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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by the People's Champ

  1. This is exactly the type of thinking that force people into living with mommy and daddy until their 35th birthday
  2. why don't we let the season play out a little before we get so negative?
  3. they also have 16 pennants and a pathetic 2 World Series Championships. Could be why they are dubbed LOSERS.
  4. Yeah, I noticed. I was getting very perturbed. After Giambi's HR it said the score was 3-0 for a few seconds, and I was like "WHAT, DID SOMEONE GET ON DURING THE COMMERCIAL" then it went to 2-0. It was getting out of hand.
  5. That's what they do already. Coop was on Mike North this morning, and North brought it up. Coop said I don't know anything about a ban, but I know that there are two Gatorade coolers in the dugout and one of them isn't filled with Gatorade.
  6. But, they always say the best thing about baseball is when you lose, you don't have time to dwell on it 'cause the next game is only a day away. That would be a good enough reason to get this game in today. Have this team in a winning state of mind when the birds fly into town.
  7. Uh, yeah. The planet has been around a lot longer than that there, Jimmy Swaggart
  8. I will take his mother out to a nice seafood dinner and NEVER call her again!
  9. It was probably written by Mariotti, and he twisted Frank's words around like only Mariotti can.
  10. I have always liked Konerko, but I have to admit, lately his "ho-hum" attitude has really been wearing on me. You don't have to be balls to the wall all the time, but some occasional emotion would be nice.
  11. You can't count Jackson, he only played 600 games for the White sox, plus he wasn't really shoeless
  12. I said that meaning you are going to be doing an awful lot of b****ing and moaning. Relax
  13. You say that as if the Sox haven't tried moving Jose. I think if they could they would have gotten rid of him a long time ago whether we still had JG or not. Face it no other team wants to take a chance on Contreras, not with the pricetag he comes with.
  14. You got me there.......just a little bit though
  15. Ok, so you really don't think he can be considered of the great White Sox players because he wasn't on the team long enough? Whats that say about Herbert Perry? Damn it all to hell, I totally forgot about the list, I'll have to get that to you tomorrow. Blasted personal messages. Sorry
  16. Sorry Tex..............I'm gonna be needing that trophy back, PRONTO
  17. Well I feel for you cause it a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooong season.
  18. I don't know how I could type this any more clearer for ya. P A R T O F 6 S E A S O N S. You really made my point for me.
  19. I don't know where I stand on this. Sure OCab is having a shaky beginning, but he has what, 2 gold gloves that he sent back to his country to get melted down. and Uribe has none. Im willing to give Cabrera the BOTD and allow for better weather before I start judging his glove.
  20. Actually it was part of 6 different seasons,one of those being a championship season, and would have undoubtedly been more had he not been banned. But thats beside the point. The topic was "all-time White Sox players", not "all-time White Sox players that played more than four seasons with the team". If the topic is changed to that let me know and I'll retract my vote.
  21. How dare you, Uribe is terrible, he should never put on a White Sox uniform ever again!
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