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Everything posted by shoota

  1. QUOTE(Dawgs @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 02:32 PM) You are the same guy that said Ill wait to see how they are doing in June, arent ya? They arent going away Sox fans. In fact they look to be picking up the pace. It's reasonable to be skeptical of the Tigers maintaining first place in August for two reasons: 1) The Sox are the better team and will likely overtake first place, and 2) The Tigers have a difficult August schedule, including facing the World Champions 7 times.
  2. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:27 PM) Wrong Chicago team Not winning a title doesn't make a team a s***ty franchise and give their fans an excuse to go into hibernation. But I can understand why Tiger fans have been hiding considering their team has not had a winning season since 1993 along with setting the AL record for most losses in a season. Multiple ownage of Hurons.
  3. QUOTE(Hurons @ Jun 25, 2006 -> 01:50 PM) Laugh all you want. Carlos is in his prime, has the same stats this year as Thome. Add Carlos to LF on this team and the Sox fans would be pissed. No doubt about it. You can bash Lee all you want but he is a quality power LF. Thome is on the Sox; Caballo is on the Brewers. Until he's traded to Detroit, you can't trumpet how good your team is with him.
  4. shoota

    We Back

    QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 24, 2006 -> 08:39 PM) If you run into anything let us know. Kap was the man and solved my f***up. Later tonight we will hopefully get the search function fixed for good. We are very close to solving that dillemma. Great news about the search function. Will they updates include a way for users to go to their profile and see all the threads they've posted in?
  5. Disclaimer: I am ignorant to the contract statuses of most MLB players not on the White Sox. I like the Riske addition, but I still would like another solid bullpen arm. Juan Rincon is having a good season, and with the gap between his Twins and Sox/Tigers, they might be willing to deal if the gap holds a month from now. If Politte does not return as a quality bullpen pitcher, I'd like to see the Sox trade for Rincon. Though if either of Politte and Hermanson can satisfy that need, a trade isn't needed. Rincon has a 1.40 era with 35 strikeouts in 38 2/3 innings. With Atlanta 13 games under .500 and in last place, I wonder if they'd be open to trading Edgar Renteria, who is hitting .303 with a .387 OBP. Heck, even Omar Vizquel is hitting .307 with a .392 OBP. He's old, but knows what to do on a baseball diamond. Unfortunately for us, his team is still in the playoff race in the weak NL West. Are any of these options realistic?
  6. I'm glad the Sox were finally able to win 9 straight after not being able to get past 8 consecutive wins the past two years, but should it count? 8 of the 9 wins came against the inferior National League, which isn't even in the same league as the Sox--literally.
  7. QUOTE(tigerfan @ Jun 24, 2006 -> 03:48 PM) Eh I'm not worried in the least. It keeps up like this we'll both be in the playoffs regardless. If getting to the playoffs is your goal, congratulations friend. The White Sox play for the World Championship. The problem facing the Tigers is not being able to win the World Series since they'll have to beat Chicago's White Sox.
  8. QUOTE(greg775 @ Jun 23, 2006 -> 11:29 PM) Gawd I love Ozzie. He is such a breath of fresh air in sports. The commish will bleep his pants when he reads that story. Awesome. Awesome indeed. Ozzie's blatant insubordination to Selig and the PC crowd is shocking and inspiring. I don't even think the PC fairies believe sensitivity training will make Ozzie less likely to offend people, so it's pointless for him to attend. Sending Ozzie to sensitivity training is just a way for people to think something has been done to corral what they deem inappropriate language. How does Ozzie respond? With a big FU to the fairies. I love it.
  9. The NL sucks. The White Sox are great. This is the Bobby Jenks that I love. He had his command tonight. No nonsense pitching, just went right at them. Praise to Coop for getting JG and Garcia pitching better.
  10. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:59 PM) I apologize to everyone, including jphat, if my posts are half as annoying. No...I mean that there was no reason to rip on Crede's defense so far tonight. I wasn't ripping Crede as much as I was celebrating Freddy's pitching.
  11. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:57 PM) It's what got him banned at WSI. They eventually just got tired of it. Incorrect, I was banned for something else, but I forget what. The boards and mods certainly didn't enjoy my Crede insights, but that wasn't the reason for my banning.
  12. QUOTE(fathom @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:57 PM) That type of pathetic post is just not necessary. Better than being up with 2 on in the 8th. Freddy pitched out of a jam with in the 8th inning of a one-run game. Sure he's been off the past few starts, but he deserves great praise for his efforts tonight.
  13. Nice job by Freddy to pitch around Crede's second defensive miscue of the game.
  14. QUOTE(CardsJimEdmonds15 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:43 PM) A shocker.. not.. Cards killer ends the no no and the game.. Very happy with Reyes tonight tho! You should be proud of him. Heck of a pitcher. Can't wait to watch him dominate the Cubs for next decade.
  15. I'm still upset Reyes, an NL pitcher, doesn't have to bat in this game.
  16. QUOTE(tealeafreaderii @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:33 PM) maybe the hate on Macks D was a little premature? Seems like rock solid reasoning to me.
  17. QUOTE(Rowand44 @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:26 PM) Juan is giving us a 1-0 lead this inning. Naw, Uribe only hits when everyone else in the lineup hits. Those are the times Juan "carries the team." :rolly
  18. The Sox failed to bring Dye home from third, but OTOH, the rack in the pink top is back in view sitting in the front row of the Scout seats. You win some; you lose some. We lost one run but gained a pair.
  19. QUOTE(chitownsportsfan @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 08:07 PM) God you're annoying, he only is top five in OPS this year. He could play defense in a wheelchair for all I care. Yes, and it's because of his offensive value why I don't want him to get hurt on bad reads on fly balls.
  20. Note to Jermaine Dye: You're less likely to get hurt when you don't misread fly balls.
  21. Another "unofficial" error for Crede. His bobble of the easy ground ball allowed the lead runner to safely advance to second, though Crede was still able to salvage the out at first. No error in the box score because he recorded an out, and the lead runner did not end up scoring, but still a flaw in the defensive wizard Joe Crede.
  22. QUOTE(soxunited @ Jun 22, 2006 -> 01:03 AM) Yeah, maybe it's time to bring back some racial slurs too. I'm sure the use of the n word in every day language would be hilarious and refreshing also. Whether people like it or not, the word *** is a derogatory term and considering Ozzie's previous comments in reference to gay individuals, his use of the word *** certainly creates the impression that he was calling Mariotti a homosexual. Do I like Mariotti? Hell no. But there are so many other words in the English language you can call him besides *** Just my two cents I understand the derogatory nature of the word and yet still encourage its use.
  23. shoota

    Ben Stein

    Ben Stein is so f***ing cheap. His now-cancelled Comedy Central gameshow Win Ben Stein's Money had a prize of like $5,000 and that was rarely given out because of the way the game was constructed. Stein should have either payed out a much larger prize amount or constructed the game to allow for many more winners. Not a fan of Ben Stein.
  24. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 11:14 PM) Whoever did that would probably get dragged into a dark building and have a certain scene from Pulp Fiction re-enacted on him. Emphasis on "drag." What's wrong with showing a little Sox Pride?
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