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Everything posted by gatnom

  1. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 7, 2011 -> 12:58 PM) Look no further than the contracts handed out to even decent reliever, such as Jesse Crain. If you can get that in the draft, for literally 10% of the price, you have won. So how much is John Danks looking for in free agency again?
  2. My current job uses yahoo groups for this. One of the managers scans and uploads the schedule to the website as a jpg image. And, as far as exchanging shifts, there's a message board type thing which can send all posts as emails to a yahoo account which can in turn be sent to any smartphone. There may be a site specifically oriented towards this kind of thing, but I've found yahoo groups to be immensely helpful.
  3. QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ May 20, 2011 -> 09:53 PM) I love the shock when our players lay off close pitches late in games and get rung up. Beckham made the right call on laying off of that pitch anyways. He wouldn't have been able to hit that if he tried, ball or strike.
  4. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ May 20, 2011 -> 10:43 AM) That right there is 2/5ths of the rotation and I'm not buying it. Buehrle didn't have a flukish year. If you want to say Garland did, thats fine, but Garland outside of a first 6 to 8 bad starts was more dominant in 2006 (just look at the splits, once Garland started pitching, he took his ERA down). Contreras was nasty and that nastiness lasted as long as his back held up. Once his back went to crap, he went back to being mediocre. But post all star break, I couldn't think of a pitcher who had better stuff that year than Jose Contreras. Guy was unhittable. Buehrle had the closest thing to a fluke year as far as our starting pitching went (his ERA was .7 lower than his career average), and if you throw out 6-8 bad starts from every pitcher, they'd all be worth $20 million. You are right in that Contreras was more or less the best pitcher in baseball over that stretch of time, but he's also been pretty mediocre for his career. Yes, I understand he's been injured, but my entire point was that it's completely possible that maybe this is just the tribe's year where everything goes right for them. I mean, even if you don't see 2005 as partially a fluke, you have to admit that a lot of things just went right that year. It's fair to say you don't think that the Indians are going to keep it up, but I think completely counting them out is a little ridiculous.
  5. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ May 20, 2011 -> 05:14 AM) There is this belief on this forum that everyone had a career year for the Sox in 2005. NONE of the position players with the exception of Pods had a career year in 2005. Maybe the bullpen, yes. But the truth is the Sox just had a pretty darn talented team that year, especially the starting staff, and I think a lot of people felt that way coming into the season, myself included. Maybe not some of the prognosticators, but what do they really know anyways? Bottom line is that was a damn talented team and I don't accept the fact it was just a fluke with a group of guys who just happened to all have a career year in the same season. Pretty much the entire pitching staff minus Garcia and El Duque had flukish years, and then they got hot at the right time in order to win a world series. I'm not trying to take away from what they accomplished, though. I'm just trying to say that one shouldn't count out a team because they don't appear to be talented.
  6. QUOTE (T R U @ May 20, 2011 -> 02:44 AM) There are two reasons why I am not concerned with the Indians.. 1. We are 4-1 against them, and outside of getting shutdown by them in that one loss, we have pretty much handed them their ass in all 4 wins 2. They are not a very good team. And I mean that in terms of the talent they are putting out on the field. They have a lot of guys putting up unsustainable numbers. Nevermind the fact that we had a stretch of 6 blown saves in 12 games and a 4-18 run in April. It made things difficult on us to start that way, but there is 100+ games left in this season I am not worried about the ability to outplay the Indians by 9 games over that stretch. Things have never been as bleak as they seemed for this team, we got off to a very lousy start but that was by no means an indication that this team is going to win 70 games and finish in last. And just to be clear, I am fully aware that we have a long road ahead of us and its going to be difficult.. luckily for us Minnesota and Detroit haven't come out of the gates hot and it was Cleveland and Kansas City.. They will fall back down to earth, as Kansas City already has and Cleveland is on their way.. You gotta remember they were 22-10 not too long ago.. now after getting swept by us they have the next 9 games against Cincy, Boston, and Tampa.. Our next 10 are against a lousy Dodgers team, a crippled Texas team, and a mediocre Jays team.. This next week and a half could have gigantic ramifications on the shape of this division.. I have five words for you: two, thousand, five, White, and Sox. I'm not saying; I'm just saying.
  7. QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ May 16, 2011 -> 03:25 PM) I think Ozzie's idea of accountability is that if you are young, you MUST perform in the first couples month or so, or else you are going to be replaced. And if you are a veteran, then you can work yourself out of any slump you are in, and Ozzie will have full faith in you until your contract expires. Particularly if you were fast and/or good at any point within the last 10 years.
  8. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 16, 2011 -> 08:43 AM) Forget what have you done for me lately, its more like what have you done in your last at bat. Knowing KW, it wasn't anything good.
  9. QUOTE (YASNY @ May 16, 2011 -> 08:37 AM) I just rolled my eyes at this. NO ... that's not what I am saying at all. I simply said that we have been more successful since 2000 than we ever have in my lifetime. That is an inarguable fact. Period. Ok. The only reason I asked is that your first post was in reply to a post that implied that KW, Ozzie, etc. should be fired because of their performance the last 10 years.
  10. QUOTE (YASNY @ May 16, 2011 -> 08:31 AM) Which is what I stated earlier ... it's my perspective. So, because the Sox are merely mediocre instead of horrible like they had been in the past, the entire organization should just get a lifetime pass?
