know he means he was spied on, by whatever means it happened. http://bigstory.ap.org/article/govt-obtain...e-records-probe
  7. Obama spied on reporters, is it such a stretch to think he spied on Trump?
  8. I saw Sing Street last night. Kind of reminded me of The Committments, only with kids. Good soundtrack, you wanted to like the kids, an enjoyable flick.
  9. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Feb 24, 2017 -> 08:20 AM) Manchester by the Sea was pretty good, but super depressing and gave me zero closure. I also hate Affleck's character and want to punch him in the face. I was not a fan, especially for the reasons you listed. While some of the dialog might have been pretty realistic it just didn't keep me interested and I also wanted to just punch the guy.
  10. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 10, 2017 -> 07:48 AM) Of course the universally-accepted number is 6 million. Ironic they don't even have their history correct. Maybe their love just isn't that hot...
  11. QUOTE (Soxy @ Feb 6, 2017 -> 07:26 PM) I felt called to come back to Soxtalk, and what do I see, but a mention of a politician I still pine for. Might not be worth it unless you stay in the baseball parts. i took a long break and and already regretting coming back to this part. The hysteria is off the charts. But welcome back.
  12. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Feb 5, 2017 -> 01:51 PM) I think that is the single dumbest idea I have ever read and further proof that Florida is the stupidest state in the U.S. Dumber than thinking a 'gun free zone' sign will protect you? if you prohibit people from protecting themselves legally, then you should be required to do so.
  13. I think this is a reasonable idea. http://www.wtsp.com/news/local/florida/bil...afety/396284288
  14. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 2, 2017 -> 05:30 PM) Murkowski and Collins on DeVos Heros? They got big bucks from the teachers unions. nothing 'heroic' about it.
  15. QUOTE (Reddy @ Jan 25, 2017 -> 03:40 PM) And I'm confident that if the Bernie wing and far left hadn't legitimized and parroted the far right talking points and created the false equivalency narrative, she also would have won. I am curious what 'false narratives' you think there were about her.
  16. QUOTE (South Sider @ Jan 17, 2017 -> 04:50 PM) Heh, I actually bought a ball in November and have been practicing twice a week with some friends in anticipation of eventually joining a league. I had my first 500 series last week (yay) and have been finally starting to get my ball hooking nicely. Any tips for beginners? Being able to replicate your shot is where it is at. When you find a line/speed/grip that works, can you keep throwing it there until it doesn't? That is a problem I am having as I get older and my body keeps falling apart. My knee is swollen like a softball and gets drained every few months, and my feet hurt because of it and arthritis in my hands have me dropping the ball 6 or 7 times a night. So me being able to put the ball in the same place each throw is an extreme effort. In my every-other-week league I am doing good (192 avr) but in my weekly I am almost 20 pins less (173).
  17. QUOTE (juddling @ Jan 16, 2017 -> 11:48 AM) Me too but sadly wasn't my call I believe you tried out for a few game shows. Family Feud and there was one other one I believe.
  18. So I read that the Clinton Global Initiative is closing up shop since donation have dried up. I guess with no influence to peddle, no money coming in. But I thought they did such great work! Why would donors abandon them?
  19. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 11:45 AM) Draft dodging, orangutan man kicked off MLK weekend by attacking civil rights hero John Lewis on Twitter. So he should just sit there and let a political hack who was famous 50 years ago belittle him and the Presidency? Get over it already. Lewis hasn't done anything since then, how long you gonna ride that?
  20. QUOTE (New Era on South Side @ Jan 14, 2017 -> 10:43 AM) Edit: What should journalists do to protect themselves and the truth in the Trump era? Stop making your mission to bring trump down. Your mission should be to report, good or bad. Not taking anything you can and finding the worst angle to put on it. Just report, good and bad.
  21. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jan 12, 2017 -> 03:33 PM) https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-nemesis-ro...-174454134.html Rosie O'Donnell pulls a Greg, asks for martial law to be declared until Trump is cleared of Russian charges/allegations. She probably thinks that means Obama gets to stay in office until then, too.
  22. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jan 10, 2017 -> 03:48 PM) Slightly more than 50% of the US population cared. The obvious hope of something like Obamacare is that at the end of the day everyone would get affordable access to healthcare. Unfortunately, slightly less than 50% of the population does not care about the health of others. The reality is that there seems to be plenty of money that could be given to veterans, just one party has consistently blocked any effort to provide further aid. In 2015, VETERANS AFFAIRS FUNDING BILL (2015), 1.4 bil was removed from Obama's budget that would have gone to veteran services. In 2014, WOMEN VETERANS AND FAMILIES HEALTH SERVICES ACT (2014), was killed because Republican's did not want Planned Parenthood to provide any of the services. 2014, VETERANS HEALTH AND BENEFITS AND MILITARY RETIREMENT PAY RESTORATION ACT (2014), was amended to include sanctions on Iran, was ultimately defeated with 41 out of 45 Republican senators voting against it. In 2012, VETERANS JOBS CORPS ACT (2012), was blocked by Senate Republicans. In 2012, HOMELESS WOMEN VETERANS AND HOMELESS VETERANS WITH CHILDREN ACT (2010), was blocked by Senator Mitch McConnell. In many of those instances McConnell was instrumental in blocking any additional aid being given to veterans. But dont worry, hell find money to pay for a wall, to build 80 more ships. So dont say "no one cares", be honest, "Republican's haven't cared." Again, I know this post is pointless, because facts have no place in American society anymore. So I will just stand with my hands in the air asking questions like "Why doenst anybody care?", "Why cant anything be done to help veterans?" Even though the answer is pretty apparent, stop voting for Republicans who have shown a complete disregard for our veterans. Oh FFS. So the Republicans vetoed a bill that had funding for veterans in it because it had something they didn't like. You act as if that has never happened in the history of the f***ing planet by Democrats. it happens all the damn time by both sides. Throw something you know the other side hates into a bill that would be difficult for them to vote against. Get off your damn high horse. if Democrats cared as much as you think Republicans didn't, the f***ing VA wouldn't be such a cesspool of ineptitude and labor bulls*** that keeps screwups hired while allowing veterans to die. That is on the Obama admin. (hint, he isn't a Republican)
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