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Everything posted by EvilMonkey

  1. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Mar 20, 2016 -> 07:17 PM) We picked her new ball up Friday night and she bowled with it in a tournament Saturday morning. 201, 189 & 171. She ended up with high game and high series for the girls. She's gonna catch up to me before lomg. FWIW, it's a diva xoxo, not divine like a previously said. very nice.
  2. Perhaps I am back? 3 decent games on Tuesday and last night rolled a 202, 249 and 198. Only thing that sucked is the anchor bowler on the OTHER team didn't have a game under 240. I tried to keep up.
  3. QUOTE (Dick Allen @ Mar 19, 2016 -> 11:16 AM) ? What if the conversation was, can you dial it back a bit, and LaRoche said you know I have an agreement he can be around as much as I wish. Then LaRoche would be a bigger asshole than he appears to many now.
  4. I blame whoever blabbed to the media. Players always talk about 'keeping it in house' and then one goes off running to a reporter first thing? STFU and play baseball. They, especially Sale, should be happy that the .200 hitting boat anchor isn't there anymore to only hit 10 home runs and completely ignore the whole wide open left side of the field. Then I blame AL for reacting like a baby about a reasonable request, regardless of what was or was not promised before. Then Kenny, because...Kenny.
  5. QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 18, 2016 -> 12:33 PM) Besides it's not their prerogative to tell the President who he can choose from. That would be the Senate trying to usurp executive power. That would be the Senate ADVISING the President of people they would approve.
  6. The Repubs need to 'advise' Obama with a list of people they WOULD approve of, and make sure there are plenty of women and minorities on it.
  7. Tuesday update, finally had a week that i didn't feel lost. last 5 or 6 weeks have just been bad. Can't adjust to save myself. Thankfully my team has been carrying me. (I returned the favor earlier in the year on a 4 week 640 tear) But last night i managed 172, 199 and 192, while still missing a few 10 pins. We are up to 4th overall, and 5th for this 'third' (I know weird scheduling in this one). Playoffs are each 'third' winner and then highest overall team NOT a winner of one of the thirds. Right now, that is US!
  8. QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Mar 16, 2016 -> 03:02 PM) I understand. I'd just like to get myself up to semi-competent, haha. We have a merged league where I bowl on Tuesdays. Some all men's teams, some all ladies teams and some mixed. Lowest average is 92. Like mentioned earlier, don't really have to be good, but it helps to be consistent. If your average is 115, and you pretty much bowl that most of the time, you are good. Besides, you know SOMETIMES you will bowl better (or worse), and if at the right times, really help your team. Just don't get with a bunch of tryhards.
  9. “Jose Fernandez is a great example. Jose Fernandez will strike you out and stare you down into the dugout and pump his fist. And if you hit a homer and pimp it? He doesn’t care. Because you got him. That’s part of the game. The problem is that so may people DO care and will drill you, young or old. if the guy is that expressive as a pitcher when he does well, you can bet he most likely won't be happy with you 'showing him up' when you drill one to left.
  10. QUOTE (LDF @ Mar 8, 2016 -> 08:36 AM) geez, let him be, he will screw up big time on his own, he is the perfect ex of a megalomaniac who needs the lime light. The establishment fails to realize that THEY 'created' Trump. Put forth a candidate that at least SAYS he wants some sort of border security and you might have a chance against him. They wouldn't have to go all 'deport them all and build walls, moats and sharks with lasers', but Rubio? WTF man, you might as well be an open borders advocate. Then they constantly piss on the tea party people, demanding that they back establishment candidates when they win primaries, but acting like spoiled children when one of them beats an establishment guy. Gotta play nice if you want reciprocation. Then you have a sizable crossover of Dems voting for trump, some because they think it is funny, some because they are convinced he would get schlonged vs Hillary.
  11. I have a different ball for spares on the right side, or I use when the lanes are like sandpaper. % pin or anything left I use my regular ball. I don't know the oil patters enough and can only adjust so much that more than that is overkill for me. besides, Town & Country is only two things, Dry and dryER.
  12. So Saturday was the last night of the regular season. We were 1 point in first, playing one of the teams near the bottom. The team in second was playing the team in 3rd, so we hoped they would give them a run for their money. First, no help from them, they all showed up drunk after attending one of the many irish parades that day. They got killed all 3 games. So we had to sweep. I bowled a 220, 191 and 202, not a bad night. The anchor bowler on the other team had a 222 his first game, which was his LOWEST of the day (190 avr). We won the first 2 barely, and the third we ended up losing by 60 pins, thanks to his 297. Oh well, playoffs!
  13. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Mar 2, 2016 -> 09:09 AM) I had my best night of the year last night. 235, 225, 238 for a 698 series. Of course I'm kicking myself because I missed an easy spare on my very last shot of the 3rd game. It was the 2 -4. If I would've hit those two pins, I would've gotten my 700 series. I had no idea at the time though. But we won 3 games and the second place team only won 1, so our lead is back up to 3 games. I managed to bring my average up a pin to 194. Very nice series. I have only been over 700 twice. My average on Tuesdays has been dropping like a rock due to my recent inability to adjust. At least this Tuesday I held form, all games in the 180's (average dropped to 180 now). How many more reg weeks left for you?