  11. Honestly, my first thought right now with Humber is that I hope he keeps up pitching well through the trade deadline so we can fleece a desperate team for a prospect that would be in the top 10 in our system.
  12. QUOTE (Jake @ May 6, 2011 -> 07:26 PM) I think people just try to make the most of a negative situation. s***, I'm pregnant, might as well try and get paid then! Not, let's make a baby so there's an outside chance I'm the one teen pregnancy chosen for television! You need to stop giving people credit... There are a lot of incredibly dumb people out there.
  13. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ May 4, 2011 -> 05:12 PM) Juan Pierre is better than Scott Podsednik. There's not question in my mind. Both players are not really good at stealing bases per say, they're just fast. Pierre plays a much better LF and isn't injured 2 to 3 times a year. With that being said, I'm really surprised it's taking the Soxtalk community to realize what Pierre is. Slappy little fast guys are fun to watch, but when they make TONS of outs, put the ball in the air, and when their average is pretty much tied to their OBP, they have to rely basically on luck year after year that hits are going to fall in and in turn, raise their OBP. The obsession with the stolen base with this team NEEDS TO STOP. They're giving away too many outs when they're not hitting, and really, this team is built to slug, not play NL baseball. Perhaps, this is a bad thing...
  14. Let's hope they wrap it up next time.
  15. QUOTE (WCSox @ May 4, 2011 -> 01:47 PM) I have a difficult time blaming the GM for proven talent not getting it done on the field. The problem is that being a GM is an inexact science, and every move you make is inherently a gamble, even with "proven" veterans. KW has lost (or is losing) just about every trade or move he's made since about the 2007 off season. Eventually, you just need to accept that maybe your GM just doesn't have "it" anymore and move on. Am I going to blame KW for every individual thing that has gone wrong with this team? No. He certainly deserves a lot of the blame, though (see: moves KW has made in the last 3 years). QUOTE (Milkman delivers @ May 4, 2011 -> 04:01 PM) I don't understand the obsession with having to put the blame on a single entity. When someone says it's Ozzie's fault, another person has to argue that it's more on KW. When someone puts it on KW, someone says it's more on the individual players, etc. Who cares who's got the most share of the blame? I certainly don't anymore. This team has underachieved far too much for far too long. Nobody's job should be safe at this point, not a single person in the front office/coaching staff/lineup. I don't give a s*** if Ozzie Guillen deserves one half of a percentage point more of the blame than Williams. I just don't give a flying f*** about either of them or any of the players and coaches. They can all get f***ed and I hope to see some wholesale changes as soon as possible.
  16. QUOTE (flippedoutpunk @ May 3, 2011 -> 03:12 PM) LOL! oh Jim i was hoping for something extraordinary edit: i appreciate you attempting to save me money on the bill though I was just going to suggest that too. That description has me sold. On a side note, it's tall boy tuesday at the bar I work at, so I might very well be having a few old styles myself tonight...
  17. QUOTE (sircaffey @ May 3, 2011 -> 06:50 PM) He's friends with Jim Rome. They flock together. /thread
  18. QUOTE (Paint it Black @ May 2, 2011 -> 05:47 PM) Because firing someone to "fire people up" is the second stupidest thing behind "fire the hitting coach." Point being, if it worked they guys would get fired all the time and managers would get fired as much as NHL coaches. They don't. Have you ever worked somewhere where your boss was fired? It sure as s*** didn't make me work harder because I analyze statements and because well I was already doing my best before. It makes for a more tense situation at work and made me dread going to work for a time. But I liked my boss so there's that. So then I ask you what is dumber, firing your hitting coach to hopefully get this team started or paying somebody to do absolutely nothing? By your argument, Walker has no effect on our hitters. Why do we pay him then?
  19. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 1, 2011 -> 03:56 PM) We have a WAY better chance of the talent on this team being successful than we do going into a White Flag situation. There is zero question there. Depends on your definition of successful, perhaps. In my opinion, we haven't been in recent years, and I am more than willing to try a different avenue. Besides, who do we even have on our roster that other teams want in order to do a white flag trade? Dunn and Danks?
  20. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 1, 2011 -> 03:51 PM) So our player development sucks, our drafting sucks and I am supposed to be excited that our future will become player development and drafting. OK, that makes sense. So lets just ignore the problem and pretend like the things we are doing are actually working? I mean all that money we are putting into our major league payroll is really paying off right now isn't it? Our drafting and development aren't the only things that suck.
  21. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 1, 2011 -> 03:36 PM) What part of the Tyler Flowers and Jordan Danks era are you looking forward to exactly? The part where Ozzie gets fired I suppose... Maybe you shouldn't just assume this organization will be dead for 20 years? I may not be an optimist, but I am nowhere near that pessimistic.
  22. Trash garbage is my least favorite kind of garbage.
  23. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ May 1, 2011 -> 03:19 PM) I've said it since January... This team will be melted down quicker than any team in recent history with the Sox if they don't turn it around. JR and the board are not going to sit on a money losing lemon for too long. If it gets to be June and we are still this bad, it will be the Kids Can Play II, which out to thrill everyone and sell out the stadium from the sounds of the talk on here. Because our veterans are doing such a great job of bringing in the crowds, right?
  24. gatnom


    QUOTE (JoeCoolMan24 @ Apr 30, 2011 -> 05:35 PM) No, he means Humber. Humber has been on Mets, Twins, Royals, and now the Sox. So, 4 teams. I just thought it was dumb that he used how many teams he's been on to say that he's not good instead of the reasons he's not good.
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