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Everything posted by Loaiza21

  1. Ozzie forked over his daughter for us fans to get an ace
  2. Damnit. Kendall..Ortiz..report to the White Sox NOWWWWW
  3. It wasn't 18 million. We got him second...
  4. New Plan...someone try editing the page in notepad like last season then uploading it for us to use. It could work.
  5. Well didn't we get Frank into second last season? Let's atleast show him that we appreciate his work!
  6. Everyone here needs to vote for Frank. He's been snubbed out 3 of the last 4 years. I remember 2000, I remember 2003, and now he's been screwed again, f***ing dips*** Torre taking 4 Indians. We all need to vote for Frank! Sox fans unite like we did last year! I'll be voting all night, all tomorrow, because I'm a 16 year old kid, I'm sick, and I'm addicted to the White Sox. Do what you can no matter what your schedule is like, try fitting Frank in somewhere during your day. We need to put in as many as possible for the Big Hurt. BTW, let's crush the f***ing Cubs!!!
  8. When we win the World Series this season Ozzie will end up taking 6 White Sox next year who deserve to be there and pull all of the Yankee starters voted in by idiot fans after the 1st inning. We've been screwed over for years.
  9. Right when we're coming back, and they call it with 3 hours of day light left. f*** the Cubs, assholes cheat to win.
  10. He'd probably be pissed about losing his spot to Diaz or Rauch..
  11. Give me Beltran and I say no to Contreras. Give me Beltran and Garcia and I'd say Kenny gets fired if he doesn't keep them.
  12. Typical Yankee fans, being unsatisfied with a $250 M 3rd Baseman and 8 all-stars in their lineup.
  13. Mags out for a prospect that can help us in the future and maybe a veteran that can help now. Reed in.
  14. Doesn't Greinke look at bit young in this photo...
  15. I'm curious to see what kind of pitcher Diaz is. So I'd enjoy seeing him, that is if he does well.
  16. I saw KW on the fan deck like 5 feet from me today in the cell. He was watching the game while talking to a few fans. One dude asked him why they don't hit against Tampa Bay and KW shrugged and rolled his eyes. Mostly he just sat there and watched. Some fans complimented him for the team he put together and he acknowledged their compliments. Then he left during the 4th or 5th inning. Don't know where he went. I just thought it was nice to see him out with the fans relating to them. He probably just wanted to hear some of their views on the team and it didn't seem like he wanted to be noticed the way he was crouching down in his seat.
  17. Hopefully he will, because we never score more than 2 runs against TB.
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