  14. QUOTE (StillMissOzzie @ Feb 23, 2016 -> 11:20 PM) I see you're from Plainfield. Do you bowl at that huge Brunswick Zone near Weber Road & 55? SMO Town & Country in Joliet and Orland Bowl every other Saturday. I have never actually bowled in the Brunzwick Zone there.
  15. 222, 202, 156 on Saturday. I have no explanation. Last 2 months I am just lost when the lanes break down, can't adjust for anything. Still in first there by 2 points with one more regular night to go. I am taking tonight off on my Tuesday one. I think I need a break.
  16. QUOTE (greg775 @ Feb 16, 2016 -> 02:32 PM) Has Bernie said how we are going to pay for free college education? I think it's kind of a cool idea that a college education would be free as long as you maintain a C average or C-minus. But has he said how we'll pay for it? I kinda like the idea. A lot of kids do get bachelors degrees and to be 200,000 in debt with designs on being a teacher is horrible. taxes, Greg. Tax the rich. That's how he pays for everything. You should know that by now.
  17. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Feb 16, 2016 -> 11:54 AM) I took two of the exams but went into the financial/marketing industry instead. For now at least. Public colleges, certainly, but it'd be kind of hard to reel in private institutions. Personally, I would support some sort of system that allowed student loans from the government to be more accessible for everyone. And these loans should have small to no interest. Like 0.9% or something. I pay 3.75%, but i know people paying upwards of 8%. I do disagree with the notion that it should just be free. Everyone knows people who treated high school like a joke. Why would that change at college? Hell, I'm sure everyone knows people who paid to go to college and still treated it like a joke. Some failed out and wasted their own money. But when it's not their money, there's even less incentive. Rather than pushing for free college for everyone, I really think the country needs to invest in trade schools. You don't need a traditional education to become successful and/or make a good wage. The problem is that everyone gets ingrained with the idea that you must do this, this and this in school, and then you can get to the next step where you're continued to be pushed through. School isn't meant for everyone. Everyone isn't meant for school. And that's completely fine. Trades are just as important and can be just as lucrative. I don't know what it's like now, but when I was in school only 10 years ago, there was a stigma attached to non-traditional schooling options. I'm sure the negative projection of those types of places were detrimental to some kids. They totally shouldn't be, but I'd guess that they still are. http://profoundlydisconnected.com/
  18. QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 15, 2016 -> 04:34 PM) K we aren't talking about Recess appointments. I would not recommend Obama put a recess appointment on Supreme Court. Doesn't matter. They outright came out and said 'you don't get any more appointments'. Pure politics.
  19. August 1960, the Democrat-controlled Senate passed a resolution, S.RES. 334, “Expressing the sense of the Senate that the president should not make recess appointments to the Supreme Court, except to prevent or end a breakdown in the administration of the Court’s business.” Each of President Eisenhower’s Supreme Court appointments had initially been a recess appointment who was later confirmed by the Senate, and the Democrats were apparently concerned that Ike would try to fill any last-minute vacancy that might arise with a recess appointment. yeah, because only one side plays politics with the courts. This crap been going on forever. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-...s-appointments/
  20. People will show their true selves online over this. Twitter, well, that place is a cesspool normally, will be overflowing next few days.
  21. QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Feb 11, 2016 -> 11:31 AM) Our precarious hold on first place is looking like it might be in trouble. There were 3 teams tied for 2nd a few weeks ago, but suddenly one team has pulled ahead and is currently only 4 games behind us and 3 games ahead of 3rd place. We only won one game this week. Every single game was close though. Within 20 pins or less. My first game I was doing fine. Not great, but I was over my average. Second game everything fell apart. I kept hitting the pocket but I was just leaving random single pins. The 9 pin, the 6 pin, the 8 pin... It was really odd. There was also 4 times where I nearly got a pocket 7-10 but then one of the pins would fall at the last second. Ended up somewhere around 165 or so. Walking around and listening to people, it seemed like almost everyone was complaining about the lanes and the pin action that night. Even one guy that has a 220 average couldn't find his line. I actually ended up switching to my old ball which is a 20 year old Zone. Surprisingly, it was hooking more than my brand new ball. Keep them clean and those old Zones work forever it seems. I got a 15 year old SpeedZone I still use from time to time when we get the lanes by the front doors. Haven't had much to say lately, took this Thursday off. it was my scheduled day off and i made sure i took it this time. Needed the break. last 2 or 3 tuesday and Saturdays have just been complete failure by the third game. Elbow gets tired, I can't seem to adjust and just lose it. Average dropped down to 181 now. We'll see if it works next Tuesday..
  22. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Feb 1, 2016 -> 05:29 PM) ... you can almost imagine him mounting a 3rd party bid since everyone in his own party seems to hate him already... Only the 'establishment' types that are afraid that he will end THEIR opportunities for graft as well. Both parties are for big government, the difference is just what part is big and what isn't.
  23. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Jan 31, 2016 -> 03:19 PM) https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix...-2016-campaign/ Any article that says 44% of Americans have a POSITIVE view of Hillary is just wrong from the get go.
  24. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jan 29, 2016 -> 12:25 PM) How much for one rib? Yeah, I thought of that scene shortly afterwards.
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