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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Ezio Auditore @ May 26, 2016 -> 08:57 AM) This is not at all uncommon outside the United States. But this really has more to do with young people being too saddled with student loan payments and the jobs everyone told them would be waiting when they finished college not being there to support themselves in their early 20s. It also seems that people older than, say, 45 have an exceptionally hard time comprehending because that's just not what the world was like when they were 19. It's worse in Europe right now. Greece is pathetic. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2009/de...rental-home-ons
  2. I kicked my oldest out when he was 19, after he dropped out of college and refused to seriously look for a job. The rules were we'll take care of you while you go to school as best we can, but if no school, you need a job or to be actively looking for one. There was also a lot of disrespect and lying going on at the time, so one day he came home, I handed him a suitcase and told him he had 30 minutes to leave. He now has a good job at Grainger and we get along better than any time in our lives, and he all but thanks me for throwing him out and making him wake up. He is now engaged and looking for a house. Younger kid is just ending junior year of high school, we'll see about that one in a year or so.
  3. Buehrle pitched to contact and enjoyed much success. If Sale goes 24-6, I don't think Cy voters are going to worry that he didn't have as many strikeouts as previous years. Just win, baby!
  4. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 10, 2016 -> 09:01 AM) Read this Greg, and open your eyes. Now you are getting all literal with his color bind statement. he probably meant that race doesn't factor into whether he likes or dislikes someone, if you are a good person, you are a good person. Likewise, if you are an asshole, you are an asshole, doesn't matter your skin color. I have been accused of being racist before because I didn't hire a black guy for a press job I had. Even when i pointed out to the guy that he f*cked up the delivery feed on my press during his tryout, costing me almost $100 to fix, he still insisted I didn't hire him because of his color. Stupid. I also don't give a s***. If you can make me money, I will hire you. If you are a nice person, I will be your friend. if you are an asshole, you are an asshole, no race or color descriptor is needed.
  5. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 9, 2016 -> 03:31 PM) LOL I have AA friends! I don't see color! Classic. See Greg? I told you that would come. It always does.
  6. Just find another CF to keep Eaton in RF and all will be well.
  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ May 7, 2016 -> 02:44 PM) Shots fired on Mizzou's campus last night. Nobody knows if it's kids celebrating the end of school firing shots in the air, or an incident. This got me to wondering a poll question. If you were a white student on campus and somebody demanded you acknowledge your "white privilege" in a confrontational setting would you do it? Because of the rudeness involved and my own self pride I would not. They'd have to beat me up. And I am not prejudiced in any way, trust me. I have a zillion African American friends. I'm not going to provide specific examples of that; trust me I'm colorblind and always have been. But if confronted in a library or mall or whatever by a gang would u acknowledge your white privilege if you are white? And this is not hyperbole. This is going on at Missouri campus and should be discussed by all families before they send their kids there to go to school. Just tell them that you acknowledge that you have the privilege to be called a racist based on nothing but your skin color and move on.
  8. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ May 4, 2016 -> 02:39 AM) The US individual tax rates are barely higher than France's... What do we get? Basic services like police, fire, roads, water, decaying infrastructure, an embarrassingly slow internet compared to Japan/South Korea/Singapore, lousy public schools and almost 60% of that money is going to WARFARE, which has actually made the world appreciably LESS safe since 2001. Oh, and all the bank bailouts, with not a single white collar executive prosecuted in the banking or home mortgage industry. In France, you get higher funding for arts, high speed trains, great public schools with 2-3 Michelin** healthy cuisine, free nursing care, free prescription medicine/s, FOUR weeks of paid vacation per year mandated by the government, paid maternity leave (the US is one of only two countries in the world without it, many offer 4-6 months), paid sick leave, free daycare, free college/university and ALL THE BASIC services for just about 5-10% more in taxes. Trump, more than anything represents an end to the traditional/establishment Republican party: The new brand is: 1) Anti-immigration/foreigner 2) Anti-free trade/globalization 3) For protecting entitlement programs and not privatizing them 4) Limited military spending (getting allies to pay higher/fairer share) 5) Not fighting any of the traditional "social/family/religious" values arguments anymore, except for niche issues like transgender bathrooms that not even Democrats/liberals agree upon 6) For protecting American jobs/labor 7) Anti-establishment/at least pretends to be anti Wall Street to some extent because of his own money If you strip away some of the hateful parts of Trumpism, it will win you all those states like West Virginia, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Indiana that were in Hilary's column 8 year ago (and anti-Obama) but have now also turned anti-Clinton/establishment They also have a VAT of about 20% on most things other than prescription drugs and food. They get a lot more than just a few percent more than here. As for your rail comment, easy to put that in a country smaller than Texas. Not so easy in a country the size of the U.S. And maybe if our European allies paid for more of their own defense, we wouldn't have to spend as much there.
