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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. It depends on Gallo's control. I have no idea what kind of season he's having either. If they could plug their hole in RF with a LH batter that would be huge.
  2. Are we sure Nick Punto isn't wearing #1 for the Sox with all of these ridiculous gork shots?
  3. I'd actually consider Dunning and Stiever as centerpieces if they're getting both Lynn and Gallo if Gallo has 3 years left after this one. He does, right?
  4. 🤣 Hahn laughs loudly before hanging up the phone.
  5. I've never wanted the Sox to sit out the TDL, but there's a first time for everything.
  6. That stuff doesn't really matter, what matters is that hitters can't pick him up.
  7. Ew. Hard pass on him too then. I checked gameday to make sure the gun was accurate and it was. I was ok with Bundy at 90-92 but at 88? Nope. There just isn't anyone worth trading for available this year.
  8. If there's any thought that he might want to stand pat or slash payroll Hahn shouldn't be trading prospects. Jerry will spend when the team is contending under normal circumstances. He'd rather spread $300M over 4-5 guys over the actual window than on one guy over a decade. He proved that in the 2000s.
  9. If we're being honest with ourselves the Sox have zero SP that I'd be comfortable with in the playoffs. Giolito's command fails him in the first inning and when he has an adrenaline surge. Keuchel doesn't miss enough bats. I saw what happened to Keuchel when he was with the Braves last October and it's why I was against signing him.
  10. Correct. de Grom is a guy you make a move on. A proven ace with team control. He wouldn't even be as expensive as Sale was because he has a bigger contract and is older.
  11. No, we don't. I just don't think now is the time to make a move. At this point I'd rather throw money at SP this winter where there will be bargains to be had. Hopefully Jerry is on the same page.
  12. It depends on whether or not you believe that your team is a true contender or not. The Sox don't have the pitching even with Lynn. I'm a believer in the idea that players come and go, but championship banners fly forever. I don't think the Sox are quite there yet.
  13. I'd rather have both. I'm not willing to trade Cease/Kopech/Dunning/Stiever/Crochet until there are no spots left for them and 4 spots in the rotation are solidly filled. Stand pat and go sign pitching in the offseason.
  14. I bet you regardless of how good Chris Sale is next year for Boston their fans will start whining about trading Moncada and Kopech. Same with Nationals fans. As soon as the winning stops, the whining commences. Go ask Blackhawks fans.
  15. If they traded Kopech 2 years from now everyone would be whining like they whine about Tatis.
  16. I wouldn't trade Stiever for Bundy either. Learn from the mistakes on the north side. If you trade your 2nd wave the window closes very quickly. Just FYI if Lopez/Adolfo/Collins doesn't get you anything I'm fine standing pat. The issue I have with Lynn is that he's not a long-term piece. I'd be more willing to trade someone decent on a 1.25 year rental if it was someone I'd want to re-sign at the end or was good enough to decline a QO.
  17. Stiever is too good for that. Replace him with Rutherford/Gonzalez/Adolfo and that's about as far as I'd go. I'd imagine Adolfo will get traded as he's also out of options similar to Basabe.
  18. Is it that maybe they're not as awful as we all thought?
  19. Wow Mazara sucks. How in the hell did he manage to do what he did in TX? I was completely wrong about him.
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