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Everything posted by shoota

  1. I've deservedly bashed Thomas a lot over the years, but I will not boo him tomorrow night. He's brought many smiles to my face over his career and he never cheated with steroids. I wouldn't want to alienate him from future relationships with this organization by booing him and not making him feel welcome here. I'll cheer my ass off for him in appreciation of the good times.
  2. QUOTE(nitetrain8601 @ May 21, 2006 -> 06:57 PM) Call me the minority, but I don't have a problem with him. Why didn't PK lay out for that throw? You'll see at least half the 1B lay out on that one and PK still could've had a foot on the base. I'm not blaming it on him either though. Cedeno slid in hard like you're supposed to and you saw why you're supposed to. Today we just lost. It happens guys. Get over it. I'm much more worried about our bullpen. BTW, I do think Anderson would've caught that ball that Mack layed out for. I don't blame Paulie for not catching Uribe's throw. While the throw didn't look too far away from Konerko, it was to Konerko's non-glove side, where range is less than glove side. The speed of Uribe's throw also hurt Konerko's chance at making that catch. I've been on the receiving end of those throws and they are quite difficult. I don't think Cedeno's slide should have forced Uribe to throw offline since Uribe's kick-tag of second allowed him to avoid any contact from Cedeno.
  3. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ May 21, 2006 -> 06:55 PM) So Kenny was supposed to go out and secure three guys during the off-season that had eras in the 2's? No, he was supposed to acquire bullpen arms who WOULD HAVE eras in the 2s in 2006. Though I don't expect every bullpen pitcher to meet that criteria, only 4 of them.
  4. QUOTE(Jordan4life_2006 @ May 21, 2006 -> 06:41 PM) Dominant? Do tell? By dominance I am speaking of performances like Hermanson, Politte and Cotts's 2005 seasons. I don't care if the bullpen personnel changes every season, just as long as the dominance is present.
  5. QUOTE(TaylorStSox @ May 21, 2006 -> 06:27 PM) Uribe's the new Crede. haha, ever since Crede came off the DL last August he's been a quality player. Uribe's performance is unacceptable, especially when the Sox have a legit replacement already on the roster in Alex Cintron. Uribe's undisciplined hitting approach is a peeve of mine and it hurts to watch. And I haven't liked the bullpen since Spring Training. KW has had months to acquire dominant bullpen arms and has thus far failed. We have a few decent bullpen guys, but I demand dominant bullpen pitchers.
  6. Uribe's great defense costed us a win today, a sweep over our intracity rivals, first place in the AL Central and Contreras's win streak. I'm frustrated by his plate approach and hitting results. Alex Cintron please. On the rare occasions Uribe does get a 2-0 count, he always swings at the next pitch no matter where it is thrown or what type of pitch it is. He's guessing fastball which is fine, but he needs to take the pitch if it isn't what he expected. I'll say it: Juan Uribe is a dumb hitter.
  7. Chuck Norris cowers in Brian Anderson's presence.
  8. QUOTE(Harry&JimmyRocked @ May 20, 2006 -> 07:00 PM) Viva La White Sox !!!!!!!!!!!!! He does sit on the dugout steps right near the fence opening, so it's no surprise he was first on the field.
  9. Could this mean the Great American Hero will be Zambrano's #1 target tomorrow?
  10. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 20, 2006 -> 05:11 PM) Thats because she's a clueless, flubby-trolling ditz who wouldn't know baseballs from anal-beads. OUCH! Yeah I don't know why she's not at home barefoot tending to her new baby. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 20, 2006 -> 05:16 PM) Ouch bad run of it right there. 1.) Comerica did not yet exsist in the year 2000. 2.) It was at the Cell. 3.) Frank and Juan Gonzalez did get involved they, like Thome today, helped pull people off eachother but I'm sure as a "big skirt" hater don't really care about the facts. That's right, it was at Comiskey. I remember a Tiger getting doused with beer as he flipped off Sox fans. That said, Thomas didn't throw a punch when teammates like Foulke were getting their faces cut open and another teammate was at SS getting mauled by 5 Tigers surrounding him.
  11. Much respect for Podsednik spearing Barrett. "Who's next!" Good to see thick fellow Brian Anderson get a good read on the situation and run into the action. Not that we needed him today, but these are the times when I miss Aaron Rowand. His manly physique that can withstand punches and deliver them with force, combined with his gritty, get-into-the-fraces mentality would have been pleasurable to watch. These are also the times when I'm glad the Big Skirt isn't on the team. He didn't get involved in the 2000 fight at Comerica which is a cardinal sin in baseball.
  12. QUOTE(thedoctor @ May 20, 2006 -> 01:58 PM) video of fight Any video of AJP five-finger slapping home plate, two-arm waving to the crowd and slapping himself as if to say "Michael Barrett punches like a b****"?
  13. QUOTE(Whitewashed in @ May 20, 2006 -> 04:53 PM) Too bad they weren't wearing their rings. Leave a freakin sox logo on their heads. I tip my cap to your awesomeness.
  14. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 20, 2006 -> 02:42 PM) Which team has the inferiority complex now? Especially Barrett. In a Cubpoganda public relations event this past offseason, where Cubs players visited a hospital, Barrett was asked by media what he thought of the Sox winning the World Series. He responded by saying he took offense that the Sox had a parade marching on what he called "our streets."
