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Harry Chappas

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Posts posted by Harry Chappas

  1. 6 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

    Political debates have more honesty than that.  It's obvious players don't care to play for Grifol and the coaches.

    They keep trumpeting the idea that the bad vibes in the clubhouse have been traded.  While that could be true, I wonder if they will ever address the fact that this offense is not at all close to being a real offense. 

    Grifol couldn't wait to get Anderson back into the leadoff spot.  He is such a moron.

  2. 3 hours ago, The Mighty Mite said:

    Our guys lost the season series to the Rockies, Royals and the A’s, the White Sox are a disgrace and embarrassment to the city of Chicago and Sox fans everywhere. The fans should boycott the remainder of home games on the 2023 schedule, send JR a message that Sox fans will not tolerate his pathetic ownership any longer. This also falls on the players, I’ve never seen a Sox team that just keeps doing dumb things especially in their approach while in the batters box, they have no idea what working the count means. Last night Eloy didn’t swing at 2 meatballs down the middle of the plate then swings and misses on a pitch that he couldn’t hit with a broom, we’ve seen stuff like this all season, is Grifol and the rest of the dunces on the coaching staff working with the players or are they just not listening, don’t care or just plain stupid.

    But Colas was sent down and the new catcher from Houston benched.

    Whole organization is a travesty. 



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  3. 16 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    To be honest with you, I don’t see anything Dave Wilder said to be relevant. He was a minority outsider hired by the White Sox, something he said JR refused to do. He also said no one ever tried to get his side of his story until now. Total BS. I did a quick google search, and there is an article stating the Tribune asked for his side, he hung up. If anything, Wilder being an outsider, stealing from JR, might make JR even less likely to hire unknown people. His race plays no part. If he was white and did what he did, he wouldn’t be in baseball right now. Dave Wilder is a disgrace, and he still thinks although what he did was technically wrong, he has a legit excuse for it. How come no one else has hired him? He is blaming JR for his troubles. He just loved that someone gave him a chance to be relevant again. I’m sure after this article, if any team was even tempted to give him a low level role, they are tempted no more.

    Spot on.  

  4. 31 minutes ago, Chisoxfn said:

    IF through 8 weeks of the season - the Bears are like 1-7 and its because the offense is not scoring, moving the needle -> than they need to do something different. It isn't a controversy - cause Fields will have shown he is NO good and Bagent is probably worse, but lets find out.  

    Now if they are 1-7 and its because they are giving up 35 points per game and losing 35-28, well that is a different problem and one I would honestly GLADLY accept.  I am fine if the Bears wanted to completely ignore the defense and just build the offense and once they find an offense that works, try to figure out the defense.  Just because I am so done watching horrendous offense(s) year in and year out.  

    I will state - Williams looks like a seriously awful DC (showed plenty of signs of that last year - but I got it, the talent level was horrendous).  This year the talent level of the pass rusher(s) is still bad, but there is enough talent around that, where I expect better and I certainly expect better coaching wise to move the needle.  

    It has to be a pretty uncomfortable day/week at Halas and hopefully this team responds well.  One time back in 2003, the Patriots lost a home opener 31-0 to the Bills. The Pats went on to go 14-2 and won the Super Bowl that year.  

    All goes back to the Bears and White Sox failing to hire anyone with a proven track record.  Maybe Warren is the guy as he has some backstory but none of it revolves around winning football games. 

  5. Fields checked down way to often.  That is why there were no down field throws.

    The new guard stinks as does the center and maybe Whitehair does as well I don't really know.

    The DC should be the first guy to go.  The D line gets zero pressure and they do nothing about it.

    All that being said, what does Eddie Jackson actually do out there other then wave his arms around after giving up a long gain?



  6. 16 minutes ago, GreenSox said:

    I guess Getz is like most GMs these days and wants a field manager that he can control.
    But surely he can find one of those types who aren't completely inept.

    Dumb and Dumber, White Sox baseball 

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  7. On 8/31/2023 at 11:55 PM, Chisoxfn said:

    This is just crazy talk. GM job is a once in a lifetime opportunity. He doesn’t have the resume to deserve the job but that doesn’t mean you don’t interview and try in this scenario. I presume in his mind he had the swagger to say - I can do this and I would hope if he has that swagger he also has big ideas. Whether they are good ideas or he can actually take an idea and make it a reality - whole nother story. 

    I have had good bosses and bad bosses - just cause I worked for some bad bosses, doesn’t mean I am not very good at what I do and I’ll also say I have learned just as much in my career from shitty bosses as good ones, so maybe Getz has seen how bad it is here and has connections and tied and immediately starts making good changes. 