  9. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 26, 2016 -> 03:51 PM) whoa calm down man The worst accusations against Hillary still don't rise to the level of what Patraeus did imo, and he got off lightly. I wasn't commenting on whether that was wrong or not but on how people that high up the chain get treated. also for whatever it's worth, the security logs on her server did not show any signs of hacking You do live in a bubble, don't you...
  10. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 26, 2016 -> 03:28 PM) Petraeus deliberately and knowingly handed classified information to his mistress. And Hillary should have known better since ignorance is no excuse. She deliberately and knowingly had subordinates who were NOT classified handle her information just so she wouldn't be inconvenienced and could keep using her Blackberry. The b**** has been in public life since the stone age, she can't claim to have not known, And if she didn't know, then she should just quit now since she obviously would be suffering from dementia. deleted double post. Must have senses how strongly I was mashing those keys.
  11. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 26, 2016 -> 08:38 AM) Petraeus did a heck of a lot worse than Hillary is even alleged to have done at worst and he got a slap on the wrist before some cushy "guest lecture" gigs. Low level people slipping up with classified into might get harsher treatment, but once you're that high up punishment becomes less and less likely. So Petraeus ran an unprotected server and let virtually anyone who wanted to read every damn email on her system? he got hacked by the Chinese, Russians and the kid next door? We even found out about this because some nobody hacker got ahold of some emails. If he did it, you know other world actors did. Believing that isn't so because it might hurt someone who represents 'you' in a political sense is just downright stupid.
  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 19, 2016 -> 02:50 PM) Stats to back that one up? So we are worried about the chance that someone can walk into the opposite sex locker room and what exactly? And you are worried about the less than .5% amount of people that identify as trans?
  13. Closed the Saturday league with a 633, but we still ended up losing to put us in 6th place for the year. We were down a bowler as one of ours was having back issues and couldn't make it, but she would have still needed to be 25+ pins over average for us to have taken the next place. As much as I like bowling, glad the season is over, its been a long one. One more night on Tuesday and done completely. Then, knee surgery!
  14. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 15, 2016 -> 08:08 AM) My personal view is that having to register for a party is stupid to begin with. It does nothing to help anyone. For that matter, I think everyone should get to vote in primaries for any and all major parties (Dem and GOP in the current setup). It's the best way to get the best candidates. Or the worst when people in 'safe' states or places where one sides primary is already decided, can go try and put in the worst candidate for the other side. Thats one reason Trump does so well in open primaries.
  15. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Apr 14, 2016 -> 06:57 PM) You mention 80% like it's everyone. That still leaves out 20%. No, but are that 20% so monumentally ignorant of the world that they have NO idea that an election is coming up? Like I asked above, how much time do you need? 6 months might be a lot, but what about 2 months? 3 weeks?
  16. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Apr 14, 2016 -> 06:09 PM) Way to snub independent voters, Alpha. I've voted for both Republicans and Democrats in the past. Illinois (Chicago?) has a closed primary so you pretty much have to tell them which ballot you want before hand. Not sure why NY can't be similar? Although having a closed primary in itself is pretty dumb; what if you wanted to vote for a candidate that's a democrat but you have a republican ballot? See, it's screwy. A closed primary is not dumb. Would you want people from the other side picking your team? No, you wouldn't. That is what the primaries are for. Democrats pick the Democrat they want to represent them and Republicans pick the Republican they want to represent them. So how much time do you need? A month? 2 weeks? You act like the public is uninformed as to elections coming up, that they just sneak up on people. Just the deluge of ads alone should tell even the dumbest of voters that an election is nigh.
  17. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Apr 14, 2016 -> 04:27 PM) So assuming that everyone can decide on which party they want to vote on six months in advance is practical? Yeah ok. And everyone should just go to college and get good jobs because it's that easy. Considering that probably 80% of the country already knows which party they vote for well before that, registering in advance shouldn't be that much of a inconvenience. 6 months may be a lot, but surely there can be some sort of time frame. Same day is bulls***. Are people that f***ing clueless with all the ads, talking, etc going on that you can't register beforehand? And you can register just about everywhere now. Surprised there isn't registration forms in cereal boxes.