  15. QUOTE(aboz56 @ May 20, 2006 -> 02:41 PM) Brian Anderson was in there just wrecking ass. You sir are a wordsmith.
  16. Listening to the Cubs postgame show, the host (whose name I don't know) took pleasure in Barrett punching AJP in the face. He mentioned AJP's history with the Twins and Giants and Sox as if his past experiences Then he was just as joyful for Bonds hitting his 714th against Brandon Hawper?, saying he was glad Bonds hit "such a landmark home run" off of him. I'm guessing there's some history between Hawper and the Cubs that I'm unaware of. Sounds like a classy guy. :rolly This postgame show host also has a vision problem since he says "AJ threw a shoulder into Barrett." Then diverts the blame to Brian Anderson, saying "When you're batting .170, you gotta do something. He's just trying to earn his place on the team." /to correct Bonds's current home run total.
  17. Whatever Dustin Hermanson's future is, I'm still grateful for his 2005 contribution to the World Champion White Sox. Dustin Hermanson is a champion.
  18. QUOTE(zygoat @ May 18, 2006 -> 07:02 PM) With Brian Anderson struggling the way he has been lately, what about this move Pods moves to centerfield and Ozuna takes over Left Then our lineup would look Pods Ozuna Thome Konerko Dye Pierzynski Crede Iguchi Uribe This would give a chance for Brian to get his head right, and Iguchi could start trying the drive the ball more instead of moving pods over. Not to mention Ozuna can actually bunt AND get on base Any Thoughts??? The main problem with your new lineup is that you don't acknowledge the recent improvement Brian Anderson has made. Because of this oversight (intentional, I'm guessing), you put Ozuna and Podsednik out of position, which is another problem with your new lineup. Then you have Iguchi batting 8th. Your lineup makes the outfield defense and the offense worse. Where do you see the improvement?
  19. QUOTE(Jim Spencer @ May 19, 2006 -> 09:44 PM) I don't know if they showed it on TV or not, but after Pods stole 2nd in the 6th Maddux turned around and it looked like he said something. I told my wife he better not be b****ing about a stolen base with a 6-1 Sox lead, This is not the National League! Maybe he knew with his team that a 6-1 lead was pretty much going to hold up Thanks for sharing, I missed that. That whiny behavior is consistent with Maddux's Danny Ainge-like personality. Anyone else notice Maddux regularly blowing into his pitching hand and not bothering to wipe it off before touching the ball? I thought this was only allowed in cold-weather games, and the pitcher has to be off the rubber. As if those attempts at cheating weren't enough, he wiped his pitching hand across his forehead, then brought that sweat on the ball. Hang it up old timer, have you no respect for yourself?
  20. I don't know how many of those he has, but he has 49 career errors and countless unofficial errors.
  21. To those who don't approve of the 1908 chant: Why do you disapprove? I approve because I find it witty, humorous and in good taste.
  22. QUOTE(WCSox @ May 13, 2006 -> 12:46 PM) I didn't start following baseball until the early 80's, but it's my understanding that the Sox didn't exactly dominate the Cubs in terms of popularity before the Caray/WGN days. I'm sure that the Sox were significantly more popular at times (e.g., the pre-Black Sox, Go-Go Sox, South Side Hitmen, and Winnin' Ugly periods), but I never had the impression that Chicago was a "Sox town" before the mid-80's. I didn't live through it, so I'm not the best source to say, but I can accurately refute that Chicago has "always been a Cubs town" as TitoMB345 stated.
  23. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 13, 2006 -> 11:59 AM) What about Ozzie and Freddy? Aren't they from Venezuela too? Great point, I think you're right. I'm sure their roots had influence on the google searches of Caracas residents as well.
  24. QUOTE(beautox @ May 13, 2006 -> 09:59 AM) i think brian put some quality ABs togeather, he got the only walk from Johan, and then his next time faceing him, he battled in a 3-2count for a bit and lost, personally im pretty happy with how hes going about his ABs. Ditto, I'm more upset that Uribe has not made any offensive progress since joining the Sox. The guy fouls off more balls than anyone I can name. And not good foul offs, like fighting off a pitcher's pitch, but fouls on regular pitches.
  25. QUOTE(TitoMB345 @ May 12, 2006 -> 10:01 PM) I'd love to see it happen, but I just cant believe it will. This is a Cubs town, always has been, always will be. Even after the World Series championship, it doesn't seem to do much. Incorrect, Chicago has not always been a Cubs town. The Sox were the more popular team until three things dramatically increased the Cubs fanbase: Harry Carey, his hyping of beautiful Wrigley Field, and WGN. QUOTE(BigSqwert @ May 11, 2006 -> 08:26 AM) Sox vs Cubs search trends A friend sent me the link above. Has a breakdown of searches on google for the Sox and Cubs. There's an obvious spike during 4th quarter of 2005 for the Sox but surprisingly the Cubs still get more searches in 2006. Also shows search breakdown by cities (Chicago and Naperville highest Sox searches), regions, and languages. I predict the gap to close by the end of this year as the Sox conitnue to kick ass while the Cubs struggle to stay in 4th place. Very interesting thread. Caracas, Venezuela is one of the top cities to search for the White Sox, and the reason is because of Magglio Ordonez, who hails from that town.
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