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Everything posted by retro1983hat

  1. Again, the blonde Carly Simon girl was my favorite. Every 10 year old girl's favorite, David Archeleta, couldn't even do his homework to remember the words tonight. Probably Sayesha or Lullaby??? go home tomorrow.
  2. I thought Asiah going home was a mistake. But good thing Danny Noriega is GONE!!!!
  3. I remembered that song Angel Eyes he sang. It was pretty good. Came out around the same time as Roadhouse. I think he toured with Stevie Ray Vaughn as well.
  4. I like the blonde who sang Love is a Battlefield.
  5. I love the move but don't like I still have to listen to Farmer.
  6. Ozzie and Coop both said in the paper he has the best stuff on the team. Great, he can join Mark Prior and Kerry Wood on the simulated All Star team.
  7. That Danny Noriega kid just needs to break out of his shell and express himself a bit. I mean he's like a stone wall.
  8. I think Daniel was working on the Flux Capacitor in 1996.
  9. The blonde Carly Simon-esque girl was the only one that was worth anything tonight. The girl that does the impressions is cute, but not much else.
  10. Just remember what we were all saying last year when the Sox sucked during ST. Sometimes you just suck. Like we did last year.
  11. David Archuleta ..... all else are just playing along for 2nd place and beyond. That kid is really good.
  12. No surprises last night. Good thing the Peter Frampton look-a-like is gone. A bit surprised about the heavy girl, but not too much.
  13. The guys went last night. It was "Aiigght." My favorite was the guy with the guitar. Mostly they were all forgetable.
  14. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 20, 2008 -> 08:22 AM) Ah classics already... Any of the previous years Palehose where either Hawk or Farmio were featured were the best. I loved when he had Farmio as a priest and wouldn't stop talking about every single subject on earth.
  15. I love Lost. I hate Lost. I love Lost. I hate Lost. Since the show started, I have watched every episode and I go through these feelings every week.
  16. To be honest, I think everyone would have to have an amazing year for us to finish .500.
  17. This has to do (IMO) with mental problems, cowardness, and stupidity.
  18. Just an update, I asked the new company for more money and am waiting to hear back. I am nervous, but hopeful.
  19. Here is my situation: Been working for the same company for 10 years. Plenty of vacation time. Not the greatest insurance and other benefits, but not a bad place to work. My wife is pregnant and I have the flexibility to leave to go with her to the doctor whenever I need to. I was just offered a job with a much bigger corporation. The pay is essentially the same. Health insurance, tuition reimbursement and other benefits are much, much better. Being new, I wouldn't have the flexibility or vacation time to take off when I might need to. Basically, I want the new job, but would like a bit more money. What is the best way to negotiate this without seeming too pushy or arrogant?
  20. I think they dumped Josiah because he might have some serious issues that the show does not want to deal with.
  21. Tonight's the CHAIR SHOW. Where they bring people up the elevator and sit in the chair and say Yes or No. The homeless kid kind of screwed himself going acapella last night. I liked the guy from Austrailia and the Irish chick.
  22. I did like the kid in the car. I also like the rocker chick on the Harley. She is this year's Gina Glockson. But with more talent.
  23. Finally tonight is the last day of auditions. I am ready for the Hollywood round. I know most people like the auditions and the actual performance shows but I like the Hollywood rounds because a lot happens in a short period of time.
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