    Note: in zero way am I defending the hire - I would have done spend 2-3 weeks interviewing and getting insights. Maybe Getz is the best after that but spend 2 weeks to gain viewpoints and than hire Getz if that is what you do. 

    Working for fools doesn't make him a fool but he has shown nothing to lead us to believe he is not a fool. 

    He needed to tell the world why he was the right choice.  I have yet to see him tell me anything anyone that worked for the White Sox and was somewhat educated could state thus far.

    He is going to be as epic a failure as anyone in that bird brained organization.

    • Thanks 2
  8. 10 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    I find Pedro's post-game media chats so strange.  He literally just recaps the game.  Adds no real analysis or commentary.  I have never seen a manager do it like it that...its really weird. 

    He is an idiot.  How that was not exposed in the interview process tells you everything you need to know about this clown car.

  9. 9 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    I'm actually happy for Burger. If it's true Miami made some suggestions that Burger took to right away and this is the result then it's just more damning evidence that everyone they hire has no idea what they are doing.

    Burger was 2/3 HR,(31) single, HBP in Miami's 6-3 win tonight. 4th HR since Friday. The only thing the Burger doubters can cling to now to say it was an even or good trade is the hope his current hot streak isn't indicative of permanent results.

    However he's hit for average and  power and basically played like one of the best players in baseball since the trade.

    The amazing thing about people that crap on him is how clueless they are.  The guy was was high draft pick that suffered injuries.  This is not a guy that unexpectedly figured something out.

    This is truly indicative of how lost this organization is.  

    This was a guy that in 2018 was looking like a guy.  Well now he is a guy. 

    He was too solid of a ballplayer for this organization. 

    Madrigal is heading that way as well. 

    Can't wait for any young player with an ounce of talent to be traded for Salvy Perez and Jameson Talllion this offseason. 



  10. 1 hour ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

    I have an issue with Chris Getz's title. Giving him the GM title as the lead decision maker is a mistake imo. It doesn't let you poach from other orgs. If he were given the title of President of Baseball OPS, you could then hire a GM from somewhere and inflate the title to get another smart person in the org. Carter Hawkins isn't in charge of baseball ops but the Cubs were able to take him by elevating his title essentially. It's happened all over the sport. 

    Can't they in future hire a GM and remove that role from Senior VP? 

  11. My take on this and I need to keep on the rose colored glasses to keep my sanity.

    KW never invested in player development.  I'm not sure what Hahn ever knew about anything related to any aspect of life.  He is the epitome of word salad.

    That being said, the brand of baseball the Royals played while Getz was there was solid and got them to two WS.  

    He obviously has done nothing beneficial here but I will give him the benefit of the doubt.  hopefully there is a solid model that he pitched to JR.  Whatever he told JR he got him to fire two life long employees that were not even given the opportunity to depart on their own terms.  

    You know those internal interviews JR was having, Getz nailed his for sure.

    The press conference needs to be two hours long and it needs to ask pertinent questions to appease the fans and the media.  He needs to explain how he got the job and why he failed. 

    He needs to address the player development, analytics and this horse s%*# offense. 

    My guess it will be 30 minutes of bullshit answering nothing.



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  12. 40 minutes ago, fathom said:

    The problem with wanting Jerry to sell the team when he’s alive is you damn well know he will only sell to someone who shares a similar vision.  No way would he sell to someone like Cuban.  

    I'm getting caught up but he is selling to the highest bidder.  If the offers are close then he certainly goes wit his shitty vison.

  13. On 8/26/2023 at 3:51 PM, greg775 said:

    Hey Harry, Rice opened with a 10-7 win over Maine South. Maine South is supposed to be pretty good I think.

    What do you think of BR team this year? Has coach Q become a true Catholic League coach realizing you need defense to somehow slow Loyola and Mt. Carmel?

    Does Rice have a good QB and receivers? Are they seniors? Why is Rice opening with four road games? please fill me in. I tried to watch the game on maine south youtube and the broadcast failed. What's the story on Rice? Why do you think they abandoned scheduling a total patsy in week one? And will BR beat Marist?

    Everyone tries to schedule patsy.  You need two to tango.  I think Rice's new AD and HC don't have the connections at programs to come to an agreement. 

    The conference schedule controls week 3-9 and home and away.  Next year if Maine South and Marist are two year agreements.  They could have 4 straight at home.  Depends on how things play out.

    BR is a nice team but other then the JR LB I don't think they have real major talent but are a solid club.

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