  18. 599 series for my last Tuesday night that counts for anything. Got a strike in the 10th, then threw a pocket shot that left the 8-10 (!) to give me a 598. We already had the game won, so I went for it, managing to slide the 8 over actually in front of the 10, touching it, but no joy. lanes actually had a small amount of oil on them this week. Code, these has been activity there all week, other tourneys or something going on. if you are going to be there tomorrow night, I will stop by and by you a beer. Message me what times you will be there.
  19. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Apr 7, 2016 -> 11:15 AM) My congressman is giving up his seat to run for Senate. Some super-wealthy businessman from Tennessee wants to replace him: http://www.indystar.com/story/news/politic...-dist/81332140/ This is why the system sucks. Instead of someone who has lived in the district working their way up through the ranks, like as a state representative or senator, we're going to get a super-rich guy who just parachutes in from another state. He's run boatloads of TV ads and his primary opponents haven't run any, so I'm thinking he's a good bet to win the nomination, and this is an R+8 district so that makes him a safe bet for November. Kinda like Hillary did in New York.
  20. Safety and CB are the biggest needs to improve. Don't stretch, but address those areas fast.
  21. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Apr 6, 2016 -> 08:52 AM) Middle school. 7th and 8th grade. HS bowling is done for the year so some of the HS bowlers help coach the younger kids. We just finalized our plans for next weekend for the state tournament in Joliet. Apparently there's a little jealousy from other schools over our bowling program. Our girls have won the state tournament the last 3 years in a row. Somehow our HS athletic director missed the deadline to sign up for it this year and lady that runs our program was hearing about it from other people before she was notified of what was going on. Luckily the girls were still able to get in but they've played hell trying to get the boys in. Will they be playing at Town & Country? LMK when, I will stop by and buy you a beer. Hopefully they oil the lanes. The last 2 months have been like bowling on sandpaper. We bowled one of the ladies teams that came over from the merge, and we had to give them 180 pins in handicap. And to top it off, they all bowled over their average the first two games, meaning we got our butts kicked. We had to have all 5 of us over 200 in game 3 just to win by 30 pins. Yuch. However with 2 weeks left we are still in contention for playoffs.
  22. QUOTE (PlaySumFnJurny @ Mar 25, 2016 -> 01:34 PM) Sounds about right. True or false, he should double down and sue immediately. I bet he does. I believe they only said there are rumors of his cheating out there, not that he cheated. And there ARE rumors of it. However they know full well that even saying 'there are rumors...' that most people won't notice the difference and think whatever they were already inclined to believe.
  23. QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ Mar 25, 2016 -> 02:21 PM) Masterful reply after Cruz accused him of planting this. he doesn't surround himself with henchmen? With all the crap going on at his events? that's funny.
  24. QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Mar 25, 2016 -> 01:27 PM) So what hes saying is that if his superpac attacks Trumps wife that isnt his responsibility or fault. But if the National Enquirer publishes something about him than its Trumps fault. Except it wasn't his PAC, it was Rubio's PAC before he dropped out, and they hate trump.
  25. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Mar 23, 2016 -> 11:30 AM) On every league I've ever been on, the standings were cumulative through the entire season. You start at week 1, bowl until the end and whatever place you're in is where you end up. Apparently the league I'm currently on was run differently last season. They split the season up into 2 halves. So at the mid-point there was a first half winner and all the standings were reset. Then before the end of the season, a second half winner was decided. The second to last week was used as a position round, then the first half winner faced off against the second half winner. Something like that. I'm not sure I understand it enough to explain it properly. Anyway, at the start of the season we voted on it and decided to just go the "normal" way. Somebody last night was complaining about it because according to our schedule, next week was going to be a position round. Which wasn't right. They just forgot to change it. Has anyone else heard of this or done things this way? It's seems like an overly complicated setup and what happens when the same team wins both halves? I like the way were are doing it much better. We get prize money at the end and the difference between finishing in first and last probably won't be all that much anyway. Yeah, I have been on leagues that split it into two halves. The one I am on now is even worse. Split into THIRDS. So the 4 team playoffs are the three winners of the thirds, and the team with the next highest overall wins for the year, that isn't one of the three winners. If someone wins 2 thirds, then the 2 highest non winners get in. Pretty stupid, but might work in my teams favor this year. haven;t won any thirds yet, but we are third overall, with the two teams in front of us having won the first 2 parts.
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