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Jack Parkman

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Everything posted by Jack Parkman

  1. For as bad as Eloy looks at times, Robert looks worse occasionally as well.
  2. Yeah he missed that pitch instead of depositing it into the LF seats because of that strike call. He was looking way outside. Sliders are this lineup's kryptonite.
  3. Well yeah but Cruz swung through a meatball. I get what you're saying though.
  4. You would think so, but they could claim lost revenues from Covid and unless they have to open the books(which they haven't to this day) how could you prove it? I know it seems super cynical but they have as good of an excuse as they ever will to just not sign anyone.
  5. You would think so, but you never know. I think free agents are going to have a hard time finding work this winter. You know the owners want to break the union, and the union would probably not win a collusion case if the majority or all teams decided just to not sign anyone.
  6. The Davis one was worse because of the Burke shit the year earlier. The Burke stuff was still fresh in everyone's minds and then Hunter ran over Davis sometime in August 04. It was going to be tough to win that year with Maggs out but that one was what really broke my spirit. All of the negativity and cynicism comes from those two plays.
  7. Yeah, it was Burke but he ran over Davis in 04 as well. Got my years mixed up.
  8. I understand that, but last night was shades of baggie dome bullshit and I never want to see that again.
  9. It was Burke? Was that 03? Must have gotten my years mixed up. Thought it was 04.
  10. I'll never forget when Hunter ran over Ben Davis at the plate and the Sox folded like a bunch of wimps.
  11. Me too and that's my point. Torii Hunter and Johan Santana were actually good but losing to Koskie, Kielty and Radke....fuck that shit.
  12. Fuck that guy. Fuck Koskie and Mientkewicz too. All of those slappy light hitting fucks.
  13. It's not but I despise the Twins more than any team in baseball, because I came of age as a baseball fan from 2000-2005 and I have a metric shit ton of scar tissue with the Brad Radkes, Bobby Kieltys and Nick Puntos of the world.
  14. I don't want the Twins to get in this team's head like they did with the last good group of Sox players in the 2000s. I want the Sox to kick their asses.
  15. Because I wanna win the damn division and bat in the bottom of the inning in the 1st couple rounds of the playoffs.
  16. This is a huge game with Lopez going tomorrow. Get some fucking runs.
  17. No shame, Pineda is a good pitcher. They're getting Odorizzi back this weekend too. Expect them to get better.
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