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Everything posted by IamtheHBOMB

  1. A lot of good at bats by the Sox this inning.
  2. QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ Sep 2, 2010 -> 12:37 AM) Don't know what it is, but he sure got what he deserved tonight. Gaby Sanchez clotheslined the s*** out of him...like WWE style. Pretty hilarious.
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 31, 2010 -> 04:05 PM) People are underestimating how important it is to keep Manny fresh for next season. Also, no doubt in my mind Sox didn't want Manny to cut his braids. They might have publically said they did, but there's a reason they bought the wigs from the Dodgers. Sarcasm? And did we really buy the wig stock from the Dodgers?
  4. I'd rather leave Rios in the 3 spot as he looks to be back. Manny will give Konerko some protection in the 5 spot as well. Either way, it is so nice to have a legit hitter at DH instead of Kotsay. Even if we miss the playoffs (which would suck), I have to respect KW's desire to win.
  5. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Aug 31, 2010 -> 12:05 AM) Thornton back by the weekend is good news but that still 4-5 days and games away , no Putz . Threets out for the year, a tired Santos, another extra inning game tonight leaving Pena, Harrell and Torres. Pena and Torres recently pitched like 3 -4 innings apiece. I'd feel much better with another pitcher. Maybe we grabbed one of the Blue Jay relievers?
  6. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 30, 2010 -> 11:11 PM) This is an epic fail because of how well they made Ozzie speak. That is one thing I've always disliked about Dugout episodes featuring the White Sox. For whatever reason, the guy always makes Ozzie intelligible. I love the way he characterizes Manny though.
  7. http://backporch.fanhouse.com/2010/08/30/t...-up-on-waivers/
  8. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 30, 2010 -> 10:02 PM) Wow, Rios hammered that. BTW, x-rays negative for Beckham!! You mean...the worst case scenario didn't play out?
  9. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 30, 2010 -> 08:38 PM) Herm was squeezing the knuckles He might have been testing for pain that would be indicative of broken bones, but it looks to me like he was hit below the pinky, in the abductor digiti minimi (muscle on the ulnar side of palm).
  10. That animation makes it look like he was hit in the side of his hand, not the wrist or in the fingers.
  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Aug 30, 2010 -> 08:29 PM) Bomb, for all the times that Quentin got hit by a pitch and it looked like he might have gotten injured, never once did Herm take him off the field as quick as he did Beckham. A lot of times you'll see hitters try to play through that, and then get pulled between innings. Maybe the HBP in combination with his slide at home earlier prompted them to take out him out of the game?
  12. This is what I always think of the reaction on ST when anything remotely bad happens:
  13. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 03:35 PM) PEDs. I can handle getting legitimately beat... that I can respect. I can handle getting BEAT too, but what I've grown to hate is the White Sox continually gift wrapping the division title for our opponents (most years it is the Twins).
  14. To all those making comments about Manny’s character, consider which of the following you hate more. The patented Chicago White Sox second half fade / choke job to the Twins? OR PEDs?
  15. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 01:36 PM) The ball is in Colletti's court. Now he needs to decide A.) if his team has a realistic shot at the playoffs and B.) If having Manny in the lineup improves their chances of making the playoffs. If Ned says yes to both then Manny's staying put. Unless KW has a very enticing trade offer on the table or has mastered the Jedi mind trick he doesn't have a whole lot of power in this situation. I'm banking on the fact that the Dodgers organization has soured on Manny as well as KW's and Colletti's seemingly good working relationship.
  16. LA needs a reality check. They are not making the playoffs. On a related note, the sucky play of the Sox over the last three weeks might actually pay off in a big way.
  17. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 01:29 PM) This is very exciting with a high probability of incredible, crippling disappointment. Dude, screw that. KW knows the team needs a shot in the arm. He will get it done.
  18. QUOTE (Kalapse @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 01:25 PM) OH YEAH jaysonst #WhiteSox were the team awarded the claim on Manny, according to MLB source. Strong indications #Rangers & #Rays also claimed him. half a minute ago via web WOO /high five with Kalapse
  19. I'm going to wait for Rosenthal's input. The guy has a great source with the White Sox --- been on the ball all year with WS news.
  20. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 27, 2010 -> 01:16 PM) Here is why I still have my doubts about it being an NL team - which of those teams would really want Manny to play in the outfield? He's basically a DH at this point. And would they spend that kind of money on a pinch hitter for a month? I really wonder if some AL team we didn't expect, is jumping in, just to have Manny on the roster for a month of home games. DET? OAK? For 4 million? No way.
  21. I've had more than my fill of twittering sports rumor bulls*** this summer. Hopefully, the info comes out today or tomorrow. I've been worried all along that a NL club would claim him and try to find a spot for Manny. If he got through the NL, he is ours.
  22. Looks like Rios is coming out of his slump as well...
  23. If we get Manny, I will definitely be going to a few more games this season to watch him hit. I'm glad that KW is making a big play to help this team down the stretch; a shakeup is needed. He is a HUGE upgrade at DH, but it seems like most of the board is either indifferent or against it. Here's to hoping that Manny energizes the club.
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